The rapid development of facility agriculture in China effectively meets the market demand for "vegetable basket", "fruit plate" and "flower shelf"

CCTV news: Now people's food consumption demand has not only stayed in the staple food, but also more abundant food basket and fruit plate products are adapting to the change of residents' diet structure. Data shows that China's facility farmers

Release date: October 18, 2023

Shanghai Dongtan Construction Group ecological agriculture A cadre of Development Co., Ltd. is subject to disciplinary review, supervision and investigation

According to the information from the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Chongming District, Shanghai: Shanghai Dongtan Construction Group ecological agriculture Head Office of Development Co., Ltd

Issued on: September 8, 2023

two thousand and twenty-three ecological agriculture Industry development prospect ecological agriculture The development space will be further deepened

With the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection and the development of social economy, ecological agriculture Has gradually become the focus of people

Issued on: August 31, 2023

Fucheng Shares: The flood disaster in North China has no impact on all operations of the company, including ecological agriculture And beef cattle breeding business

Fucheng Shares (600965) replied to investors' concerns on the investor relations platform on August 30.

Issued on: August 30, 2023

Green "Moving" Yantai · Focus on 2023 Green, Low Carbon and High Quality Development Conference| ecological agriculture , full of Yantai style

The core tip is planting and breeding cycle, and constantly improve the soil fertility level. Fecal sewage from 3662 large-scale livestock and poultry farms in the city

Issued on: August 30, 2023

Chengjiang, Yunnan: taking multiple measures to build ecological agriculture Demonstration base

Since this year, Chengjiang City of Yunnan Province has taken many measures at the same time, through the "joint operation of village enterprises+private enterprises"

Issued on: August 27, 2023

Lv Zubi and his "Biyuan" ecological agriculture ”: Soil remediation and pollution-free planting and breeding are amazing

When it comes to agriculture, people engaged in planting and breeding often talk about their experiences in planting and breeding

Issued on: August 21, 2023

2023 China ecological agriculture Development analysis: China ecological agriculture The market size of will reach about 2.5 trillion yuan

ecological agriculture The market size has reached US $62.5 billion. Germany, France, Britain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark

Issued on: August 21, 2023

Three levels of city, district and street worked together to rectify, and the waste mud field in Qingyun Village, Huangpi ecological agriculture base

Three levels of city, district and street worked together to rectify, and the waste mud field in Qingyun Village, Huangpi ecological agriculture Base Yangtze River Day

Issued on: August 18, 2023

Changyingtong is newly established in Ezhou ecological agriculture Develop subsidiaries

Enterprise check APP shows that recently, Changyingtong (Ezhou) ecological agriculture Establishment of Development Co., Ltd., legal

Issued on: August 18, 2023

Amylon ecological agriculture Tourist Villa (about Amylon ecological agriculture Brief Introduction of Tourist Villa)

Hello, today 0471 Real Estate came to talk about Lilong ecological agriculture Tourist Villa, Lilong ecological agriculture

Issued on: August 4, 2023

Development of innovative planting and breeding mode in Nehe City ecological agriculture

In recent years, Nehe City has actively played the role of a new type of agricultural management entity as a bridge to help farmers and promote agriculture, and has adopted the policy of "supporting

Issued on: August 2, 2023

Development of innovative planting and breeding mode in Nehe City ecological agriculture

In recent years, Nehe City has actively played the role of a new type of agricultural management entity as a bridge to help farmers and promote agriculture, and has adopted the policy of "supporting

Issued on: August 2, 2023

Guizhou: Features ecological agriculture Helping rural revitalization towards "green, rich and beautiful"

Looking down from a high place, the green paddy fields are like jade inlaid on the mountains. Go into the field and crash

Issued on: July 8, 2023

Guizhou: Features ecological agriculture Helping rural revitalization towards "green, rich and beautiful"

Guizhou: Features ecological agriculture Helping rural revitalization towards "green, rich and beautiful" - looking down from a high place, green

Issued on: July 7, 2023

Global Communications! The pepper sold is unqualified Qingdao Jiayongshun ecological agriculture Limited company notified

Recently, Qingdao Municipal Market Supervision Administration issued a report on 12 batches of unqualified food safety supervision samples

Issued on: June 22, 2023

Global Real Time: "Gobi ecological agriculture On site observation meeting of "integration and demonstration of green and efficient production technology" was held in Jiuquan

On June 3, the major task of the innovation project of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences was "green and efficient production technology collection of facility agriculture"

