Intelligent brings new experience of home stay

Intelligentization brings a new experience of home stay (online China), which can be seen in short videos, and one click booking can be realized on mobile phones; Enter the room and remotely control various home stay facilities through voice control and body induction

Release date: October 19, 2023

Bairong Zhihui Cloud: create finance with AI technology Precision marketing New Journey

With the high level of competition in the financial market, traditional financial marketing methods gradually exposed various shortcomings, such as difficulties in achieving accurate user positioning, rising marketing costs, and low user conversion rate. However, with

Release date: October 13, 2023

Shuyang Rural Commercial Bank Precision marketing Serve small and micro individual businesses

In recent years, Shuyang Rural Commercial Bank has adhered to the principle of "increment, expansion, quality improvement and cost reduction"

Issued on: September 7, 2023

from Precision marketing How to build a foundation for privacy computing in financial risk control

Recently, the 2023 South China Financial Industry Customer Exchange Conference was successfully held. At the meeting, the technical director of Klebold

Issued on: June 27, 2023

Bairong Zhihuiyun: used Precision marketing Train of thought to connect the context of financial digital intelligence

In recent years, traditional marketing ideas have gradually become ineffective. The reason is that with the development of the Internet, consumers are becoming more and more difficult to do. In the past, we only need to invest in airports, high-speed railway stations and elevators for marketing

Issued on: March 17, 2023

Bairong Yunchuang Wealth Management Precision marketing The solution helps the bank to build a customer-centric service system

With the timely advancement of the strategic goal of common prosperity, the wealth management market has undergone tremendous changes in customer demand, business model and other aspects. Commercial banks actively respond to market changes to better meet diversification

Issued on: January 6, 2023

Precision marketing Time is coming, Qian Xiaole uses scenario thinking to improve the quality and efficiency of financial services

In the financial business field, the scenario is not equal to the sales channel, nor the specific scenario of supply and demand docking. It is a small world defined by multiple dimensions such as people, time, and location. It can be real or

Issued on: December 7, 2022

Qian Xiaole: Efficient Use of Consumption Scenarios to Realize Finance Precision marketing

China is in a critical period of transformation from high-speed growth to high-quality development. High quality economic and social development provides a solid basis for resisting risks, and transformation adjustment also brings structural market clearing. With industry

Release date: November 28, 2022

Qian Xiaole: Deep ploughing Precision marketing Plan to open up financing scenarios for small and micro enterprises

With the acceleration of the integration of digital economy and real economy, the digital driven financial reform is turning to a new stage of deepening application. The Central Economic Work Conference has clearly proposed to guide financial institutions to increase

Release date: November 25, 2022

Realization of "scenario thinking" Precision marketing Qian Xiaole Opens a New Path for Financial Customers

In recent years, with the close combination of scenarios and Internet technology, scenario services have become ubiquitous. Financial institutions such as banks are also expanding scenario financial services. Scenario marketing has become a popular concept. difference

Release date: November 24, 2022

The black market phantom of insurance policy information, Precision marketing It's not a coincidence

The car insurance has not expired yet, and the sales call of the insurance company is bombarded.

Release date: November 18, 2022

focusing Precision marketing Shengu culture creates "one-stop digital marketing service"

Star artists were once the golden signboard of entertainment marketing. However, with the increasingly improved norms and the negative impact of individual stars, star commercial endorsements are no longer the only magic weapon of marketing. And the reflection behind this

Issued on: September 30, 2022

The integration of Laiku under the new retail format Precision marketing

Since the development of the Internet era, the demographic dividend of China's Internet economy has gradually disappeared, and traffic has entered a competitive state, relying on the tradition of traffic Precision marketing It has become the past tense. Because of tradition Precision marketing no

Issued on: September 29, 2022

Junebao short video marketing assistant enables physical stores to realize Precision marketing

With the arrival of the 5G era and the continuous expansion of the scale of short video users, more and more enterprises have begun to actively layout the field of short video. It is expected that there will be a large amount of short video bonus space in the next 10 years

Issued on: August 30, 2022

Daily hot news: big data helps Precision marketing

□ Zhang Chang's big data depicts the daily behavior of insurance consumers, which can be used to analyze insurance demand. Traditional insurance companies can only use the demographic information and medical information of the insured and the insured

Issued on: August 5, 2022

Bairong Zhihui Cloud: AI boosts finance Precision marketing Improve "quality" with "wisdom"

2022 will fully enter the digital economy era. Under the wave of digital economy, with the accelerated integration of digital technology and finance, financial institutions are also accelerating the digital and intelligent upgrading. When digitalization becomes the trend

Issued on: July 15, 2022

Whether the products with minor defects are favored by consumers as process defects or Precision marketing

At the weekend, Xiaoxu, who lives in Hangzhou, sent a circle of friends, which unexpectedly attracted a lot of praise and comments from WeChat friends. Wow, your tableware is so beautiful. It looks better with your dishes. This plate must be very nice

Issued on: May 17, 2022

Bairong Yunchuang won another item Precision marketing Patent achievements

In recent years, China's digital economy has developed vigorously. A report of iResearch shows that the overall scale of China's digital economy will reach 392 trillion yuan in 2020, and its proportion in GDP will also rise from 14.2% in 2005 to 38.6%

Issued on: April 29, 2022

Jijia ERP: based on Precision marketing To create a one-stop cross-border e-commerce solution

Affected by the epidemic abroad, most buyers' shopping and entertainment have been transferred from offline to online, which has enabled the already active overseas social media to obtain more traffic. Facebook, the largest overseas social media platform

Issued on: January 5, 2022

Seven departments solicited public opinions on the management measures for online marketing of financial products

On December 31, the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Cyberspace Office, the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Securities Regulatory Commission, the Administration of Foreign Exchange, and the Intellectual Property Office issued a report on

Issued on: January 3, 2022

Steal private information of 220 million members“ Precision marketing ”? Century Jiayuan Gets Angry

Despite the public apology, the public opinion of Jiayuan is still fermenting.

Issued on: December 13, 2021

Jiayide New Retail: help a better life and empower Precision marketing

At present, the new retail formats have been linked to all aspects of people's clothing, food, housing and transportation, with a variety of types, showing a multifaceted flowering trend. The appearance of the retail industry has changed rapidly, with Hema fresh, super species, and no one

Issued on: October 9, 2021-10

Strict selection of resources Precision marketing Submarine Cat Media Library helps enterprises enter the fast lane of competition

Do you know that social marketing is becoming a new track of market competition. Many classic market cases show that the core of social marketing is to show brand humanity, and then arouse the emotional resonance of consumers

Issued on: July 10, 2021

Convenience Bee and Coca Cola have reached deep cooperation, which will strengthen Precision marketing

On July 1, it was reported that Convenience Bee and Coca Cola Key Customer Management Group had reached a deeper cooperation and upgraded to a national strategic partnership. In this regard, Convenience Bee confirmed that,

Issued on: July 2, 2021



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