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 Yi Jianlian
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(2010-06-30 08:08)

Miscellaneous talk

      This afternoon, US time, I received a call from the president of the Nets, informing me that I was traded to Washington Wizards. Maybe many people think this is bad news at first, but I didn't feel surprised at that time. Because this year's NBA is a big market for free players and a commercial mall, which is a common phenomenon in the league. I'm just one of them. It's not surprising, nor is it bad news.

      Basketball has changed my life. The NBA is full of competition and challenges, and it also makes my life full of challenges. I like this challenge, like this life! Because this is a kind of happiness, I am very lucky to have the opportunity to challenge all these! Because I know that not everyone can have such a chance! All I need to do is improve myself. Where I play is not the point. I will give a new performance to the new team in the new season to repay all the fans who have always supported me so much! Sincerely thank you!!

(2010-04-22 09:33)



New Jersey

basket net


Disaster Relief





Classification: Five star red flag on the chest

      Yesterday, the whole world was grey.


This grey Wednesday has shocked me as much as the mourning day for the Wenchuan earthquake the year before last. Let me once again feel the shock of the unity of the whole nation.


Gray is a power of silence.


Driven by such a force, the people of the whole country put everything aside and concentrated on disaster relief, which is a patriotic force.


I have returned home. From now on, wherever I go, I will appeal to everyone and extend your hand to support the disaster area.



Season Summary







disaster area

Classification: American life and experience

Another season has ended. Although the team's performance is not satisfactory, looking back on this season, there are still many things I want to share with you.


This year, the Nets have several new teammates. The most interesting of these new partners is T-Will. His locker room is next to my Tony Batty, and we are very close. T-Will is the most active both on and off the court, especially full of energy! He likes dressing up very much. He can wear casual clothes at ordinary times and sometimes very formal clothes. He is very particular about dressing. Of course, the most commendable thing is his ability on the court. The rookie season has won three pairs, which is great!


This season, in fact, there is another surprise, that is, the arrival of Del Harris. He is my teacher. I didn't expect to have the chance to play under him again this season. During his stay here, he gave me a lot of support and encouragement. He helped me a lot when I didn't do well on the court. I miss him when he left the Nets. He also encouraged me to do many things on the court, which gave me confidence. So I will play hard to repay him.


When it comes to the coach, we have to mention our coach. Qiqi's mother died, he must be very sad, but he led the team






New Jersey


fierce wind





Triple Crown

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: American life and experience

It has been a whole week since I sprained my ankle. I have been doing recovery and treatment this week, and then shooting and training my upper limb strength. I don't know what happened to New Jersey these two days. The weather is terrible. Although the blizzard stopped, it began to blow gales and rain heavily. I heard that this weather will last for several days!


How bad is the weather? For example, today, it's raining heavily. It seems that it hasn't stopped since yesterday. It was very dark in the afternoon. I can hear the wind when I close the window at home. The wind is blowing down the trees on the roadside. Occasionally, I can hear the sound of police sirens. I read the news that many people are flooded


Although the weather is so bad, I have to go to the training center against the wind and rain for recovery and treatment, and my martial arts can't be wasted. I practice a little more every day, and hope to return to the court early!


Recently, I recovered well from my foot injury. I don't need to wear protective boots anymore! It's basically OK to walk, but I can also do some moderate running. Thank you for your concern, and please rest assured! I used to sprain my foot. I could play basketball in 4 or 5 days, but this time I may have a serious sprain in the high position. Now I can walk and run, but I don't know how to play basketball


basket net

The Bucks



All Star Weekend


New Jersey

New York

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: American life and experience


Today, when we played Bucks at home, two special fans came to the stadium - Black and Fan Fan. Unfortunately, I couldn't give them a victory. I just had dinner with them. Fortunately, the game ended early today. Otherwise, I don't know whether I will eat until dawn. The time when my friends get together is very fast, whooshing


Fan Fan and the Negro came from New York today. In the heavy snow, when they came to the stadium, their taxi skidded on the road and made a 360 degree circle. It was very dangerous... In order to scare them, I sent them two of the most expensive tickets on the sidelines. The Negro and Fan Fan were very happy. I think they have forgotten about the circle, ha ha!


