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Deep Feelings -- Comrade Xi Jinping and the Work of News and Public Opinion
2019-11-10 10:20 Xinhua

Source title: Feeling deep -- Comrade Xi Jinping and the work of news and public opinion

From Liangjiahe to Zhengding, from Ningde to Fuzhou, from Zhejiang to Shanghai, to build biogas, attract talents, fight poverty, promote people's livelihood, strengthen Zhejiang and Shanghai, and draw a blueprint... From the secretary of the Party branch of the rural brigade, General Secretary Xi Jinping made friends, friends, and sympathies with journalists in different leadership positions, and cared, trusted, and supported the work of news and public opinion, Treat and use the news media well to publicize the voice of the Party, unite the people, promote the work, and make the party prosperous and strong.

Following the footsteps of the General Secretary in those years, the reporters have been tracing, and the scenes and pictures are engraved in the hearts of journalists who have contacted him and on the land where he once worked. That is a thick news situation, but also a heavy feeling of the people.

1、 Heart to heart communication

One spring in 1984, Zhao Derun, a young reporter from Xinhua News Agency, heard Jia Ran, the then secretary of Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee, say that Zhengding had broken the curse of "high-yield and poor county". On April 17, he went alone. A comrade from the Publicity Department of the county party committee led him to the office of Xi Jinping, then the secretary of the county party committee, and they shook hands for the first time. Comrade Xi Jinping, 31, is tall and thin, and speaks slowly.

"I suggest you go down and have a look first." "Take the jeep in the county. It's convenient for you to go down and interview," said Comrade Xi Jinping. When Zhao Derun learned that the county party committee had only one car, he quickly waved: "No, what will you do?" Comrade Xi Jinping smiled, "I have a bicycle."

Comrade Xi Jinping arranged Gao Peiqi, the leader of the reporting team, to accompany him. He turned to Zhao Derun and said, "You can walk and look at whatever you like. Some are good, some are ordinary. If you find any problems, tell us to improve." There were few words, but they were honest, sincere and confident.

Zhao Derun saw that many farmers had surplus grain, meat in bowls, wine on the table, and some fashionable farmer entrepreneurs also wore suits and ties. The local cadres told him that Comrade Xi Jinping was bent on improving the lives of the masses. He and Lv Yulan, the deputy secretary of the county party committee, wrote a letter to the central committee to reduce the burden on farmers. "We would rather have a good life for the people than the crown of the first high-yield county in the north." After in-depth investigation, the superiors decided to reduce the amount of grain requisitioned and purchased by 28 million jin, and were determined to free up part of the land and develop two large river beaches to develop agricultural and sideline industries.

Spring is the plan of the year. On one side, Zhao Derun was interviewing nervously, and on the other side, Comrade Xi Jinping was riding a "Flying Pigeon" bicycle to catch production in the countryside. The Hutuo River is still cold. Comrade Xi Jinping rolled up his pants and carried his bicycle across the river into the village.

In the daytime, they were busy with their own work. In the evening, they came back from a long journey and gathered in the bungalow of the guest house. Zhao Derun was smoking a pack of cigarettes for a few cents. Comrade Xi Jinping was used to smoking a pack of real estate cigarettes for nine cents. Two people, as well as Gao Peiqi on the other side, laugh from time to time as you speak to me.

For 20 days in a row, Zhao Derun became more excited about the interview, and his thoughts were flying when he was writing at the desk. After the refined compilation of the 5000 word newsletter "Zhengding Turnover", it was published in the People's Daily.


Following the interview for the first time, Lai Han, a reporter from Fujian TV, forged a deep friendship with Comrade Xi Jinping. In the middle of June 1998, the second batch of Tibetan aid cadres from Fujian Province came to Tibet, led by Xi Jinping, then the deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee. On the way, the doctor with the group had a serious altitude reaction. Comrade Xi Jinping hurriedly arranged him to stay in Bayi Town, Linzhi, which is at a relatively low altitude, to rest. He comforted him and said, "Don't worry, I'm in good health and don't need a doctor to accompany me all the way."

On the first night in Tibet, the reporter of Fujian Daily felt unwell due to lack of oxygen. When he learned the situation, Comrade Xi Jinping immediately asked someone to send his oxygen bottle.

