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Lyrics: Sun Xiaoding

Composer: Sun Xiaoding

Song arranger: Gu Xiong

Lovers under the street lamp

How like we used to be

Embrace and kiss deeply

Love is hard to part

Time when we loved each other

There are only two people in the world

Why a turn

Can become a stranger

The person hidden in my memory

May you live happily and safely now

If we meet a sea of people again at dusk

Do you still remember my eyes

The person hidden in my memory

My youth is complete with you

Thank you for being serious

Let me know that love a person will be desperate

Lovers under street lamps

How like we used to be

Embrace and kiss deeply

Love is hard to part

Time when we loved each other

There are only two people in the world

Why a turn

Can become a stranger

The person hidden in my memory

May you live happily and safely now

If we meet a sea of people again at dusk

Do you still remember my eyes

The person hidden in my memory

My youth is complete with you

Thank you for being serious

Let me know that love a person will be desperate

The person hidden in my memory

May you live happily and safely now

If we meet a sea of people again at dusk

Do you still remember my eyes

The person hidden in my memory




Feier Band+Peng Jiahui

When missing flies across the night sky, twines around the fingertips and stays

Beautiful like a dream

When your back turns

Swallow the loneliness that cannot be wiped out in the sea of people

Never try never see never never know

Never find never seek never let you go OH

So hurt, so complained, so painful

So love, so hate, so make OH

Whose love is too crazy and willful

After each dispute is settled

We embrace, kiss and fall

Whose love is not crazy, not worthy to talk about love

Not tomorrow forever

Eyes burning I'm enough now

It's a wisp of sadness passing by when the cherry falls in profusion

I remember that feeling

So hurt, so complained, so painful

So much love, so much hate


Whose love is too crazy and willful

After each dispute is settled

We embrace, kiss and fall

Whose love is not crazy, not worthy to talk about love

Not tomorrow forever

Eyes burning I'm enough now

Too persistent false free and easy This kind of love is too heavy

Here's the fire

Here's the fire

Here's the fire inside

Is enough

(2011-10-19 14:36)

Miscellaneous talk

"Ah, Li Daren, I always have a feeling recently that there is something the teacher is against us. Sometimes we want to chase it and get it

Can have everything; Sometimes they will suddenly catch up with it. I hope it will disappear. It is time. "

"Well, Li Daren, in fact, my requirements are very simple. As long as they are not crooked melons and cracked dates, the salary is about the same as mine, or even better than my first point, it doesn't matter. As long as they are enterprising, it's OK. By the way, the most important thing is that we have a lot to say."

"Ah, Li Daren, life is full of wars. For a man, for a pair of shoes, maybe it's just for us to be unwilling. The question is, have we really won when we lose our looks and become embarrassed?"

"Hey, Li Daren 。。。。。。”

Watching the TV drama "I may not love you", I feel very warm, but at the same time, it is full of a light sadness.

The heroine Cheng Youqing always says "Aye, Li Daren", or "Aye, Li Daren" in person or "Aye, Li Daren" on the phone at any time and anywhere, and then begins a large and unbridled narrative. Li Daren at the other end is always a quiet listener who puts everything down.

They clearly have each other in their hearts, but they are unwilling to be the first to admit.

She can laugh, cry, fight and make a scene at him anytime and anywhere. Who gave her such right just because he loves her. How much can a man pay for a woman? One person loves one person,

(2011-10-19 10:39)

Miscellaneous talk

A fire rises in the darkness. It's so warm and happy. The fire is so changeable and intoxicating... The beginning of love is also like this. The loneliness of the whole world has disappeared, Made room for our fire... The test of love is not how to start the fire, but how to find firewood and keep the fire burning, Spend the next long night.... [Kang Yong - love message to unknown lovers]

Miscellaneous talk

            See and Don't See

              See you Or not see me
I'm right there Not sad or happy
Do you read me or not
Love is there No, no, no
Do you love me or not
Love is there No increase, no decrease
With or without me
My hand is in your hand Never give up
Come to my arms or
Let me live in your heart
Silence Love
Silence happy


                        The Day

On that day, I closed my eyes in the incense fog of the Sutra Hall and suddenly heard your true words of chanting sutras.  

