Classification: NEVERLESS
In an hour and 30 minutes, this blog will be 6 years and 340 days old.
Unexpectedly, it has accompanied me for so long.
This is a place I used to be proud of. I once thought that I would never come back here, even to peep.
Just like vowing to break with everything in the past.
However, you and I both know how fantastic this break with self is.
Especially for a conservative person like me.
Time's feet are covered with pink ink, and every minute it crawls over your body texture, leaving all the lines about the past, like a hidden net, recording your transformation in a silent place all the time.
What an embarrassing and embarrassing thing it is to want to get rid of and forget, but such evidence is conclusive.
Negation, affirmation and negation, too many emotions come from this spiral process. Everything seems so futile, and the principle of opportunity cost seems to be in failure state in many cases.
After all, people's minds are so changeable, and the reality is unpredictable.
At a very early age, he was still a teenager who strongly endowed new words, thinking that he would always record pure and sensitive emotions in words. At that time, the obsession was simple and straightforward, like weeds still growing proudly in winter, fearless of any frost and snow.
Today, there is a vast expanse of grass here, but the youth is no longer there. The words used to be so voluminous that a glance and a press all implied fleeting happiness, anger, sadness and joy, but they had already been completely eradicated. Your past, your existence, and your proof are all like time to escape, and can never be found again, but they leave a large stain like an eraser, which makes people worry about their eyes and heart.
As the saying goes, "Sometimes the sea will end, and Wushan will not end", the landscape is still like this, not to mention the creatures?
On the increasingly muddy road, I heard and witnessed too many emotions and words, which was similar to my insistence on Bowen at that time. At first, I vowed to be firm as a rock, but at last, it did not help people's fickleness and years of ruthlessness.
Later, after more experience, the surging mood will gradually turn to silence, and it is difficult to rise waves. Once in a while, a thought was just like a stone sinking into the sea. After a slight undercurrent was drawn, it would be forever silent and there would be no movement.
It means numbness.
If a dull person becomes numb again, it will be a disaster without solution.
Thank you for this tree hole that has existed for 6 years and 340 days, allowing boring people to bother.


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