On the 22nd, after climbing over a snowy mountain, an off-road jeep accidentally plunged into a big pit on the road, and the people and equipment in the car rose and fell heavily. Lai Han's camera finder broke, "I don't know if I can still shoot? How can I tell the company?". When Comrade Xi Jinping saw Xiao Lai looking nervous, he came to pat him on the shoulder and said: "It's good if people are OK. The equipment is broken, not your reason. You have taken many pictures, and it's OK if you can't take the pictures later." He also joked: "Don't worry, do you need me to go back and call your leaders to prove it?" Lai Han blushed, "Fortunately, I tried it, and it can still be used when tied." "You can't get off the line with minor injuries!" Comrade Xi Jinping made a humorous joke, which made everyone laugh.

In Milin County, Lang County, Potala Palace and Tashilhunpo Temple, Comrade Xi Jinping is warm, frank and easy-going, shaking hands with Tibetan compatriots and monks, pulling family ties, and friendship between Syria. The atmosphere is warm and enjoyable. His easy-going personality charm has won the hearts of Tibetan compatriots, and also deeply infected Lai Han and his peers in the news.

In November 1999, Xi Jinping, then acting governor of Fujian Province, led a trade delegation to Chongqing to carry out counterpart support work for migrants in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Lai Han accompanied the delegation to interview. In Wanzhou, Comrade Xi Jinping inspected several locally invested Fujian enterprises, visited teachers and students of the Fujian primary school built with the aid, and held discussions with the cadres sent by the aid. Wanzhou is Lai Han's hometown. His father died of illness three years ago, and his mother lived here alone. After learning about the situation, Comrade Xi Jinping gave Lai Han a special holiday and asked him: "Don't 'cross the door three times without entering', hurry to take time to go home, and please say hello to your mother for me." When Xiao Lai returned home, he conveyed the greetings of Governor Xi to his mother. The old man was very moved and repeatedly praised: "This leader is amazing! He is really considerate to people." The old man poured sausage with his own hands, My son must take Governor Xi to taste authentic Chongqing snacks

Every word and deed, every move, the kind of respect, support and trust that naturally exudes in Comrade Xi Jinping, and the sincere, friendly, approachable and considerate personality that permeates him, brew in the hearts of journalists, infect themselves and spread to others.

Yue Furong, who was then the director of the news center of Fuzhou TV Station, as a reporter of local TV stations, not only collected and produced local news programs, but also transmitted news to provincial and central stations. In order to catch up with time, Yue Furong often has to complete interviews at the event site. Comrade Xi Jinping always readily agrees, "Never refused once". At the end of the interview, he often smiles and asks again, "Is this OK? Is it enough?" Whenever this happens, Yue Furong's heart will flow a warm current.

Chen Chenzhi, the then deputy editor in chief of Fuzhou Evening News, often followed Comrade Xi Jinping in his research. "He reviewed and circled every article. He acted in the same way as his name, and was even and neat." The straightforward old Chen said: "His speech is not sensational, short and practical, logical and innovative, and writing it down is an article."

At the end of 1999, the New Century Interview Group of Shanghai Oriental Radio and the "Comments on Popular Topics" column group of Fujian People's Broadcasting Station jointly produced a one hour live broadcast program, hoping to invite Governor Xi Jinping to give an interview in the live broadcast room and answer the concerns of listeners in Shanghai and Fujian.

After receiving the request from his peers, Yao Yanyu, who was then the deputy director of the News Department of Fujian Radio, did not think much about it. He took advantage of a meeting to find Comrade Xi Jinping with an interview plan. Comrade Xi Jinping readily promised: "As long as I don't go on business, I can!" When the appointed day came, Comrade Xi Jinping came to the live broadcast room half an hour ahead of schedule, and walked in after a brief exchange with the host. Countless hotline calls made time fly, and an hour passed quickly. At the end of the live broadcast at 1 p.m., Comrade Xi Jinping went to the downstairs canteen with everyone for a simple meal.

Over the past 20 years, the past is vivid. Yao Yanyu sighed: "Governor Xi is very easygoing and understands the work of journalists very much. He is very supportive of interviewing him!"

On October 26, 1989, Xi Jinping, secretary of Ningde Prefecture Party Committee, accompanied a major provincial leader to investigate agriculture in Maojiaping Village, Fankeng Township, Fu'an County, despite the wind and rain. Zheng Guangping, a special reporter of Fu'an TV Station, wrapped the camera in her clothes to take shelter from the rain. Seeing this, Comrade Xi Jinping walked quietly to hold an umbrella for him. This scene was witnessed by many cadres and masses on the scene.

