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 Zheng Feifan
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Los Angeles

San Francisco


Classification: The Past of California

Location: San Francisco   

Time: 03/2015

Image & Text: Fay


"People who said they would travel around the world together, but




Small long vacation



Classification: In life
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delicious food



Straight man

Classification: Extraordinary remarks

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Extraordinary remarks


Peter the Great

Classification: Extraordinary remarks


From St. Petersburg to Volga River: wandering in the national literary complex of Russia

writing | Zheng extraordinary


      After successfully obtaining a tourist visa to Russia, I began to look forward to a country that is both familiar and unfamiliar. Familiarity is because political geopolitical relations are always heard about Russia in the news, while strangeness is in fact in addition to some Russian literary and artistic works and





Los Angeles

Classification: The Past of California

Location: Orange County & Los Angeles    

Time: 06/2015

Image and text: Zheng Feifan


      "You said your feelings were Eternity This eternity has to start in California and remain in the past. "



Blog 10th Anniversary

Miscellaneous talk

Brighten the blog's 10th anniversary badge GO>

Ten years, I will never forget that I am at Sina Blog!

  • In 2006, the Super Girl talent show, blog promotion






Classification: The Past of California

The Past of California (I) I forgot to take photos of the beach in the afternoon

Location: Seal Beach, CA.    



Han Han

Simple tree

Jia Zhangke

Feng Shaofeng

never ever meet again

Classification: Talking about video and audio

Three people on the East Polar Island set fire to the past and rode on the road with a POLO car that was wider than the road. This is the starting point of "a journey of a thousand miles, never to meet again". It is like a life with a scrawled beginning. It begins in a muddle, a little illogical, a little irrational, just like life, without any foreshadowing and preparation.

At the beginning, with nihilistic dreams and hazy feelings, I embarked on the road. I was the first to see my childhood friends and watch the great dream of an ordinary person from afar, although this great dream is just to be an actor with lines. In a vague background, with uncertain goals, we continued to move forward, passing a familiar hotel, and checked in only because we happened to meet. I happened to meet with the hotel and Sumi, and a spark as weak as static electricity came out. It doesn't matter whether Sumi is a good girl or a prostitute. He is destined to be a passer-by in his life. In our life, we don't need to be responsible for every passer-by, but in this process, we need to listen to some principles, such as: gasoline vehicles can't add diesel.

After meeting Sumi, Hu Sheng was lost. Hu Sheng, as the first character at the beginning, unexpectedly lost it. Han Han has said before that many characters in novels are lost when they write. There is no profound meaning, but they have really forgotten because of a long time. As a result, Hu Sheng, who was "mentally retarded", was exposed to natural selection


mobile phone



People to people

social contact

Classification: Extraordinary remarks
Have you found that nowadays, in addition to business meetings and other purposeful meals and meetings between people, meeting old friends becomes more and more rare and difficult. Always after thinking, he/she denies his/her own ideas. Hmm, he/she must be very busy, working, on vacation, in love, raising children, or doing nothing, but in a bad mood? It seems that hitting the gun is not a wise move.
Nokia, the original mobile phone giant, claimed to be: Nokia, connecting people。 The Apple iPhone, which came from behind, pushed the application of smart phones to the extreme and became a god. From Nokia smart phone series to Apple iPhone or Samsung Galaxy, we have the most advanced communication tool in the world and should be better connected with others, but what is the truth? The time of meeting the real person was basically the time of looking at the small screen on the other side. Rich applications, from instant messaging to audio and video entertainment, and even work affairs can be solved.
Without even thinking about it, we were completely captured by mobile phones.

Look up. The streets, the subway and the bus. Regardless of age and gender, almost everyone has a mobile phone in their hands





California State University Fullerton

Classification: In life
There are some accidents. I think the chance of winning the lottery is very small when I can't meet them, and once I meet them, it will be 100%. In the morning, I saw alumni on microblog saying that their professors proudly claimed that Fullerton campus is a very safe place, unlike downtown Los Angeles, where there are often unstable factors. Unfortunately, I met 100% accidents in the afternoon. According to the report of the Student Union of our school:
Five men robbed Moreno A bank in Valley stole a car. There was a car accident on 91 and they ran to the CSUF campus. One of them stole a car and was caught on the way to Compton, one was caught in Fullerton, and three of them with weapons were still running away. All buildings are locked. If you are outside, you must go to the nearest building, enter the room and lock the door. They all have weapons.

I was supposed to finish class at 1:00 today, but there was still class at 4:00. I had lunch and coffee on campus, and then went with my future roommate to change the apartment I booked into a two bedroom one hall apartment. At that time

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