(2012-06-10 21:18)

Miscellaneous talk

      Finally, I got free and looked through the photos of Dali and Heshun. I really missed them. Freedom is full of all unknown possibilities and hopes. All scenery and opportunities are rare. Be sure to sort out the photos and words this week. I wish I had been on the road. This life repeats to despair every day. Therefore, the Dragon Boat Festival trip with Miss Zhao must eliminate all difficulties and dangers.

      I also want to see The First Time. The film review said that pure love is suitable for girls aged 15-20. Well, I must go there. Finally, there is a movie for teenagers!

      Well, I went to see If You Are the One in the middle of my writing, and then I was moved to tears. The boy said, "If you like a girl, what are you afraid of even if you lose face for her in front of the whole world?" Xing Xing said, "I bet my time and happiness on meeting the right person." You also cry. Well, let's not be sentimental, sleep well and take action.


Miscellaneous talk

      As an adult, I am very busy. I'm so busy that I don't even have time to tidy up my travel notes to Yunnan. I don't work overtime very often, nor do I fall in love. Then why am I so busy.

      I am busy losing things and looking for things. In the past month, I have lost 1000 Carrefour cards, U disk, mobile phone battery, just bought a solar umbrella There are many kinds of products that I have never lost. I have tried to find them. After all, they used to be my people. I also imagined that a young man who saw the information could find me. As a result, they all left home resolutely, and only I still remember the old love. I used to make up my mind to lose things, but now I'm embarrassed. It's good not to lose something that is particularly important and valuable. They said that I had lost so many things that peach blossoms would be overwhelming. It suddenly dawned on me. I said that it was easy for me to have peach blossoms for so many years.

      I am busy with injuries and remedies. When I boil water, I will burn my hands; When I walk, I will fall down, black and blue; I sprinkle oil all over my dinner. You wash clothes with detergent, but my sister uses detergent.

      I was busy calling my mother, early and late, listening to her nagging about how my father hurt her, how my milk became my father, my family



      At 4:00 a.m., I finally watched the episode of Northern Ireland all the time. I wonder if the story behind is more painful. I feel that the whole person is hollowed out, like the night at four o'clock in the morning, and there is a kind of darkness that will never greet the dawn.

      At first, I was attracted by the Beijing love story because it was funny. It seemed that we were so funny and nonsense. Until I saw the imprint of time on each character, I felt as if I saw my struggling growth, such as Lin Xia's lines, I don't know why all this has become like this, but I understand that we have all grown up. Although the pain of growth is hard to remember, we cannot refuse, but can only face it. Every joy in youth is the first time, and every sting is also the first time. The first feeling is always the most intense, already hard. Until all the joys and sorrows begin to numb, we suddenly think that everything begins to calm down, but who knows when the scene is opened again, the rain or sunshine is still clear and transparent, in your heart, never ended.

 I like Northern Ireland because it is like a mirror and a fantasy. We see who we used to be and what we hope to become or meet. So your favorite character may be the most like you or the one you want most. I like Lin Xia best. She is very happy. Her obsession with love is not consistent with her appearance, and her persistence is contrary to this era. Be guarded
(2012-01-08 22:32)

Miscellaneous talk

Since those years, I have seen a lot of Taiwan Xiaoqingxin recently.

Today, I made up Cape 7. The music is very good. The ordinary presentation is only for the last moment, the fragrance of love pervading.

Love can't stand to leave, to think again and again, to be trampled by reason.

In the most loving time together, only when you know this truth

I'm fine. I'm peaceful and I can't ripple. I just want to live a more peaceful life.

Those who know me worry about me, but those who don't know what I want.

good night.


(2012-01-07 01:30)

Miscellaneous talk

The weather in Shenzhen is very cold. I turn on the electric heater, hold a hand warmer, and wrap myself in the quilt.

In the last game, I missed the blue gate for too long. In 2001, I was in my third year of junior high school and in my 10th year of junior high school.

Those pure cheeks like Meng Kerou, and those laughing like Zhang Shihao's dimples. I have always been inexplicably infatuated with people with dimples, such as drunkenness.

"I seem to see him standing in front of a blue door, nodding and smiling at me." For 10 years, there are few people who still smile when people come and go.

"If you begin to like boys after three or five years, remember the first thing to tell me." The beauty of the film is that it only records a segment of life, without grinding, fragmentation, repetition day and night, and no results.

It's not that we refuse to grow, it's not that we can't grow, but that we always believe in what we insisted on when we were young and can't start. This night, a beautiful scene about youth finally pulls us back. If life makes you fade, I hope your heart has never been damaged.

Tomorrow, no, to be exact, today, I will go to HK with Huanhuan, accompanied by the ros

(2011-08-29 21:10)

Miscellaneous talk

      Today, my mood is particularly unstable. I feel that I can cry at any time and quarrel with others at any time, so I must avoid being alone and communicating with others. This is obviously contradictory. Of course, I can only stare at the computer, which is the only safe way I can find.

    Others can always indulge me as well. To a certain extent, why did I collapse first? I repeatedly asked myself what I could give back. I can't help but feel that I am a selfish person. I feel that I am just devouring the warmth and kindness of others; The consequence of indulgence is that I can't accept others' bad attitude towards me calmly, which is a huge pain that I will never learn to accept.

    Do we all have people with hidden diseases, such as rheumatism, overcast weather and rain, and will get sick.

    Why does it happen that at this time, Xiaodan came with his own ice skin moon cakes and looked at those delicate snacks, which were so divided by us, but his face was full of smiles. He didn't even know that he was saving me from emotional troubles.

    I made an important decision to have a good meal in the future, which will make me feel happy, but I'm afraid of getting fat. Ya is sick


Miscellaneous talk

        Today, four months. I can't wake up and get up. I know my heart is not here at all. Although I have made innumerable psychological suggestions for myself, something is always sneaking up that this is not a long-term path. The most vicious thing is that the best path can not really surface, even though my high-density thoughts are surging. It is not difficult to listen carefully to the voice of the heart and accurately judge the development trend, but it is difficult to start, and it severely tests the lack of action of Libra.

        Every time I write, I feel that I must be honest with myself and take the evidence as evidence.

        As I grow older, I become more and more obsessed with the love between children and girls, and with comfort and warmth, but this is not the only thing. Greedy people are always on the run.

        I don't care about those indifferent people's casual recognition, the fame and wealth designed by people. I care about whether I am loyal to myself or not, whether I still have sincerity and blood, and care about those important and kind people.

        I think one day, where will I be, honest with myself, honest life, honest

(2011-05-31 17:10)


May Day

Bright and dazzling

Standing in the eye of this joint

The unthinkable was overthrown

Confused and relieved

Little expectations in my heart

It is moistened by the warm summer sun and blooms fragrant flowers

But those little questions

I know no one can give an answer

If there is such a spring breeze

Will I be desperate

If there is such a fire

Will I give up all persistence


(2011-01-20 20:42)

Miscellaneous talk

I suddenly lost control today

I still can't control my curiosity

Find out everything about your marriage

Add an ignorant person to my confusion

I was misunderstood by others at night

Plus the holiday, everyone's gone More and more desolate

Insist on losing weight for 10 days

When the emotion is out of control

Stuff yourself with so much junk food

I'm so useless sometimes

You can only relieve your emotions by hurting your stomach





For a long time

Never been brave

Follow the deepest voice

More and more fear

And costs


Carrying more and more baggage

Unable to move forward with all one's heart and soul

Can't believe

Can't give

There is no simple acquisition

Those closest to the truth of life

Simplicity Smart brave


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 Wang Mu
Wang Mu
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