In the spring of 1990, Comrade Xi Jinping accompanied a provincial leader to the Sino Italian Cooperative Panel Company in Shouning County for research. Guo Xiaoqing, a reporter from the report team of the Shouning County Party Committee, took a shot for the high place and stepped on a four legged stool. When Comrade Xi Jinping saw this, he immediately went to hold the stool and said, "Young man, be careful not to fall down."

In 2006, Zhou Yongnan, a reporter of Zhejiang Daily, was hit by a trolley in a hospital in Zhoushan to protect an old man and a child. After learning that, Comrade Xi Jinping specially entrusted local leaders to visit the hospital through the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee.


It was in August 2006 that Zhao Derun took a second internship with Comrade Jin Ping. Zhao Derun, then the deputy editor in chief of Guangming Daily, went to Zhejiang for research. The scenery of Xizi Lake is unique. Two old friends stroll along the lake. Comrade Xi Jinping opened his heart and talked about his own mental journey, his feelings of governing for the people along the way, and his firm confidence in making people live a good life. Over the past 22 years, Comrade Xi Jinping has gained a high position from county party secretary to prefectural party secretary and then to provincial party secretary, but he is as sincere as at the beginning.

The evening breeze was cool, and Zhao Derun listened, with bursts of heat in his heart.

2、 Let the media become a booster for taking off

Yan'an, the revolutionary holy land, Liangjiahe Village, Yanchuan County. From 1969 to 1975, Comrade Xi Jinping grew up here from 15 to 22 years old. For seven years, he worked hard in the daytime and studied hard at night. His young shoulders have long shouldered the burden of tens of kilograms and hundreds of kilograms, eating coarse grain, fighting fleas, being close to the villagers, building biogas, building silt dams, and creating iron industry cooperatives

One night, under the light of a small oil lamp, Comrade Xi Jinping, who had been elected as the secretary of the Party branch of the production brigade, found that two articles introducing biogas in Sichuan Office were published on the fourth page of the People's Daily on January 8, 1974. Putting down the newspaper, he was lost in thought. 64 families in Liangjiahe were short of oil and firewood for cooking. If biogas could be built, it would solve the big problem. He reported to the county leaders and received support. He went to Sichuan to learn from the experience on the spot, led the villagers to dig earth and build ponds, and successfully built 28 biogas digesters, which improved the people's lives and broke the assertion that "biogas can not pass the Qinling Mountains".

Since then, the use of news media to inspire ideas, promote work and develop the economy has become Comrade Xi Jinping's way of governing the party.

In 1982, after working in Zhengding, Comrade Xi Jinping deeply felt that talent scarcity was a major weakness in Zhengding's development. He discussed with the county magistrate Cheng Baohuai and other officials to solve this problem and personally drafted the "Nine Rules for Talents".

The "Nine Talents" was mimeographed in 2000 large letters and posted throughout the county. This "stone" is not small, but it does not splash. Twenty days later, Comrade Xi Jinping went to Cheng Baohuai and said, "Old Cheng, we can't just recruit talents in the county. How many talents are there in the county? We have to recruit talents all over the province." At the suggestion of Comrade Xi Jinping, Cheng Baohuai contacted the administrative organ newspaper. The person in charge of the newspaper refused to publish for fear of breaking through the current administrative policy. Lin Fang, then the chief editor of Hebei Daily, emancipated his mind. With his support, this report entitled "Zhengding County Opens the Door for People with lofty ideals" was published on the front page in a striking way of "lace up".

After the report was published, the waves spread all over the country. Comrade Xi Jinping also wrote letters to famous experts such as Hua Luogeng and Yu Guangyuan, asking them to join the economic advisory group and make suggestions for Zhengding's development. Cheng Baohuai, 84 years old, has always known: "257 scientific and technological talents have been recruited in more than a year. In 1983, the total industrial and agricultural output value increased by 63.3% over 1979, with an average annual growth of 10.3%."

Ningde is adjacent to the sea to the east and Chongshan to the west. There are more than 880 high mountains with an altitude of more than 1000 meters. There are many mountains and less land, inconvenient transportation, and blocked information. Its economy has long been at the bottom of the province. In 1988, after Comrade Xi Jinping became the secretary of the Ningde prefectural Party committee, he found that there were no newspapers, radio and television stations in the whole region. How could the Party's principles and policies be communicated to the grass-roots people in a timely manner? "In any work, public opinion goes first. How can Ningde do without a newspaper?" "No matter how difficult it is, we should run the Mindong Daily".

