Nine volumes of Nietzsche's works

The Collection of Nietzsche's Works package contains nine important works of the German philosopher Nietzsche: "Such is Zarathustra", "The Birth of Tragedy", "The Will to Power", "Happy Science", "Morning Haze", "The Twilight of Idols", "Wagner Event", "On the Pedigree of Morality", and "Untimed Meditation". 1、 "Zarathustra" is probably the most famous one of Nietzsche's works, and it can be said that it is the most readable and difficult to understand one of Nietzsche's works. At the beginning of the book, the appalling verdict "God is dead" was put forward, in which Nietzsche's core ideas of "superman", "will to power" and "eternal reincarnation" in his mature period were conveyed. 2、 The Birth of Tragedy is the work of young Nietzsche when he was a professor at the University of Basel. The theme of the discussion is the Greek tragedy as the best kind of literature and art. 3、 The Will to Power is Nietzsche's late notes, an unfinished book. These notes are prepared for what he called "the main building of philosophy". Although Nietzsche's ambitious plan for a large book (the metaphysical plan) is not yet in existence, it has been quite mature. 4、 The Science of Happiness is Nietzsche's representative work in the middle period, and the editor of the Collie edition even thinks that it has a "central position" in Nietzsche's philosophy, mainly because it has the significance of connecting the preceding and the following. The main part of the book consists of five proverbs/maxims, with 383 sections in total; The first part is a German prosodic short poem, with the title taken from Goethe's operetta of the same name, Jokes, Schemes and Revenge; The ending part (appendix) is a series of poems written by Nietzsche in Sicily, entitled "Song of the Prince of Free Birds". From this book, Nietzsche, as a philosopher, became more and more lonely and deviated from the ideal of strict academic methods. Nietzsche had formed a mature philosophical writing style of proverbs at this time, which transcended science and art, and combined them to form a "happy science". 5、 Zhaoxia was published in 1881, and the new edition was published in 1887 with a preface. In the history of writing, it is between the second part (1880) of Human, Too Human and Happy Science (1882). The Morning Glory is divided into five volumes, each volume is divided into sections of different length, with only one or two lines at least, one or two pages at most, and even more than three pages occasionally. The more detailed parts of the book, especially the first three volumes, are somewhat like essays. The sketch of its ideas is more abstract than exhaustive. In the following discussion, especially in the fourth volume, each paragraph should be shorter, with the thinking style of the Bible text. A few sentences or even a single sentence form a condensed and condensed maxim, like a compressed or even overly compressed essay. 6、 Twilight of Idols is one of Nietzsche's important works. In this book, the author is not aiming at many idols full of the world, but at the idols that people are unfairly sacrificed to not for their own happiness. Among them, "Motto and Arrow" is aimed at the idols in the form of basic norms of epistemology, morality and psychology, the long-term utility of these basic norms or even the sanctity of religious certification, as well as the principle of making those idols inviolable, that is, the public interest accepted without thinking. Nietzsche examines, criticizes and, if necessary, corrects through questioning and listening. In the book, Nietzsche calls himself the last disciple of Dionysus and the teacher of eternal transmigration. 7、 Wagner Event is one of Nietzsche's representative works in his later years. It consists of two smaller parts. The criticism of Wagner in The Wagner Event: Nietzsche Against Wagner marks the break between Nietzsche and the famous German composer. In the view of philosophers, Wagner participated too much in the "public opinion" movement and the anti Semitic movement. Nietzsche accused Wagner of being just a "disease" affecting Europe - a symptom of nihilism. Nietzsche foresaw some of his thoughts on the nature of art in Wagner Event: Nietzsche Against Wagner. 8、 On the Genealogy of Morality is Nietzsche's masterpiece on the two opposite values of "good" and "evil". Social conditions, even pathological conditions, have excavated the common original power of people to create different values under different conditions, aiming to reassess all old values and establish the standards of future moral philosophy. The main purpose of On the Pedigree of Morality is not to explore the future of morality, but the past, the source and history of morality, that is, the source and history that are still shrouded in darkness, or at least extended to the depths of darkness. "On the Genealogy of Morality" has established a genealogy for morality, and its subtitle "A polemic" implies that Nietzsche will explore something quite provocative here, and readers will soon know that those values that we regard today as noble and decent have vulgar origins, while good and evil have very suspicious ancestors. This book goes deep into the history of human soul and is a profound book. 9、 The Untimely Meditation is Nietzsche's work in the middle and late period, which includes four Nietzsche's "Meditations": Strauss - the Confessor and Writer, the Advantages and Disadvantages of History in Life, Schopenhauer as an Educator, and Wagner in Barrett. The first two articles discuss negative and worrying phenomena: "intellectual mediocrity" Strauss and history, The last two chapters are an ode to the holy savior images of Schopenhauer and Wagner. Nietzsche has completed a thorough reassessment in this book. He equates "untimely" with the noble quality of simplicity and sincerity, and believes that what the respected and loved philosophers think of in their questions about the value of life is never the virtue that is in line with the times, but a higher and purer quality that should be pursued.

Friedrich Nietzsche ·Western Philosophy ·1.69 million words

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