In the first three quarters, China's cross regional personnel turnover exceeded 45.6 billion, with a year-on-year increase of more than 30%

China news agency, Beijing, October 26 (Reporter Liu Wenwen) Sun Wenjian, spokesman of the Ministry of Transport of China, revealed in Beijing on October 26 that China's transportation economy continued to recover steadily in the first three quarters, completing cross regional

Issued on: October 27, 2023

Scale of China's public funds at the end of the third quarter Year on year growth Fund managers are optimistic about China's asset market

China news agency, Beijing, October 26 (Reporter Chen Kangliang) The third quarterly report of China's public funds has been disclosed. According to the statistics of investment consulting firm Tianxiang Investment Counselor, as of the end of the third quarter of this year

Issued on: October 27, 2023

The actual use of foreign capital in the first three quarters of Liaoning increased rapidly

China News Network, Shenyang, October 25 (reporter Han Hong) On the 25th, the Information Office of Liaoning Provincial Government held a series of press conferences (the 4th) on the economic operation of Liaoning Province in the first three quarters of 2023, at which it was pointed out that

Issued on: October 27, 2023

Chengdu's GDP in the first three quarters reached 1611.43 billion yuan Year on year growth 6.7%

Chengdu's GDP in the first three quarters reached 16114.3 billion yuan Year on year growth 6 7% On October 24, the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Statistics and the Chengdu Survey Team of the National Bureau of Statistics jointly released the economic operation data of Chengdu in the first three quarters

Issued on: October 27, 2023

Ministry of Commerce: Total retail sales of consumer goods in September Year on year growth 5.5% shows a continuous recovery trend

On October 24, when talking about the situation of China's consumer market in September 2023, the head of the Consumption Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce said that in September, competent commercial departments at all levels actively organized a series of consumption promotion activities such as the Golden Autumn Shopping Festival,

Issued on: October 26, 2023

Nearly 90% of the company's net profit has been disclosed in the third quarter report Year on year growth

Wind data shows that as of 17:00 on October 23, a total of 361 A-share listed companies have disclosed their third quarterly reports in 2023, of which 323 companies have realized net profits attributable to shareholders of listed companies Year on year growth , accounting for 8%

Issued on: October 26, 2023

The survey of the guide for enjoying the old shows that the investigation rate of the institutions for raising silver haired people in 2022 Year on year growth 17%

October 24, (reporter Guo Weiying) October 23 is the Chinese traditional festival Double Ninth Festival, and Taikang Home, together with the domestic silver haired prospective research organization AgeClub, released the "Happiness Let Me Enjoy Old Age"

Issued on: October 26, 2023

The growth rate of various RMB loans in Anhui Province has remained the first in China for ten consecutive months

China News Network, Hefei, October 24 (Chu Weiwei) Reporters learned from the fourth press conference in 2023 held by the People's Bank of China, Anhui Branch on October 24 that the growth rate of various RMB loans in Anhui Province has been ten consecutive times

Release date: October 25, 2023

Transcript of Henan Provincial Enterprises in the First Three Quarters Announced: Total Profit Year on year growth 39.4%

China News Network, Zhengzhou, October 24 (Reporter Han Zhangyun) On October 24, the Information Office of Henan Provincial Government held a press conference in Zhengzhou to introduce the economic operation and reform and development of provincial enterprises in the first three quarters of the province

Release date: October 25, 2023

GDP of Guangdong in the first three quarters Year on year growth 4.5%

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Chen Zeyun, correspondent Wei Shengguang and He Wanhong reported that on October 23, Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics released the economic operation data of the first three quarters. According to the data

Release date: October 25, 2023

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: the pork output in the first three quarters was 43.01 million tons, Year on year growth 3.6%

BEIJING, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) On the morning of October 23, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the operation of the agricultural and rural economy in the first three quarters of 2023. Chen Guanghua, head of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, was present at the meeting

Release date: October 25, 2023

Shandong's GDP in the first three quarters Year on year growth 6% Infrastructure investment increased by 26.1%

On October 23, according to Dazhong Daily, Shandong's GDP in the first three quarters of this year was 6812.5 billion yuan, calculated at comparable prices, Year on year growth 6 0%。 The surging journalists noticed that the growth rate was higher

Issued on: October 24, 2023

2022 China Innovation Index Year on year growth 5.9%

Beijing, October 20, our reporter Dong Bei learned from the National Bureau of Statistics that China's innovation index in 2022 will be 1557, an increase of 59% over 2021; The average annual growth rate has been 65% since 2015. China's innovation ability is relatively high

Issued on: October 23, 2023

State Post Office: China's express business volume from January to September Year on year growth 16.4%

China news agency, Beijing, October 21 (Reporter Liu Yuying) According to the data released by the State Postal Administration of China on the 21st, from January to September, China's postal industry has completed a total of 115.11 billion pieces of mail delivery business, Year on year growth thirteen