In the absence of funds, Comrade Xi Jinping asked the government to allocate 100 thousand yuan as secretary reserve fund; There is no site, and Comrade Xi Jinping personally coordinates to rent the old armory of the Ningde military division; There is no staff. Comrade Xi Jinping made an exception and appointed Wang Shaoju, the head of the Information Section of Fuding County with only high and primary education, to be responsible for the preparation

Two months later, the Mindong Daily, written by Comrade Xi Jinping himself, was delivered to the cadres and the masses. At the re publication conference held on the same day, nine county (city) reporter stations in the district were announced to be established. Comrade Xi Jinping issued plaques to the head of each reporter station one by one and took a group photo with everyone.

The decisions and arrangements of the local party committees and bureaus, such as "weak birds fly first", "four grassroots", "reading the classics of mountains and seas", "taking measures to get rid of poverty and become rich", were introduced into thousands of villages and households, and were impressed by the hearts of cadres and the masses. Ningde finally got rid of the image of "Min Tail".

In 1990, Comrade Xi Jinping came to Fuzhou to serve as the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. The only newspaper in the city, Fuzhou Evening News, has only four pages. Both the newspaper office and the Propaganda Department are willing to change and expand the edition. Comrade Xi Jinping thought of it together with everyone and fully supported the evening paper to become a big four page newspaper. The next year, Comrade Xi Jinping asked the Fuzhou Evening News to expand its edition to eight pages, and supported the newspaper to build a building.

The amount of information on the revision and expansion has increased greatly, the function of the organ newspaper has been highlighted, and the characteristics of the evening newspaper have also been preserved. The self paid subscription rate of 43% has made the voice of the party and the government reach thousands of households.

No matter how busy his work is, Comrade Xi Jinping has always kept the habit of reading books and newspapers, and once he finds valuable news information, he will give instructions immediately. On September 14, 2000, Comrade Xi Jinping, who had already served as governor of Fujian Province, gave instructions after reading the correspondence of the Mindong Daily (formerly Mindong Daily) reflecting the poverty alleviation and prosperity of Hongkou Township, Jiaocheng District, Ningde, It is hoped that "all cadres and masses of the township will continue to carry forward the spirit of hard struggle, base on local reality, adhere to the road of science and technology to prosper agriculture, and build Hongkou Township, which was once poor and backward, into a new prosperous socialist Hongkou Township as soon as possible".

During his tenure as Secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, Comrade Xi Jinping read Liberation Daily, Wen Wei Po, etc. every day, often until one o'clock in the morning. Once, Comrade Xi Jinping saw a short article in Liberation Daily, which was written about Zhuge Liang's "seven ways" of knowing people, so he specially approved it to the Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee and asked it to be quoted when drafting relevant documents on the construction of Party conduct and clean government.

The work of public opinion supervision has a heavy weight in Comrade Xi Jinping's mind. Comrade Xi Jinping has never evaded possible problems and shortcomings in his practical work. In Ningde, he strongly supported the media to expose the problem of cadres' illegal land occupation and housing construction; In Fujian, Comrade Xi Jinping wrote an inscription to Southeast Satellite TV's "Reporters Action", "Do a good job of public opinion supervision, reflect the aspirations of the people"; In Zhejiang, Comrade Xi Jinping asked Party committees and governments at all levels to communicate with the media very closely, "if you hear about it, you will be happy"; In Shanghai, Comrade Xi Jinping asked the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government to give full support to the supervision by public opinion, and be good at gathering everyone's opinions to improve Shanghai's work.

3、 Be aware of the overall situation

In the early 1980s, the spring breeze of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was blowing all over China, but it was still cold at first, and people's thoughts were still imprisoned by various stereotypes. The process of the birth of the article "Zhengding County opens the door for people with lofty ideals" is the process of breaking the rules and too many restrictions.

What does Zhengding rely on to attract talents and what policies work effectively? Comrade Xi Jinping made a special trip to find Li Naiyi, a reporter of Hebei Daily. Li Naiyi has long been responsible for reporting on science and technology and the implementation of intellectual policies, and has many contacts with intellectuals. Comrade Xi Jinping listened carefully to Li Naiyi's opinions and suggestions, and recorded in detail the difficulties, concerns and expectations faced by scientific and technological personnel at that time.

