Guns, germs and steel

The issue of the first development and backwardness of civilization, social development and retrogression has always been a major issue of concern to mankind. In this regard, the western society generally believes that the advanced technology, perfect social strata and cultural achievements of the western countries have jointly created the western civilization to be superior to others, and determined the position of the western world domination, and even believes that it is ultimately determined by the superiority of the western race. Guns, Germs and Steel tells us that the answer is not so. Environmental factors determine the wheel of history to tilt towards the West. The progress of civilization has indeed boosted the first development of culture, technology and organization, but it has also led to the invasion of bacteria and the fatal destruction of civilization by ships and cannons. That is to say, neither the theory of racial determinism nor the theory of superiority of Western civilization can explain why Western countries can rule the world for a hundred years. It is the excellent environment and resources that nourish the development of western civilization. In addition, Diamond subverted many social development questions that people are accustomed to from the interdisciplinary perspectives of biology, geography, history, sociology, anthropology, etc., providing a new perspective for us to understand human history. From a scientist deeply engaged in professional fields to a thinker concerned about human society and destiny, Diamond explored geography, humanity and the future from the intersection of science, history and society. To some extent, he represented the traditional turn of western public intellectuals from professionalism to ideology. He relied on multidisciplinary perspectives and rich travel experience, Recalling the development path of human history, looking for experiences and lessons, and trying to provide suggestions for the future development of human society.

Jared Diamond ·Sociology ·335000 words

 A Brief History of the Future · A Brief History of Human Beings (Suit) [Reprint Version]

This package includes: A Brief History of the Future and a Brief History of Human Beings, which are two books. A Brief History of the Future is a work to explore the future possibilities of human beings. This book reveals various puzzles in the future of mankind in three parts. The first part jumps back from modern times to historical and even prehistoric times, examining the biological composition of Homo sapiens and the relationship between humans and other animals. What kind of door has our unique biological function opened for us, and what kind of restrictions are there. The second part explores the significance of Homo sapiens to the world. It describes the strange world created by Homo sapiens in the past few thousand years, and the paths that lead us to the crossroads today. The third part is also the last chapter of the book, which goes back to the 21st century and describes our current predicament and possible future based on a deeper understanding of humanity and humanism. A Brief History of Human Beings is a magnificent brief history of human beings. With profound knowledge and groundbreaking insights, the author draws on paleontology, anthropology and sociology to help readers understand why human beings came into being and how human beings changed from animals to modern people. The value of this book is that the author not only tells us what happened in the past from a macro historical perspective, but also explores the deep meaning of human morality and survival, pointing out how such development has affected our daily life. He wrote about the process of the industrial revolution in the past two hundred years, and also about the agricultural revolution in 10000 BC. Tell us when and why money and religion came into being? Why can a few people rule the majority of the population? How did the rise and decline of the empire happen? Why do almost all societies think that women are inferior to men? Why has "monotheism" become a universal religious thought? How did science become the creed of capitalism? Does history have a direction? Is it historical progress that people become happy? The answers to such questions in this book will help readers understand the past of human society and guide us to define a clear future.

Yuval Herali ·Anthropology ·501000 words

 Best Farewell: Common sense you must know about aging and death

What should we do when the independent and self-help life can no longer be maintained? What should we talk to the doctor when life is near the end? How to cross the end of life gracefully? For these problems, most people lack a clear concept, and just leave the fate to medicine, technology and strangers to control. Artu Gewende, a doctor who has influenced the world, combined his years of experience as a surgeon with his fluent writing, told many sad and thought-provoking stories and made a sober and in-depth exploration of what it means to grow old in the 21st century. This book is insightful and impressive, and provides us with a practical roadmap, telling us what we can and should do to make the last years of life meaningful. The author chose the topic that ordinary people often do not want to face - aging and death, combed all aspects and development process of American social pension, as well as the improper treatment of end-stage patients by the medical community. The book not only tells about the limitations of death and medicine, but also reveals how to live to the end of life independently, happily and with dignity. In the book, a series of ideas advocated by the authors, such as "hospice service", "assisted living" and "pre life advice", are interspersed in the story to make a detailed explanation, which is believed to enlighten the aging Chinese society. Recommended by many experts and media. Li Kaifu, CEO of Innovation Works: As a doctor, Artu Gewende focuses on the limitations of medical treatment and human dignity. As mortals, we will all face the end of life. The Best Farewell gives us important enlightenment. Miao Wei, editor in chief of Xinzhi magazine: I hope you will have a chance to read the works of Dr. Atu Gewende, who can help us better understand medicine and know the limitations and possibilities of medicine. Best selling author Malcolm Gladwell: This is the most powerful and moving book of Artur Gavind. Nature: It's hard to read such a thought-provoking book.

Atu Gewende ·Sociology ·151000 words

 County and Township China: Modernization of County Governance

This book is the author's masterpiece on the logic and practice of county and township governance, which is based on the research on grass-roots governance for more than ten years and combined with the latest survey data in the last two or three years. It makes an in-depth analysis of the system and mechanism of grass-roots governance and puts forward constructive suggestions. Specifically, the contents of this book include: the mechanism arrangement of transforming the advantages of the county system into governance effectiveness, the problems of the grass-roots governance system and mechanism, the autonomy of grass-roots leaders and ordinary cadres at the grass-roots level, the system design of the county and township governments to implement national policies and its efficiency and effect, and the incentive and development of grass-roots staff. Through popular language, the manuscript deeply describes and depicts the phenomenon of county and township governance, presents and analyzes the case, grasps the essence of things and vivid images, and attempts to make theoretical analysis and explain in simple terms. The theoretical perspective in the book will help readers understand the advantages of China's county governance system in depth, promote grassroots innovation in governance mechanisms, improve grassroots work ability, and form a positive atmosphere for officers to start businesses. The book has both depth of analysis and readability, and is especially suitable for the general public.

Yang Hua ·Sociology ·200000 words

 The Pride of the Elite: How does a good society define success?

In the past, the society promised that people "can succeed as long as they work hard". If everyone can compete fairly at the same opportunity, the winner should be rewarded. This is the ideal represented by the "American Dream", and also the ethical core of merit supremacy recognized by most modern societies. However, Sandel believes that the "American Dream", which inspired countless people to struggle in the past, is precisely the source of the division of today's American society. This seemingly fair concept of success causes the arrogance of the elite and the resentment of the bottom people. It makes the winners believe that their success is the result of their own efforts, forget the opportunity and luck to help them, and despise those who are less fortunate and unqualified than themselves. This situation has hindered social mobility, fostered class antagonism, eroded democratic politics, and ultimately led to the rise of populism. Faced with the hegemony of excellence, Sandel hopes every citizen to think: can people of different classes seek a public interest? What is our responsibility to each other? He led us to think from the following three aspects: the nature and purpose of education, how to establish the value and dignity of each job, and re reflect on the significance of success. At the same time, he reminded us to remain humble, cherish the efforts of all people, actively discuss measures that are more conducive to social justice, and move towards a less resentful and more inclusive public life.

Michael Sandel ·Sociology ·155000 words

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