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Huang Xianbo's "Material Magician" (picture)

Our reporter Luo Aihua
2018-05-02 07:58:07

Huang Xianbo's "Material Magician" (Song of Laborers)

Entering the Goldilocks Science and Technology Museum located in Guangzhou Development Zone, Huang Xianbo (pictured above by our reporter Luo Aihua) knows all about the best-selling products. Over the past 20 years, Huang Xianbo led his technical team to overcome difficulties and move forward all the way, laying a solid technical foundation for Kingfa Technology to become a world leading enterprise of new modified plastic materials. In 2017, the company's sales revenue reached 23.1 billion yuan.

Huang Xianbo said that the development of Kingfa Technology benefits from unremitting struggle and innovation. He joined Kingfa Technology after graduating from Beijing University of Technology with a doctor's degree in 1997. Starting as an ordinary technician, he has long been committed to high-performance and functional research of thermoplastic polymers and industrial engineering technology development. Now he is the chief scientist of Kingfa Technology Co., Ltd. and director of the National Engineering Laboratory for Plastic Modification and Processing.

"Science has obstacles, and hard work can pass." With this belief, Huang Xianbo led Goldilocks to win the development opportunity. At the beginning of entrepreneurship, one of the company's products had to pass the on-site verification of customers in Jiangmen, Guangdong. Huang Xianbo went back and forth to Guangzhou and Jiangmen twice a day to test and formulate plans, and successfully passed the customer's verification. At the critical moment of transformation and upgrading, he and his team "5+2" and "white+black" proposed the plan of "solid phase suspension polymerization with water as the medium", and took the lead in building 10000 ton polymerization plant and blending modification production line worldwide, breaking the monopoly of foreign products.

"Our generation has completed their studies with state grants and scholarships, and we are duty bound to meet the needs of the state." When saying this, Huang Xianbo's eyes were moist.

In 1998, Kingfa Technology began to emerge in the international new material market, and an internationally renowned chemical group soon proposed an overall acquisition plan of US $60 million. At that time, high-performance new materials, as national strategic equipment materials, were being suppressed by foreign forces. Yuan Zhimin, chairman of Kingfa Technology, led all the board of directors to resolutely refuse, and established the grand vision of "creating a world brand and building a century old blonde". This deeply touched the yellow dangerous wave that had just joined blonde hair.

Huang Xianbo said that he has a great desire to revitalize the national new material industry and finally realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; My own wish is very small. I want to let cheaper and more advanced materials fly into ordinary people's homes. He has successively presided over the research and development of more than 100 products: automotive plastic materials, occupying the first place in the automotive plastic material market for more than 10 consecutive years; Halogen free flame-retardant engineering plastics enter the supply chain system of world-famous mobile phone brands; "Plastic instead of steel" material, used for "hydraulic piston" on heavy machinery, reducing more than half of the weight; Wood plastic materials are used in Beijing Olympic Games venues, Guangzhou Asian Games venues, Rio Olympic Games handball stadium and other engineering fields

Huang Xianbo's home is less than 20 meters from his office. In order to save time, he simply moved to the office to eat and live. "The competition of enterprises is the competition of talents. To train new people, I must be on the front line and understand the progress of each project." Huang Xianbo hopes that more young technicians can grow rapidly under his leadership and encouragement.

"No matter how strong a person's ability is, only when he finds a suitable position in the team can he play a good role, so he should focus on relying on the system and platform to achieve innovation leadership. Standing on the shoulders of the seniors, he can stand higher and see farther." Outside of work, Huang Xianbo often talks with team members, and the company has also set up an "innovation leader talent introduction office".

"Happiness comes from struggle, and blond hair should contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream!" said Huang Xianbo.

Source: People's Daily
Edit: Lin Kaiyi

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