On the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the situation, Comrade Xi Jinping proposed a breakthrough preferential policy from nine aspects, namely, political attitude, working environment, benefit distribution, incentive mechanism, transfer procedures, living treatment, family arrangement, and freedom of movement. From liberalizing management autonomy, share distribution, profit commission, family members' "transformation from agriculture to non-agricultural", building a "talent building", setting up talent service offices, to providing "all fine grains", food delivery to homes, and coal transportation to households in daily life. His boldness and understanding of his strategy are still admirable today.

"Under the long-term imprisonment of the 'Left' ideology, many people have various prejudices against intellectuals. The most difficult and crucial thing for Comrade Xi Jinping to formulate the 'Nine Rules' is to have courage, wisdom, responsibility and great courage to break through the constraints of the current policies." Li Naiyi recalled.

At the turn of spring and summer in 1989, the social undercurrent surged and the ideological and public opinion was confused. On the evening of May 20 of that year, the press conference in Ningde was held against this background.

Wang Shao was the head of the News Section of the Publicity Department of the Fuding County Party Committee at that time. He recalled that the Mindong Daily had not been re published at that time, and there were no radio and television stations in the region. All the participants were the deputy secretaries of the county party committee or the head of the Publicity Department, the head of the News Section, and the head of the reporting team of the counties in Ningde.

At the beginning, Comrade Xi Jinping said clearly: "At present, we should further strengthen the Party's leadership over the news work. To raise awareness and strengthen leadership, we should combine the current situation." "On the one hand, the news work should not be conservative, do not think about reform, and turn a deaf ear to various voices; on the other hand, we should not follow the crowd and follow various trends of thought indiscriminately, without any boundaries. Otherwise, there will be chaos. "

Standing on the overall situation of the party and the country, Comrade Xi Jinping expounded how journalists should view socialist democracy, how to correctly understand and treat corruption, and how to grasp the relationship between the party spirit and the people's spirit, the relationship between news and politics, the relationship between public opinion guidance and supervision, and the construction of the news team, There are reasons, courage and insight to clarify the confusion of people's thinking and understanding.

Xu Yiming, the president of the Fujian branch of Xinhua News Agency, felt that the news was of extraordinary significance and immediately made a special trip to Ningde for an interview. Soon, this speech was published in the 7th issue of the 1989 Chinese Journalist, which clearly showed the political standpoint of a leading cadre.

The work of news and public opinion is to govern the country National security State affairs. It is an important quality for leading cadres at all levels of the Party to be sober and not confused before major events. Comrade Xi Jinping has the ability to do a good job in the work of news and public opinion skillfully in different posts. The more critical and important the time is, the more attention should be paid to its role. In Ningde, Comrade Xi Jinping increased efforts to rectify the climate and eliminate discipline, and used the media to reach consensus, turning difficult and sensitive matters into matters that cadres and the masses actively participate in.

In the Ningde Museum, we saw a document of the CPC Ningde prefectural party committee on March 29, 1989 - Several Provisions on the Integrity and Self discipline of the Leading Cadres of the prefectural party committees and executive offices. There are 12 provisions, which cover many aspects, such as not building private houses, accepting bribes, placing relatives and friends, interfering in personnel, accepting gifts, eating and drinking, using public cars for private purposes, and doing business in violation of regulations.

In May 1990, Zhang Mingqing, then the head of the People's Daily's Fujian correspondent station, went to Ningde to interview Comrade Xi Jinping. Zhang Mingqing learned that in January 1989, Comrade Xi Jinping presided over the work meeting of the prefectural party committee, and decided to identify the investigation and punishment of cadres' illegal land occupation and housing construction as a breakthrough in the fight against corruption, On the local media, the attitude of the local party committee was clearly stated: "You violated the discipline, illegally occupied land, built houses, and destroyed the authority and image of the party for your own sake. It is you who offended the party, the people, and the party discipline and national laws, rather than representing the interests of the party and the people to investigate and deal with your cadres who offended you!" Inform the cadres and the masses, and will conduct a comprehensive survey of the area's occupied land, build houses, and register one by one, The relevant information will be published to the public for supervision and reporting by the masses.

