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 Smiling Prince
Smiling Prince
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  • Blog points: zero
  • Blog access: eleven
  • Focus on popularity: one hundred and twenty
  • Gifted gold pen: 0
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The reader left a message: "Lao Luo sighed several times. I'm very sad. Hold on."
  In fact, the fat man didn't sleep 36 hours before his speech, and he was angry.

Readers ask: What does Laoluo mean when he says "Mr. Chai is very powerful"?

  A: I was at the bottom and laughed too much. The tipping point was too early. He heard me.

Reader's message: Why are the speaker's clothes and pants so old?

  A: It's true that he wore the same clothes when we had dinner with him last week, but he said he washed them before the speech.

Reader's message: How happy is the old lady to be applauded by so many fans of her son/ Granny


Miscellaneous talk

I really want to write something, but I don't know what to write. Tomorrow is Monday, and a new week is coming. I don't want to sleep. It's Monday. I'm sleepy but I don't want to sleep. Is it because I ate supper? Maybe... There are so many classes tomorrow, I have no spirit and no desire to attend class

But now I don't know what to record. Because the light is off, I can only rely on our memory to find the position of the letters. I feel bored and confused. My junior is always in such a confused situation. I don't know what to do, or what to do after graduation. What's the matter with me, all the confusion, all the anxiety, all the anxiety? I!!!!! Ask yourself why you are still so childish and stupid when you live so much!!!!!!

Others laugh at me for being too crazy, and I laugh at others for being unable to see through. I like this sentence very much, but I can't live in my own environment. Indeed, hehe, I don't want to grope for typing, so I'm ready to sleep!! Good night, everyone! Good dream, for tomorrow, I feel my brain is blank, just as the mosquito said that there is only paste!

(2010-09-22 12:45)

Miscellaneous talk

Stinky kids~~~Mondy, Brother Dong, Sister Zhao Lin's competition~~~Scatter flowers




The fifth anniversary of blog

My blog today two year three hundred and nine God!

On November 2, 2007, I settled down at Sina Blog.

On November 2, 2007, I wrote the first blog post: I have my blog

On December 11, 2007, the first picture was uploaded to the album.

Over the years, Sina Blog has accompanied me to write my life bit by bit.

Article Chapter number   55
Figure Slice number   33 sheets
Number of visitors   27639 times

Challenge the host


  I haven't written an article for a long time. I feel sorry for my brothers and sisters in the campus version of Sina Blog if I don't write. I was finally selected by them to the campus T station, but I didn't write articles. I feel sorry for them. So I must spare time today to write about me and some things worth recording.

    We played today. The challenge of host audition is the program of CCTV, which comes to our school to recruit people in Zhejiang. I think that the judge aunt taught me a lot today. As an experienced "elder" who has read countless people, she can see some of your shortcomings in the second grade. His insightful comments to us can actually make us reflect a lot. The most important thing she said is to practice and read more, practice more professional foundation, and read more books to add meaning. She has brought me a lot. I am very grateful to her. Maybe I still don't understand her many words, but I will chew them slowly and digest them.

    To tell the truth, I had prepared for a long time, but I even wanted to modify it, so that when I was about to play, I didn't know what to say. So when I was waiting for the match, I was ready to go out of my way, thinking that Farr would be more open without preparation. But the result is not like this. What brings me is confusion. Under the strong light, I felt for the first time the tension under the spotlight and the blank in the brain. I always think how those people would bother with the low-level mistakes of blank brain. But today I understand. A stumbling self introduction, called card in the middle, honest



      The life of sophomore has begun quietly, and we have entered the most critical period, because the grade of this semester is related to the grouping of junior students. In fact, my personality is the kind of person who can say but can't do, so I always hate this kind of person, and I want to beat myself up, but I am just like that


Zhao Yi

Dream Chaser



I took a picture of a model~~youth magazine, because we are teenagers.

Everyone give a lot of advice. It was taken at the end of the summer vacation. Next, I will send some old photos or current photos

Everyone gives me advice, hehe, thank you for pulling

(2010-02-02 13:11)

Zhao Yi

Dream Chaser


  I haven't written a blog for a long time, and I have always given up blogging. Today, I came here again, because a friend said that he opened a blog, so I came back to have a look. Suddenly, I found a famous person called campus blog, so I came back again~~~

  Counting, it has been a long time since I came here~~The last article was written when I was a freshman, and now I am a sophomore~~The time is really fast~~~The life in college is focused on myself. If I want to spend money, time will pass quickly, and we have learned nothing, so we should work harder in college!!! Unfortunately, I haven't done it yet. It's easy to say, but hard to do. This sentence is very true. Everyone can say it, but several people will do it. I am a person who can say it but doesn't do it. My professional foundation has always been poor, but I don't work hard. I know I need to refuel, but I have blocked myself. Time is not allocated properly, and I always wait for the next time to do it. Then time passes like this. I am really stupid~~~

  Next semester, if I don't work hard, I really feel sorry for myself. I have always stressed that I am a dreamer, but what about me? No, So it's really not lip service

  Some time ago, I participated in the draft of the new Huanzhu Gege. After the audition, I didn't enter the through train to Hunan. I was very happy. I know many friends, and saw the gap with them. If I don't work hard, I will really open the gap more and more,




Zhao Yi

Miscellaneous talk

  College life is for us. Before we went to college, we thought that college was free, a place without restrictions The best stage from childishness to maturity How nervous we were before the university came, because we knew we needed to change a way of life We don't have the day to hold books every day

    The arrival of college life has flustered us and made us so confused~~~What will our future be like? What should universities do? Can we learn our major well? A series of questions poured in like bees, leaving only a buzzing sound in our heads~~It's very miscellaneous, very messy, very annoying!!! After a month of college life, my free time has gradually become busier. Because I joined many clubs, I suddenly found that joining clubs was a good thing. Because we would have a lot of time to enrich our college time, I added several clubs. At the same time, I also went to their interviews. Interviews can train a person, which is what I think. I feel I am always nervous, and interviews can help me find confidence, Find another kind of self. Show yourself more and make college life more beautiful!

  The most annoying thing in college is self-study in the morning and evening. Because we have to get up early, we can't go to play in the evening. This brings us back to our middle school days. So many students are very dissatisfied. And I also have to call names~~I joined the learning department (very


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