Co construction“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Increasingly popular initiatives

In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to jointly build The Belt and Road Initiative And promote global common development by strengthening regional connectivity. 2023 is the year of joint construction The Belt and Road Initiative The 10th anniversary of the initiative. The third session

Release date: October 30, 2023

Ten years of financial cultivation to escort the smooth Silk Road

jointly sponsor The Belt and Road Initiative Since the proposal was put forward 10 years ago, CCB has always firmly grasped the political and popular nature of financial work, constantly improved its professionalism, took serving the national strategy as its own responsibility, and took high standards, sustainability

Issued on: October 26, 2023

Jiangxi Nanchang's total import and export value reached 86.55 billion yuan in the first three quarters of this year, and the "circle of friends" of foreign trade continued to expand

China News Network, Nanchang, October 24 (Lu Mengmeng) On the morning of the 24th, reporters learned from the press conference on the import and export situation of Nanchang in the first three quarters of 2023 that in the first three quarters of this year, the total import and export value of Nanchang in Jiangxi Province

Release date: October 25, 2023

The exhibitors of the Guangzhou Fair accelerated their efforts to find new Chinese products“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Layout

The second phase of the 134th Canton Fair is under way. The second phase focuses on the concept of big home theme. Among them, food and kitchen and other categories have become saturated red sea markets in Europe and the United States The Belt and Road Initiative National comparison

Release date: October 25, 2023

Shandong medical enterprise joint construction“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Health escort platform opens medical access for front-line staff

BEIJING, Oct. 24, Jinan (Reporter Zhao Xiao) Do you have a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia? Whether chest tightness and panic symptoms usually occur...... October 24, Department of Cardiology, Second Hospital of Shandong University

Release date: October 25, 2023

Hengchang Wealth Forum Lijiang Talks: Yao Yang of Peking University Examines China's Economic Growth Potential under Global Changes

Looking around the world, the process of global economic recovery is still fragile. The two trends of turbulence and change continue to evolve, and the game of great powers and geopolitical events keep rising. At the same time, positive co construction The Belt and Road Initiative Initiatives

Issued on: October 24, 2023

Assist in high-quality co construction“ The Belt and Road Initiative

——The third session The Belt and Road Initiative Summary of the Third International Cooperation Summit Forum on Think Tank Exchange The Belt and Road Initiative The Special Forum on Think Tank Exchange of the International Cooperation Summit Forum was held at the National Convention Center on the 18th. From 40

Issued on: October 24, 2023

In the first three quarters, the import and export volume of Guangxi's foreign trade increased by 18.4% quarter by quarter

China News Network, Nanning, October 22 (Liang Yingwei Jiaxu) Data provided by Nanning Customs on the 22nd showed that in the first three quarters of this year, Guangxi's total foreign trade import and export value was 4981.5 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), compared with the same period last year

Issued on: October 23, 2023

China has signed 46 climate change cooperation documents with 39 countries, and the green development report card is eye-catching

Yesterday (18th), the third session The Belt and Road Initiative The International Cooperation Summit Forum held a high-level forum on green development. The reporter learned that The Belt and Road Initiative Since the proposal was put forward ten years ago, China has signed contracts with 39 developing countries

Issued on: October 20, 2023

Promoting the High Level of Trade Smoothness -- On the Special Forum on Trade Smoothness

Smooth trade is a joint effort The Belt and Road Initiative One of the important contents of. In the third session The Belt and Road Initiative At the Special Forum on Trade Facilitation of the International Cooperation Summit Forum, Chinese and foreign people focused on deepening international economic and trade cooperation and promoting high-level

Issued on: October 20, 2023

Practice“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Initiative, leader of leisure snacks, good stores, with high quality nuts, achieve fruitful cooperation

October 18, the third session The Belt and Road Initiative The International Cooperation Summit Forum was held in Beijing. Inclusion as active participation The Belt and Road Initiative One of the enterprises of, the leading brand of leisure snacks, good products shop is participating in the co construction The Belt and Road Initiative

Issued on: October 20, 2023

Nigeria Lekki Free Trade Zone:“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Initiating Dongfeng to become a hot spot for investment in Africa

In Nigeria, a West African country, the Lekki Free Trade Zone, jointly invested and built by Chinese enterprises and the Lagos state government The Belt and Road Initiative It has developed rapidly under the guidance of the initiative, and has taken on the role of

Issued on: October 20, 2023

(Economic Observer) China's "scientific and technological elements" build a bridge for digital silk road communication

The digital silk road makes the ancient silk road glow with new charm in the information age. Chinese science and technology companies give full play to the advantages of global network resources and operation management to build a three-dimensional network system connecting the world

Issued on: October 20, 2023

BOC Beijing Branch continued to assist in co construction“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”High quality development

This year is a joint construction The Belt and Road Initiative The 10th anniversary of the initiative. From the freehand brushwork of planning layout to the meticulous meticulous meticulous painting, we have jointly built The Belt and Road Initiative We have continued to move forward and achieved solid and heavy results

Issued on: October 20, 2023

Policy based export credit insurance supports co construction“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Fruitful results

Not long ago, the China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Sinosure) launched new underwriting support for the Sino White Industrial Park capital increase project. Previously, China Sinosure insured the investment project of China Belarus Industrial Park for an amount of