The unhealthy trend of cadres' illegal occupation of land and building houses was quickly curbed, a group of cadres were dealt with, and the political ecology changed greatly, which was praised by the cadres and the masses. On May 21, 1990, the People's Daily published the newsletter "Doing One Thing Well, Winning Thousands of People's Hearts", which was written by Zhang Mingqing. At the same time, the commentary "Perseverance" was distributed, praising the spirit of "sticking to the end" and "not stopping until the goal is reached" embodied in the cleaning up of cadres' illegal land occupation and building private houses in Ningde.

The report aroused strong repercussions throughout the country. Comrade Xi Jinping's firm position and distinctive attitude in combating corruption not only solved the problems most strongly reflected by the masses in Ningde, but also set a model throughout the country and played a leading and promoting role.

4、 Refining News into Prosperity

On February 7, 1966, the People's Daily published the long newsletter "Jiao Yulu, the example of the county party secretary", written by Mu Qing, Feng Jian and Zhou Yuan, reporters of Xinhua News Agency. That year, Xi Jinping was 13 years old. When talking about the past, Comrade Xi Jinping once said affectionately: "I was in the first day of the junior high school at that time, and Mr. Zhang in the political class read this newsletter, and he cried several times..." He said: "This lesson has left a deep mark in my life, and has also had a very important impact on my firm ideals and beliefs."

In 1990, 24 years later, three veteran journalists in their 60s embarked on the journey again and wrote the long newsletter People Call Jiao Yulu. Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, read a long article at night, filled in a poem, "Niannujiao · Remembering Jiao Yulu", and published it in the Fuzhou Evening News, "... Who doesn't like officials? Tears burn into rain. Life is also a sand dune, death is also a sand dune, the father's life and death system... The moon is still bright as before, I miss you every night, and my courage is as long as I wash...... As an official, I will benefit one party, and then I will settle the business. The green I trickle down will make it clear. " Comrade Xi Jinping's affections and wishes, which are ardent in thought, lofty in ambition, and caring for the people, can be seen through the pages.

News and public opinion work is a national event. It is the incumbent responsibility of leading cadres at all levels of the Party to be good at guiding, managing and using the media to better serve the overall situation of the work of the Party and the country and the masses. Comrade Xi Jinping once said to many cadres in Fujian: "The old secretary Xiang Nan said, 'Leaders who cannot use newspapers and broadcasts are handicraft leaders', which touched me a lot."

There is nothing better than good management. In the history of our Party, many senior leading cadres wrote articles for the media themselves. Comrade Mao Zedong has left many news works, including 123 news works included in Selected Works of Mao Zedong's News Work, which is known as the "chief reporter of Xinhua News Agency".

Xiang Nan, the former secretary of Fujian Provincial Party Committee, often wrote comments for Fujian Daily. According to statistics, during his five years in charge of Fujian, he wrote 25 comments for Fujian Daily.

Comrade Xi Jinping inherited and carried forward the fine tradition of the older generation of revolutionaries. When the Mindong Daily was re published, Comrade Xi Jinping wrote a publication speech in his own hand to clarify the purpose and editorial policy of the newspaper, and quoted Comrade Mao Zedong's words, demanding that "we must run it well" "this is not only the responsibility of the people who run it, but also the responsibility of the people who watch it".

In Zhengding, Hebei Province, Comrade Xi Jinping personally held a special meeting attended by the Propaganda Department and the report team to give you the key points and topics.

In the Mindong Daily, Comrade Xi Jinping published a signed article titled "Every drop of water can pierce a stone", advocating the spirit of "every drop of water can pierce a stone", and encouraging the people in Mindong to "every drop of water can reflect the glory of the sun" and "every drop of water can form a trickle that will converge into a river and move forward".

Good management focuses on pointing and guiding. In Zhejiang, Comrade Xi Jinping held a symposium on the press and publicity work of the provincial party committee, visited the central news agency in Zhejiang, gave a report to all the editorial staff of Xinhua News Agency Zhejiang Branch, other central media in Zhejiang and the main heads of media in Zhejiang, and talked about the situation of the province. He also put forward a 12 word requirement for the work of news and public opinion, which is "for the party and the people, to dispel corruption, and to pay attention to the eyes and ears".

In Shanghai, Comrade Xi Jinping made a special trip to the central news agency in Shanghai and the major media in Shanghai for research and discussion, and instructed everyone to take a comprehensive view of the overall situation, care for the public, be diligent, dedicated, and be alert and discerning. As early as 2007, in this forum, Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out that the news work should pay attention to the new changes brought about by the growing influence of the Internet and online media to the news propaganda work and the public opinion ecology, and asked the mainstream media to "attach great importance to it and never treat it lightly".