I don't know what happened to America this winter. It snowed wildly on the east coast

(2010-01-27 10:39)

basket net






Chinese Night

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: American life and experience



Hi, everyone. Soon after I came back from the road, the whole team also had a two-day holiday. Today's training was very heavy. After that, I kept drinking water. I was thirsty! However, no matter how much water I drink, I don't have as many problems as the Sina reporter. That page is so full of papers. Ha ha! To make fun of!



(2009-12-25 09:18)



Spring Festival

New York







Miscellaneous talk

Classification: American life and experience

On Christmas Eve, the Christmas atmosphere in the United States is getting stronger and stronger. Recently, it has been snowing in the east, and New Jersey has not been spared. However, everyone said that it makes Christmas more meaningful.


The Nets have done a lot of Christmas related activities recently. For example, I attended a party called "Snowball Holiday" a few days ago and made Christmas trees with many children. It's very interesting. It's said that the Nets official has also made a cartoon short film about our snowball fight, which is very funny. I haven't seen it yet. I have to look for it when I am free. By the way, if you don't mind the trouble, you can also post the address of the video to me in the message!


In retrospect, this is my third Christmas in the United States. In fact, I didn't go out to celebrate the two previous Christmas. As a Chinese, I still have more feelings for our Spring Festival. At Christmas, my socks are either my own feet or empty, or they have no gifts, ha ha! If you go outside, you can also imagine that the streets of New York must be full of people. One season's games are so frequent that it is rare to have two days off. I'd better rest at home instead of going out to join in the excitement!


Coach Harris gave me a gift before yesterday's game

(2009-12-24 15:10)


50 days

22 points

8 plate





Yao Ming


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: American life and experience

Hello, everyone. I just came back from the gym to talk with you.


After 50 days, I finally came back. Today, I got 22 points and 8 rebounds. I feel pretty good. After all, I haven't played for so long. I'm still in good shape and playing well. I'm satisfied.


I felt a little tight in the first two or three minutes, and slowly opened it later. In fact, the coach didn't plan to let me play for such a long time. Later, I saw that I played well, so he asked me to play for a while more. At last, I played for 30 minutes. It was very enjoyable, and I had no physical problems.


After the game, I found that the team still had a lot of things to improve. I must have helped the team when I came back, but I was disappointed that I didn't win today Today, my hand was relatively smooth, and I gave the team support on the offensive side. However, the defense still needs to be strengthened, which is also something we should pay attention to, especially in the connection of defense.


The next game is going to play Rocket. This is the first time since I entered the NBA for more than two years. It's a pity that I can't meet Yao Ming when I play Rocket. Of course, I think for fans, Yao Ming can't play more


50 stitches

Sean Williams

Kiki Vandeweghe







Miscellaneous talk

Classification: American life and experience


Hi, everyone. I haven't seen you here for a long time.


As you all know, my lip was broken by Sean Williams' elbow and I had 50 stitches sewn. Once I arrived at the stadium yesterday, I was surrounded by a large group of reporters. They all asked me why the scar on my mouth was not obvious? Alas, it seems that they want my scar to be more obvious, ha ha! I know that Vandewich also joked before that it would be more cool to have multiple tattoos on my mouth after I removed the stitches. It seems that I really let everyone down this time!


Looking back on the day of the injury, I still feel surprised. I didn't feel much at that time, but I ended up with so many stitches. The doctor finished it almost an hour later. At night, my mobile phone was bombarded by phone calls and text messages. Many relatives and friends came from China

(2009-10-27 10:11)



Chinese fans



Right knee


Opening battle

The forest wolf

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: American life and experience


After the pre-season game, if I want to make a summary for myself, it is that I feel better and better. In the seven pre-season games, I have been improving from the beginning to the end. This is not only about technology, but also about confidence and state.


I still remember the last game, which was played at St. John's University in Queens, New York. The stadium was not big and could only seat more than 3000 people. To my surprise, as soon as I entered the stadium, many Chinese fans shouted to me, "Come on, come on, come on!". I think most of these people should be foreign students from this school. They have been giving me encouragement throughout the game, which made me feel very excited. At last, they scored 22 points and 11 rebounds. They are in good condition. I think their support is inseparable.


Actually, this time


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