Issued on: October 20, 2023

Jiawo Food participated in the third session“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Entrepreneurs Conference

October 17-18, the third session“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”The International Cooperation Summit Forum was held in Beijing. do

Release date: October 19, 2023

Spirulina slices are popular in Ningxia“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Market

China News Network, Yinchuan, October 18 (Reporter Li Peishan) The reporter learned from Yinchuan Customs on the 18th that under the supervision of Shizuishan Customs under Yinchuan Customs, 45

Release date: October 19, 2023

(“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Summit Forum) Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy of Hungary: The real risk is "risk elimination"

China news agency, Beijing, October 18 (Reporter Li Xiaoyu) The real risk is‘ De risk’. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy of Hungary, Sijardo Peter, made a speech at the third session of the The Belt and Road Initiative

Release date: October 19, 2023

Co construction“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Double the container throughput of Fuzhou Jiangyin Port

China News Network, Fuzhou, October 18 (Zheng Jiangluo, Wang Shuo) On October 17, in Jiangyin Port Area of Fuzhou Port, the Liberian Dafei Mississippi Ship from Singapore, with the cooperation of five shore bridges, stepped up about 50

Release date: October 19, 2023

[Footprint · 24 hours of the Silk Road] Ten years of prosperity: smooth trade and thousands of miles, paving a prosperous "highway"

China News Network, Beijing, October 18 (Gong Hongyu) From a free trade port full of goods to tens of thousands of Mercedes Benz China Europe trains, to a fruitful economic and trade cooperation zone The Belt and Road Initiative After ten years

Release date: October 19, 2023

Give full play to technical advantages to facilitate joint construction“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Science and technology innovation board companies show their skills

This year is a joint construction The Belt and Road Initiative The 10th anniversary of the initiative. In this decade, scientific and technological innovation The Belt and Road Initiative Injected new growth momentum. As the vanguard of scientific and technological innovation, listed companies on the science and technology innovation board The Belt and Road Initiative field

Release date: October 19, 2023

The Belt and Road Initiative ”More open cooperation opportunities are worth looking forward to

Interior view of the venue (photographed by Li Chunhui, Finance and Economics Department of The third session of Finance and Economics Department on October 17 (reporter Li Chunhui) The Belt and Road Initiative The International Cooperation Summit Forum was held in Beijing from October 17 to 18. This is our country

Release date: October 19, 2023

Shaangu EKOL Major Project Signed“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Add new potential energy for green development

On“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”On the 10th anniversary of the proposal, Shaanxi Blower (Group) Co., Ltd(

Release date: October 18, 2023

Everbright Bank actively promotes joint construction“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”High quality development

Over the past decade, Everbright Bank has insisted on giving full play to its own strengths and the needs of contributing countries, and strengthened financial cooperation The Belt and Road Initiative To actively explore and promote financial co construction The Belt and Road Initiative The role of resource allocation in

Release date: October 18, 2023

The Belt and Road Initiative ”Overlaying AI and digitalization, Chinese enterprises welcome new opportunities for global development

Introduction: the third session The Belt and Road Initiative The International Cooperation Summit Forum will be held in Beijing from October 17 to 18, with the theme of high-quality co construction‘ The Belt and Road Initiative ’, Work together to achieve common development and prosperity. book

Release date: October 18, 2023

Xinjiang“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”The import and export volume of the co construction country soared, with a year-on-year growth of more than 50% in the first eight months of this year

China News Network, Urumqi, October 17 (Gou Jipeng) The reporter learned from the press conference held on the 16th that Xinjiang solidly promoted the high-quality development of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt that in the first eight months of this year

Release date: October 18, 2023

Liu Yonghao, Chairman of New Hope Group: Bringing Chinese Enterprise Spirit to“ The Belt and Road Initiative

Liu Yonghao, Chairman of New Hope Group (photographed by Li Chunhui, Finance and Economics Department of, the third session of Finance and Economics Department of, October 17 (reporter Li Chunhui) The Belt and Road Initiative The International Cooperation Summit Forum was held in Beijing from October 17 to 18

Release date: October 18, 2023

Ask something· The Belt and Road Initiative Zhang Yansheng: Why is the "debt trap theory" untenable?

Why does the debt trap theory fail to hold water—— Interview with Zhang Yansheng, Chief Researcher of China International Economic Exchange Center The Belt and Road Initiative The 10th anniversary of the initiative. Over the past 10 years, The Belt and Road Initiative The initiative is a co construction country

Release date: October 18, 2023

The Belt and Road Initiative ·Satellite witness ⑩ | China and Malaysia's two park model to jointly develop international production capacity cooperation and further upgrade

Malaysia China Kuantan Industrial Park The Belt and Road Initiative Since the proposal was put forward, China and Malaysia have jointly built key projects. In February 2013, Malaysia China Kuantan Industrial Park officially opened, together with China Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park

Release date: October 18, 2023

(“ The Belt and Road Initiative ”Summit Forum) China signed tax treaties with Senegal and Cameroon respectively

On the 17th, China signed tax treaties with Senegal and Cameroon in Beijing, further deepening The Belt and Road Initiative National tax cooperation to create a win-win cooperation, open and inclusive international tax for cross-border economic and trade exchanges

Release date: October 18, 2023


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