The best way to use it is to communicate through media. On February 23, 2003, Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, went to the grass-roots level for investigation as usual. In his research speech, he pointed out that the research of leading cadres should be practical, have a sense of problems, and not be generalized. Comrade Xi Jinping said that the most important thing for research is to achieve five words: first, "deep", to go deep into rural areas, schools, enterprises, good to see, bad to see; The second is "reality". We should not be condescending to others, and we should be in harmony with the masses; The third is "detail", we should ask carefully and find out the truth; Fourth, "accurate" and strive for accuracy; The fifth is "efficiency". The research should be effective. If there is no effect, it is better not to go.

As usual, this speech is very easy to understand, and seems to be very complicated research work. Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out the key points in a few words, which is very enlightening. After the reporter's records were sorted out and Comrade Xi Jinping reviewed and revised, this short comment on "Research Work Seeking Deepness, Practicality, Detail, Accuracy and Efficiency" was launched as a column on the front page of Zhejiang Daily.

From February 2003 to March 2007, Comrade Xi Jinping published 232 short essays in the "Zhijiang Xinyu" column of Zhejiang Daily. Most of the essays were two or three hundred words long, but the longest was no more than 500 words. The language was simple and clear, the views were sharp and clear, the form was lively, the reason was simple and understandable, and the style of writing was simple, involving politics, economy, culture, society, ecology, party building and other aspects. Or praise and praise, promote righteousness; Or criticize and lash out, reprimand the crooked wind; Or analyze the truth and reveal the law, which has gradually become an important channel for Comrade Xi Jinping to guide the work of the whole province, and has been warmly welcomed by the cadres and masses in Zhejiang.

"Only innovators advance, only innovators are strong, and only innovators win."

On January 26, 2006, when visiting the editors and reporters of the People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency in Zhejiang, Xi Jinping pointed out that whether news propaganda is good at innovation, and whether it can be constantly updated, is the key to its development and growth and maintain strong vitality. He pointed out: "News publicity innovation should not only stay on general slogans, but also be reflected in the writing and revision of specific manuscripts and the publicity and reporting of specific events. It should be reflected in how to broaden the working ideas, update the concept of newspaper running, enrich the means of newspaper running, highlight the characteristics of newspaper running, enhance the vitality of development, and improve the attractiveness, charisma, and combat effectiveness of news publicity. In a word, it should be reflected in concrete practice and innovation. "

Lai Han has been engaged in current affairs news reporting for a long time and finds it difficult to break out of the old routine. Comrade Xi Jinping always encourages him to "not worry, go ahead and innovate more". Lai Han kept it in mind, learned from documentary techniques, jumped out of the practice of asking and answering questions in front of the microphone in political news, and introduced cameras to record the scene synchronously, making the report more realistic and vivid.

5、 The people are rooted above the sky

All for the local people and all for the people, which is the starting point and fundamental reason for Comrade Xi Jinping to care about, attach importance to and make good use of the work of news and public opinion.

When Zhao Derun wrote the manuscript, Comrade Xi Jinping earnestly said, "Don't write about me, write about positive changes."

In Ningde, he asked reporters and media to write, register and broadcast more about the vivid practices and advanced models of grassroots cadres and masses.

In Zhejiang, he asked for less reporting on provincial Party committee leaders. The General Office of the Provincial Party Committee stipulated that Zhejiang Daily only published two reports on leadership activities on the front page, and the reports of the provincial party secretary and governor were limited to 1000 words. Zhou Yongnan recalled: "Secretary Xi took the lead in the implementation and paid close attention to the implementation. He often asked us to leave more front page pages of Jin Gui to the people and grass-roots models."

The profound and profound feelings of serving the people are surging in Comrade Xi Jinping's heart, starting from the original intention and lasting. "The people can be close to each other, but cannot leave. The people are the foundation of the country, and the country is solid and peaceful." Comrade Xi Jinping's concern and love for the work of news and public opinion is not only a reflection of his feelings for the people, but also a strong support for his feelings for the people.

Lin Fang, the former chief editor of Hebei Daily, is an old friend of Comrade Xi Jinping. In 1987, Lin Fang led reporters to Fujian for a meeting and interview. After the meeting and interview, Lin Fang made a special trip to Xiamen to visit his old friend.

