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 Listen to the wind
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Miscellaneous talk

By Wang Weiwei   Picture/Wu Yang

                No one expected that the most common apple in life has become a worry for many Xuzhou people this year. In Dashahe Town, Fengxian County, the harvest farmers sat on the roadside, their faces covered with anxiety.

                "Dashahe Apple is unsalable" is currently being continuously fermented on the Internet. The bumper harvest was supposed to be a happy thing, but no one bought it, which made this town famous for Apple face unprecedented embarrassment. How can we not be anxious after a year of hard work and a bumper harvest of Apple and a loss of money! Many fruit growers still hope to sell apples for their children to study and support their families, but now they are eager to see the apples changed


Miscellaneous talk

  Wang Weiwei

                With the introduction of such powerful policies as reducing reserve ratio, down payment and deed tax adjustment, the current real estate market shows a rare upsurge of house purchase for many years. At the sales offices in Nanjing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen, Wuxi and other cities, the phenomenon of queuing up to buy houses and opening "daylight" appeared, and the scene of queuing up to buy houses all night again appeared in front of people.

                Focusing on the Xuzhou market, in February, a number of property executives said that although there was no "daylight" scene in Xuzhou, a series of "de stocking" policy effects of the central government had emerged, and the actual transaction volume of the case scene was far more than their estimates. How to deal with the future market and make marketing strategy adjustment as soon as possible has become the current topic of each property.

In February, the sales volume of several buildings doubled compared with that of years ago

                February is the New Year's break period of Xuzhou property market, and the pace of developers' promotion has slowed down significantly. Xuzhou real estate market opened in February with very few. Only the Arc de Triomphe project launched parking space and houses, and Vanke Beichen Tiandi launched a fund-raising activity. But almost to everyone's surprise, the property market responded quickly after the adjustment of market policies. Without any promotion activities,


Miscellaneous talk

  2015-05-29 Wang Weiwei Xuzhou doughnut Xuzhou doughnut
Xuzhou doughnut


Xuzhou succulent plants Taobao guide. Greenhouse sharing, experience exchange, player gathering, etc.

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Miscellaneous talk

2015-05-24   Wang Weiwei  

Miscellaneous talk

From the official account: Xuzhou Donuts welcome your attention.
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Succulent plants


Classification: Floral dill


Succulent plants

flowers and plants


Classification: Floral dill

This is the twelve striped scroll planted the winter before last year. It is an interesting plant and can be raised as a small hanging orchid. It seems that they did not take care of it after planting. They watered it occasionally.

The appearance of the twelve volumes is really special, so last spring in Xincheng


Succulent plants

flowers and plants


Classification: Floral dill

I should have opened Sina blog before college, because I don't have the habit of writing diaries, and blog updates are intermittent. Especially after work, most of the time is busy with interviews and writing, and there is no time to write things (well, it is actually an excuse).

The reason for returning to Sina Blog is that I have recently become a "philanderer". What is a flower maniac? "Ghost Shadow" said: "worry about clouds for the moon, worry about beetles for books, worry about wind and rain for flowers". Now I have done two things: as soon as my daughter-in-law took the book from the bookshelf, I cried, "Oh, I haven't wrapped the book cover yet, as if she were a beetle;"; The other is that since being trapped in the pit of succulent plants, it has been out of control - the sun is too big, the flowers are prone to black and rot water, the leaves are prone to leave ugly water stains when it rains, and the sun may burn again, which is really a headache

At the end of 2013, I bought two "Jiyulu" at the new flower market in the Botanical Garden. One of them cost about three or four yuan (one has been dozens of years now). Later, I raised one, but the other one did not grow well.



Greentown Peach Blossom Garden

Yunqi Rose Garden

Suzhou Gardens

Chinese style courtyard

house property

Classification: Workshop

Wang Weiwei

        Tao Yuanming of the Jin Dynasty described a beautiful world isolated from the rest of the world in The Peach Blossom Garden. For thousands of years since then, the Chinese people have never stopped pursuing a life of "peace of mind" and "security of body". No matter whether people are joining the WTO or avoiding the world, they attach great importance to the choice of residence. After all, peace of mind and body is the only way to live a fine, stable and lasting life.

The project of visiting Suzhou and Hangzhou, the green city, touched the deepest is its exploration of residential culture. China is not short of enterprises that can build houses, but it is not a green city that can build houses with the flavor of nature and humanity.

"Harmony of Five Tastes" and "Harmony of Heaven and Man"

            Chinese food culture emphasizes "harmony of five flavors", and the architectural concept requires "harmony of nature and man". Food and architecture, which seems to have nothing in common, have many things in common. Whether it is "harmony" or "harmony", it is the highest level that Chinese people aspire to. "Harmony" in music


Miscellaneous talk

Wang Weiwei

Daily sales of 1 billion! On April 6, the opening of Baoying Country Garden created another sales miracle. One billion means that the sales volume of houses is not less than 1000 sets. One billion is also the sum of the annual sales tasks of most second and third tier cities.

On April 3, two days before the opening of Ying Country Garden, the media from Xuzhou and Jia Wang went to explore the project. Country Garden explained that according to its previous opening experience, it was "probably difficult to squeeze into the sales office" on April 6.

The "madness" of Country Garden is not limited to Baoying. In recent years, there have been several projects with daily sales of billions in Country Garden. In July 2013, when Danyang Country Garden opened, 30000 people took the heat to choose houses, with a daily sales of more than 2 billion yuan. Customers consumed 36000 bottles of mineral water, 5000 lunches, 8000 bread, 10000 chairs... Country Garden sent more than 400 property management personnel and nearly 1000 sales personnel, which is really unimaginable.

Statistics show that in 2013, Country Garden ranked among the top 50 in China only by the sales (15.915 billion yuan) of Shenyang Galaxy City, Lanzhou Country Garden, Haiyang Country Garden and Guangzhou Tianxi Bay! In 2013, Country Garden Group entered the 100 billion Real Estate Enterprise Club with a sales figure of 106 billion yuan, becoming the largest dark horse.



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