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(2016-08-22 13:48)
Classification: essay
  Continue to present a journal
  The Olympic Games started without special attention until the appearance of Phelps, which opened my dusty memory again. I have been paying attention to the 2008 Olympic Games. I use my notebook to record a schedule and pay attention to every game I like. In 12 years, Li Xuerui defeated Wang Yihan, and had a close relationship with the little guy; The final match between Lin Dan and Li Zongwei was also the day when the baby was due to be born. I watched the match happily. Although I didn't chase the match this year, I have recovered many memories. I remember that when I was very young, I began to like Ding Ning. I watched her play for the Beijing team with Zhang Yining. It was a very small game. From the first time I saw her, I began to love her persistently, Four years ago, she was sentenced to serve against the rules and finished the Olympic finals with tears. It seemed that yesterday, until this year, she watched the Olympic finals again, and didn't sleep well. Because she felt that her hope for victory was not so great, and she didn't have time to watch the game. She had been following the webcast all the time. She was really afraid to watch it and was afraid of losing. She had ups and downs again and again, and finally won the championship, I'm very excited about the grand slam,
(2016-03-25 16:25)
Classification: essay
  After a week, I still deleted the complaining words. In many years, there has not been so many negative energy outbreaks. This time, I may be a little sad, but after the communication, everything is fine. I find that I love my family more than before, because I know their affirmation of me, their support for me, and their love for you~

  I miss the days when I used to write a daily account here. There are always more than ten replies. People who read them feel warm. Slowly many friends stop blogging, but when they are in a bad mood, they think of it first. Haha, because many strangers can give very helpful advice, and venting can calm their feelings, I hope that every time I come here in the future, I will report good news.

  Today, let's start with a good news. My salary has been raised again, which is far beyond my salary expectations when I first worked. Live a good life, love yourself, love your family, and love your friends.

  Seriously Taobao, purchase on behalf of others, and overseas shopping.


The newly revised basic reading bibliography for Chinese children in 2014 was released yesterday at the National Day School.

At the press conference, Mr. Wen Rumin, a famous scholar, said: "The children's bibliography is very well compiled. We should prevent the current trend, which is called primary school education. Children are fastidious in reading, and children are still illiterate. How can we let them read? It is mainly parent-child reading to guide children to like books. I agree to provide them with appropriate bibliographies."

http://s6/large/001wM4SFgy6Ma87YSPj55 Li Yiman is introducing the revised results of the children's bibliography

This revision is new







      It is healthy because it is made of 100% whole wheat, rich in fiber, low in oil and sugar, and rich in nutrition.














      I always worry about the leftover materials when making snacks - for example Angel Food Cake , egg white coconut cake, tile crisp, etc., there will be a pile of egg yolks left. I don't know what to do. At this time, I will provide you with several good options: you can do





      "What is your favorite and most satisfied work after playing baking for so many years?" This is a question I often ask, and it is really a difficult question to answer. On the one hand, as long as the works posted on the blog are all my favorite works, I am not willing to rank them high or low; The other party


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