During his talk, Lin Fang told Comrade Xi Jinping that he went to Fujian for a meeting and interview, and shared food, housing and work with the local people. He not only obtained rich and valuable news materials, but also baptized his soul, which was very rewarding.

The 94 year old Lin Fang recalled that after listening to them, Comrade Xi Jinping praised them for their good work. Comrade Xi Jinping also quoted Comrade Mao Zedong as saying that people's life is the inexhaustible source of all literature and art

Comrade Xi Jinping said: "Facts have proved that the relationship between writing good news works and in-depth possession of facts is as important as the relationship between bird wings and air. No matter how perfect bird wings are, if they do not rely on the support of air, they will not fly to the sky. Facts are the air of journalists. Journalists can never fly without going deep into reality and occupying facts."

Through in-depth investigation and research, Comrade Xi Jinping not only asked for this, but also set an example for journalists with his own practical actions.

In Zhengding, Comrade Xi Jinping often left the only jeep in the county to veteran cadres. He cycled through the central Hebei Plain for more than 1000 days and nights, covering 25 communes and 221 brigades in Zhengding County.

On April 24, 1998, Xi Jinping, then the deputy secretary of Fujian Provincial Party Committee, returned to Ningde again. As early as when he was the secretary of the Ningde prefectural party committee, he cared about fishermen who had lived by the sea for generations. These fishermen rely on fishing for a living, live on the shore without any land, and their families, young and old, and their descendants have lived in the narrow cabin of the "family boat" for generations. Comrade Xi Jinping once reported to the provincial government that he hoped to completely solve the poverty problem of even family boat people. In 1997, the provincial finance allocated special funds to build new houses on the shore for Lianjia boat people, so that fishermen who have lived on boats for generations realized their dream of landing on the shore.

During his trip to Ningde, Comrade Xi Jinping came here specially to see if the houses of fishermen had been built and the boat people had landed? Lianjia boat people in Ningde are mainly concentrated in Yantian Township, Xiapu County. Comrade Xi Jinping called on Wang Shaoju, the chief editor of Mindong Daily, and several people went together in a light car.

When Comrade Xi Jinping and Wang Shaotian arrived at the Yantian, they saw the new neat houses built on the bank, but they were empty. The boatmen stayed in their cabins. "Why didn't the boatmen go ashore?" Comrade Xi Jinping asked inexplicably. Wang Shao said: "It's hard to get in the boat. I'll go in and ask for your information, or ask the boatman to go ashore to understand." Comrade Xi Jinping laughed and said, "I'd better do it myself."

The cabin of the townhouse was low, and Comrade Xi Jinping, a tall man, leaned on the boat with both hands before reluctantly entering. The boatman was very happy to see the outsiders and thought that business was coming. Hearing Comrade Xi Jinping explain his purpose, the boatman sighed: "The house on the bank is beautiful, but where do we grow vegetables and raise pigs when we move there?"

"The poverty alleviation work must be down-to-earth, so that even the boat people are on the shore, and their hearts are also on the shore." Comrade Xi Jinping was very moved when he came out from the captain of the boat. Five months later, Xi Jinping presided over the provincial on-site meeting in Fu'an, which thoroughly solved the worries of even family boat people after they landed. More than 23000 even family boat people really landed, and the life problems of the poorest groups in the province came to an end.

"As an official, we should know the pain of the people". The people's affairs are the biggest thing in Comrade Xi Jinping's mind. No matter where he goes or what position he takes, Comrade Xi Jinping will always miss the warmth of the people.

For a long time after leaving Ningde, Comrade Xi Jinping has been reading the Mindong Daily and paying close attention to the people's poverty alleviation. At the end of 2000, the reporter of the newspaper collected and wrote an internal report reflecting the difficulties of life and transportation of the people in Lianfeng Village, Chengnan Town. After seeing this, Comrade Xi Jinping made instructions and asked Ningde Municipal Party Committee, Poverty Alleviation Office and Old Area Office to verify the situation and "take practical measures to support". Subsequently, the government invested more than 1 million yuan to build roads connecting the three villages of Lianfeng to the outside world, which greatly facilitated the production and life of local people.

Comrade Xi Jinping said, "I will be selfless and live up to the people."

Love to the deep, the earth child!

Editor in charge: Qin Haochen (QZ0007)

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