
Ray Dario, the great investment god of Wall Street, has been living and working from scratch for more than 40 years, recommended by Bill Gates, Luo Jisixu, Wu Xiaobo, Zhang Ruimin, Pan Shiyi, Wan Weigang, Fu Sheng and other human resources. Rui Dalio is one of the world's top investors and entrepreneurs, and the founder of Bridgewater, a hedge fund company. Since its establishment, Bridgewater has earned far more profits for its clients than any hedge fund in history. Dalio believes that the success of Bridgewater originates from a set of principles he pursues, which are also the most important things he learned in his life. Dalio believes that we can treat life, management, business and investment as machines, and systematize them into a series of principles. This book describes the two cornerstones of his principles - extreme truth-seeking and extreme transparency, and introduces the creative merit based on this, as well as the decision-making mechanism based on credibility evaluation. More than 500 principles in the book will help us keep an open mind, see the reality, correctly evaluate ourselves and others, calmly face the problems of making decisions and building a strong team, further understand ourselves and achieve continuous growth. Dalio believes that his success is not due to his personal characteristics, but because he learned the principles of being a man and doing things from his failure, and most people and companies can use these principles to better achieve their goals.

Rui Dalio ·General management ·762 words

Chapter 2 of the latest chapter 2017-12-29 15:58:37
 Beauty of system

The Beauty of Systems is a concise guide to system thinking and a powerful tool to understand complex dynamic systems, helping people improve their ability to understand and analyze the systems around them. From personal problems to global complex challenges, this book can provide you with wise answers and insights. As a practical introduction guide, this book not only explains the basic concepts of system dynamics and lists common system structures, but also states in detail the three characteristics of complex systems, eight traps and countermeasures, 12 reform methods and 15 survival rules. The author liberates system thinking from the world of computers and equations, explains how system thinking can be applied to various practical problems with various real cases, and shows readers how to improve and apply system thinking skills, which are generally considered to be the core skills of global leadership in the 21st century. The author believes that systematic thinking will help us find the root causes of problems and see multiple possibilities, so that we can better manage and adapt to complex challenges, seize new opportunities, and create a completely different self and a new world. A book, which leads the way of personal, organizational and social changes, makes people wake up and change the way they look at the world and system, so as to change the development process of today's society and make people live better in a world full of complex systems.

Denila Meadows ·General management ·139000 words

 Influence (new and upgraded version)

Since its publication, "Influence" has always been a best seller. Because of its influence, persuasion can become a science. Whether you are an ordinary person or a lobbyist for a certain product or business idea, this is a basic must read book and the cornerstone for you to understand the psychology of others. Psychologist Robert Theodini explains why some people are persuasive, but we are always gullible. The six psychological weapons hidden behind the impulsive obedience to other people's behaviors are the root of all this. Those persuasive experts always use them skillfully and let us obey. After nearly 7 years of intensive research, Theodini found the seventh psychological weapon - Alliance, expanding the six psychological weapons to seven; The book contains 100000 words of updated content, including new research and discoveries in behavioral psychology in the past 10 years, and hundreds of new cases in business, management, science and technology, personal growth, family education, etc. in the past 5 years. This book has the highest citation rate in social psychology, and was nominated for the annual awards of the American Psychological Society and the American Psychological Foundation. They are 75 business must read books recommended by Fortune magazine; In China, the "Influence" series of books ranks among the top 10 best sellers in the management of major online and ground bookstores all the year round.

Robert Theodini ·General management ·316000 words

 Profitability: operating capacity in the next 10 years

It's easier to start a business than to keep it going. Where will the profits of Chinese enterprises come from in the next 10 years? How to break through the bottleneck of growth? How can small and medium-sized enterprises, which lack core competitiveness, enable customers to spend from one moment to the next? With low management level and employees fishing in troubled waters, how can enterprises achieve performance multiplication? Why do enterprises need strategy? What is the difference between enterprises with strategy and enterprises without strategy From strategic design to value innovation, from business logic to management ability, from operation to profitability... Starting from the end, the purpose of enterprise operation is to continuously realize the double growth of revenue and profit, and profitability is never an overnight thing. Therefore, how to focus on profitability, understand business, and systematically improve sustainable growth How to improve the enterprise's operation efficiency has become a problem that many enterprise managers need to think about. In this book, the author adopts a global perspective to extract a simple and easy-to-use business concept from the success or failure of more than 30 years of life, and deeply discusses and summarizes a complete and consistent theoretical closed-loop - "the diamond circle of business". Based on a large number of live combat cases, it focuses on the profit model of SMEs, gradually unveils the layers of confusion in the business world, grasps the common principles of enterprise operation, reaches the core goal of enterprises to achieve profit, and highlights the internal momentum of successful operation. Starting from the ten major modules of enterprise strategic design, value innovation, product strategy, marketing management, etc., help readers learn and use, cultivate global business thinking, return to enterprise development practice, achieve double growth of operating income and profit, and break through the "ceiling" of SME development.

Li Jian ·General management ·149000 words

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