Issued on: October 23, 2023

Most of the first house loans in stock have been adjusted in place

On October 20, the head of relevant work of the State Administration of Financial Supervision said at the press conference on data and information of the banking and insurance industry in the third quarter of 2023 that since this year, by the end of the third quarter, the total assets of the banking and insurance industry have realized

Issued on: October 23, 2023

National Bureau of Statistics: GDP in the first three quarters was 91302.7 billion yuan Year on year growth 5.2%

According to the website of the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first three quarters, facing the complex and severe international environment and the arduous task of domestic reform, development and stability

Issued on: October 20, 2023

National Bureau of Statistics: 42.14 million tons of imported coal in September Year on year growth 27.8%

On October 18,, the National Bureau of Statistics announced the energy production in September 2023 on its website. In September, the production of major energy products in industries above designated size remained unchanged Year on year growth Compared with August

Issued on: October 20, 2023

National catering revenue from January to August Year on year growth 19.4% catering industry focuses on new demand to improve adaptability

Put the ingredients on the grill, set the program, and the machine can automatically complete the barbecue. At the 8th China International Food and Beverage Expo, an automatic barbecue machine attracted many people. Meat on the grill

Issued on: October 20, 2023

Electricity consumption of the whole society in September Year on year growth 9.9% of the manufacturing industry has significantly increased its production vitality

According to the data released by the National Energy Administration on October 16, the whole society consumed 781.1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in September, Year on year growth 9 9%。 By industry, the primary industry consumes 11.7 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, Year on year growth 8 6%

Release date: October 19, 2023

"Multi faceted development" promotes the development of multiple data, which proves that China's economy is full of vitality

CCTV News: According to the latest news released by the National Energy Administration today (October 16), the power consumption of the whole society in September Year on year growth 9 9%, the rising power data reflects the vitality of the national economy from the side

Release date: October 18, 2023

Xinjiang's import and export volume to countries jointly built along the "Belt and Road" soared in the first eight months of this year Year on year growth More than 50%

China News Network, Urumqi, October 17 (Gou Jipeng) The reporter learned from the press conference held on the 16th that Xinjiang solidly promoted the high-quality development of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt that in the first eight months of this year

Release date: October 18, 2023

Quanjude made up losses year on year in the third quarter: the expected profit exceeded 40 million yuan, and the dishes were adjusted significantly

China Quanjude (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Quanjude, 002186) turned losses into profits in the third quarter of this year on a year-on-year basis (compared with the same period of the previous year, the same below). On October 17, Quanjude released the

Release date: October 18, 2023

The adjusted net profit of Simore International in the first three quarters was 1.225 billion, down 43.2% year on year

Smaller International (06969 HK) disclosed its announcement yesterday that the Group had achieved revenue of 800.2 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) in the nine months ending September 30, 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 9.7%; The profit before tax was 1.323 billion yuan,

Release date: October 17, 2023

Central Bank: the stock of social financing scale at the end of September was 372.5 trillion yuan Year on year growth 9%

October 13, Finance Today, the People's Bank of China released a statistical report on the stock of social financing scale in September 2023. According to preliminary statistics, the stock of social financing scale at the end of September was 3725 trillion yuan,

Release date: October 16, 2023

The People's Bank of China: 372.5 trillion yuan of social financing stock at the end of September Year on year growth 9%

According to the official website of the People's Bank of China, the statistical report on the stock of social financing scale in September 2023 shows that, according to preliminary statistics, the stock of social financing scale at the end of September is 3725 trillion yuan, Year on year growth 9%。 Of which, yes

Release date: October 16, 2023

Live broadcast and content field have become the battleground of Taoshi merchants, and Alibaba mom's super short video helps merchants to make a deal Year on year growth 1500%

Abstract: The "Double 11" Business Guide in 2023 was released, and millions of merchants were urged to choose Ali Mama

Release date: October 13, 2023

BOC data shows that cross-border RMB use in countries jointly building the "Belt and Road" is growing rapidly

China news agency, Beijing, October 12 (Reporter Wang Enbo) The reporter learned from the Bank of China on the 12th that in the first eight months of this year, overseas institutions of the Bank of China handled cross-border RMB settlement business of 14.3 trillion yuan, Year on year growth 4 45%

Release date: October 13, 2023

In September, the express development index increased by 15% year on year

Beijing, October 11 (Reporter Dong Bei) The State Post Office released the report on China's express delivery development index in September 2023 on October 11. It is estimated that China's express delivery development index will be 406 1 in September 2023, up 15% year on year

Release date: October 13, 2023

Total imports and exports of China's services in the first eight months Year on year growth 8%

According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce on the 10th, from January to August this year, China's import and export of services totaled 4253.37 billion yuan, Year on year growth 8%, maintaining the growth trend. Data shows that from January to August, China's service exports 176

Release date: October 12, 2023

China's automobile export from January to September Year on year growth 60%

China news agency, Beijing, October 11 (Reporter Yan Xiaohong) The auto production and sales data for September released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers on October 11 showed that from January to September, China exported 3.388 million cars, Year on year growth 60%。 1-9

Release date: October 12, 2023


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