In that month, I turned all the prayer cones, not for transcendence, but just to touch your fingertips.  

That year, I kowtowed and crawled on the mountain road, not for an audience, but for the warmth of being close to you.  

In that lifetime Turning mountains, turning waters and turning pagodas are not for the sake of afterlife, but for the sake of meeting you on the way.  

That night I listen

(2010-06-26 00:00)

Miscellaneous talk

(2010-03-24 21:46)


Original address: He is a light Author: Bodhi Child

This text is for a person. I'm sorry that I always speak poorly in front of my face. I can only express my gratitude and gratitude in this way. Maybe Chinese girls always do.


When I was an ignorant girl, I read Plato's literary dialogues. Plato said that each of us is only half of a person, a symbol that can be seen as a whole when combined, and everyone is always looking for his other half, the symbol that can match him. We are originally complete, for that kind of complete hope and pursuit is called love. Even though I was still young at that time and had not yet experienced the long and painful wait, I would not simply believe in and look forward to the spiritual integration and fit


Miscellaneous talk

I always like walking

At that time, I always liked to walk,

I have been walking on the muddy road,

Even if you are surrounded by cars that are hurriedly whistling,

There was no hurry,

So I walked slowly, thinking that I would arrive somewhere,

Sometimes I wait like a fool,

Just keep walking,

Go on quietly.


I just called a good friend, Cong, and she asked, "What's the most comfortable way to get from Beijing to Paris. Later, she vomited out the answer, "The company of a friend", which warmed my heart. Yes, a friend's company, a friend walks with you, no matter how far it is, it will be very close. That's a good saying.

    All of a sudden, it reminds me that in high school, I always liked to walk with Cong to the business street. It was a long way, but every time I walked there, there were endless words on the way. I always arrived before the words were finished, "so soon", so I never felt far away. Every time, I spit out the words that I have saved for a long time. My mouth is really moving all the time, and when it comes to excitement, I will jump up. I really miss it


Miscellaneous talk

I heard such a dialogue in Girls' Dream 30:

Daughter: Mom, did you ever want to go back in time

Mom: I wouldn't mind if I could make wrinkles disappear. (Mother's laughter rings)

Daughter: If you were given a chance to do it again, you could choose any one in your life to do it again. Which one would you choose?

Mom: No.

Daughter: Really?

Mom: Really.

Daughter: Mom, don't you make any mistakes? Or some major mistakes in your life have changed your life, don't you want to change them?

Mom: I know I've made many mistakes before, but I don't regret it.

Daughter: Why?

Mom: Because if I hadn't made those mistakes, I wouldn't be right until I did.

      In this movie, the mother said, "I don't regret it, because if I hadn't made those mistakes, I wouldn't know what to do is right." When her face was calm and calm, it was always fixed in my heart, so that I suddenly understood what kind of woman is beautiful: the kind who experienced the vicissitudes of life, never complained about herself, calmly faced everything, and bravely walked on is the most beautiful woman.



Miscellaneous talk

    A famous philosopher once said: What is the most important thing in the world? It is ordinary, common sense and reason.

There are different times in life, such as "youth period", "stepping into society period" and "marriage period". It is reasonable to go through these periods step by step.

    Daily life is ordinary, ordinary. Every day's efforts are hard, not just happy. In contrast, love has a kind of "heart beating passion", which seems to be dramatic and feels like a hero in a novel.

However, if "because of the boredom of life" and get off the track to go, and plunge into love. It was an escape, as if in a dream.

    Even if you escape into love, you will not only be happy, but will increasingly increase pain and sadness. Because no matter how to escape, it is impossible to escape from yourself.

    If you are still weak, there will always be only pain, because if you do not change yourself, there will be no happiness.

Happiness is not given by anyone, not by lovers. You can get happiness by yourself. To this end, only better cultivate themselves, only fully develop themselves. Sacrifice your own growth and possibility, even if you are in love, you will not be happy. Happiness gained by "fully developing yourself" is the real happiness


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