Guangdong plans to invest more than 60 billion yuan to build 10 projects Water conservancy construction project

China News Network, Guangzhou, October 13, by wire (reporter Wang Jian), Guangdong Water conservancy construction project The financing promotion and government bank enterprise cooperation forum was held in Guangzhou on the 13th. At the meeting, 10 cases were recommended in the province Water conservancy construction project ,计

Release date: October 17, 2023

Hebei promotes the construction of water conservancy infrastructure. In the first half of the year, 31.36 billion yuan was invested in water conservancy projects

Since this year, the Water Resources Department of Hebei Province has planned and implemented 385 water conservancy projects focusing on improving the comprehensive guarantee capacity of flood control, water supply and ecological security, and plans to complete an investment of more than 56 billion yuan within the year. As of the end of June

Issued on: July 15, 2022

53 "Water Run Liaoning" projects have been reopened, covering large and medium-sized irrigation areas, etc Water conservancy construction project

On the basis of doing well in various work of epidemic prevention and control, our province will orderly promote the construction of various water conservancy projects in 2022. On March 29, the reporter learned from the Provincial Water Resources Department that our province plans to implement 263 water conservancy projects this year

Issued on: March 30, 2022



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