Issued on: June 7, 2023

Quick look at the current situation: the green development prospect of low-carbon large cycle is good

Core Reading In recent years, Gao'an City, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province has explored the development of circular agriculture, implemented the green planting and breeding circular agriculture project, turned rice straw, livestock manure and other decayed into farmland, turned waste into fertilizer, turned fertilizer into treasure, and

Issued on: February 9, 2023

Dashu Group (State holding) - Beijing Liangtian Housekeeper Opens Organic ecological agriculture New journey of development

As a country with a large population, China has created a worldwide miracle in just a few decades to feed the world's largest population with the least resources (about 7% of the world's arable land feeds almost one fifth of the world's population

Issued on: January 17, 2023

Focus: melon garden is full of "golden fruits"

□ Hu Lingling walked into Zetian, Shuyang County, Jiangsu Province in early winter ecological agriculture Professional cooperatives, rows of golden trichosanthes have matured. Looking around, golden trichosanthes are densely hung on the trellis

Issued on: January 3, 2023

Academician, high oleic acid rape is planted in full coverage, and Yiyang High tech Zone is smart ecological agriculture New Development Bureau

Winter rape, an oil crop that can span the cold winter, is widely distributed in the Yangtze River basin in China. In Qingxi Village, Yiyang, Hunan Province, 800 miles south of Dongting, the winter rape planting work is in full swing

Issued on: December 2, 2022

Huamuxuan Ecological Tea Restaurant: self owned ecological agriculture The original ecological investment attraction of the base is in progress

According to the Report on Business Model Analysis and Development Prospects of Chinese Tea Restaurant Industry from 2021-2026 released by China Research Institute of Industry, the market size of tea restaurant will reach 66 trillion yuan in 2024. At present, catering

Issued on: August 4, 2022

Runjiang, Wuqiao Town ecological agriculture Sell 100000 bags of soil a month

Good soil grows good seedlings, and substrate soil fertilizer makes the seedlings grow well and strong! Recently, Runjiang, Wuqiao Town ecological agriculture Zhang Gang, the head of the limited company, came to the town's three five dippers cooperative to pay a return visit to the growth of seedlings. this

Issued on: June 22, 2022

Dawei, Baoying County ecological agriculture Field acceptance of the effect of veterinary drug reduction and resistance reduction of Development Co., Ltd

According to the requirements of the Notice on Carrying out the Acceptance Work of the Third Batch of Animal Antibacterial Drug Use Reduction Action Pilot Farms' Resistance Reduction Effect issued by the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, on June 16, the resistance reduction acceptance team of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Issued on: June 22, 2022

Xichuan Rural Commercial Bank: green finance creates a new picture of rural revitalization

Xichuan County, Henan Province is the core water source area and canal head of Danjiangkou Reservoir Area of the Middle Route Project of South to North Water Transfer, and the national key ecological functional area. As the core water source area of the middle route of the South to North Water Transfer Project, Xichuan, the head of the canal, shoulders the responsibility of "one canal"

Issued on: June 8, 2022

All rural areas in Anhui actively explore suitable industries to lay an industrial foundation for rural revitalization

The key to rural revitalization is industrial revitalization. Only by promoting agricultural modernization and optimizing the rural industrial structure can we continue to increase farmers' income and facilitate more people to find jobs at home. In recent years

Issued on: April 28, 2022

Reserve 50 tons! Ningbo Zhenhai Feihong ecological agriculture 80 tons of vegetables are put into the base every day

Recently, Ningbo Feihong, located in Jiulonghu Town, Zhenhai, Ningbo ecological agriculture In the vegetable packaging workshop of Development Co., Ltd., five staff were busy sorting fresh mushrooms just picked. After weighing and packaging

Issued on: April 18, 2022

Millions of people punch in! The first quarter of rural tourism in our district started well

The 13th Party Congress of Kaimenhong District made it clear that we should focus on "two orientations" and do a good job in "four articles". Since this year, the District Agriculture and Rural Committee has vigorously consolidated the rural industry foundation, launched high-quality tourism routes, and strengthened

Issued on: April 9, 2022

Datong District adheres to the path of "three modernizations" ecological agriculture development

Huainan News from Zhong An Online: Since 2021, Datong District has been focusing on promoting high-quality rural development and deepening the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, always implementing the five requirements for rural revitalization and adhering to the "three modernizations"

Issued on: March 24, 2022



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