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(2013-05-02 16:05)
On May 2, 2013, I once felt that 2013 was so far away from me, but now it is so close, with some fear and some fear. Time urged me to rush to the gate of 30. I hesitated for a long time and dared not walk. What a clear concept it is to be 30 years old. People, at what age should I do something, I have never wanted to follow the steps, and began to think about what I should do. Life is just like this. It seems ordinary and wonderful. How about my process of knowing the end early and pursuing only the process? The end point is too clear, and the process has already been arranged. I just need to accept and do it. There are several choices in life that determine your path. Now I am too eager for new things. I know the end point, and I don't want to live a peaceful life. I want to be a repeat machine

Miscellaneous talk

I am 26 years old this year. What does it mean to be 26 years old? Do you want it? Who wants me to give to whom, afraid of old age, tired, empty, lonely, most afraid of the lost youth, away from me, never come back. At the age of 26, the Princess Huanzhu, who accompanied us, has been remade. The ten year old Harry Potter has also come to a successful end. Jay Chou has become an uncle. Leslie Cheung has been dead for seven years. Super Girl has become a memory of youth. When I started working, I would like to retire. When youth is no longer young, will excitement still exist? More to say, you have entered a dull life, vulgar, the words despised in the past, firmly bound my life now, day after day, year after year, are you old? When I lose feeling about life, it makes me feel terrible. There is no freshness in life, how to proceed? Maybe now I haven't adapted to the life of leaving campus, and recently I began to miss Changchun. When I think of a sentence from my deskmate: "It's very happy to work in my hobby", maybe I was born in bliss, and every graduate student, like a chivalrous man, has braved the world. When work enters a stable period, you should not become a working machine. Although your youth is no longer young, your heart is still beating, and your dreams are immortal. Life is not about living, but about quality. It is not about following the crowd, but about being happy. People need charging, not perpetual motion machines. What do you lack? It's your own insipidity. Take action
(2011-03-28 18:12)

Miscellaneous talk

After six months of adaptation, it seems to have entered a stable and regular life track, which is a kind of enrichment. What I need is to slowly taste this cup of mellow coffee, smell the fragrance, and enjoy life happiness. As was once said in Soldier Assault, life is not ups and downs, but calm. Everything is silent and flowing like a quiet orchid valley, quiet and comfortable. Today, I saw a friend's blog, and I felt that I was slowly separated from the past. It seems that the busy life urges you to stop, review the past fragments, and precipitate yourself. It is life that leads me forward, rather than I drive the train of life forward. Everyone becomes the product of time, rather than I dominate time. The leisure free time avoids a lot of carefree thinking, but it causes self advancement and ignores the deep enjoyment of life. This is what I don't want to see. I am very pleased with my love for life. Only love can touch me.

I like the close contact with nature, the love with the sea, the free talk with books, the dance with the city, the heart and heart of students, the pure nature and sincerity, no hypocrisy, no struggle for profits, no estrangement, the paradise, everyone is going, since there is no real existence,


Miscellaneous talk

In fact, we have been searching for so long, tasting the sweetness and hardship of each love,
And the last lover we choose is just the one who passes by when our hearts move.
What childhood sweethearts, what hearts are in harmony, what love at first sight, are just some excuse for icing on the cake,
Time is the master of everything.

When I look back on the past, I think of the love that passed through life like a meteor,
We often blame each other's missing for fate.
In fact, fate is such an abstract concept,
What really affects us is often the time when we meet and fall in love.

The communication between men and women is full of uncertainty and reserve,
A small variable can completely change the direction of selection.
If you appeared earlier, maybe he would not be closely linked with another person;
Or meet a little later,
The late two gradually learned tolerance and understanding, kindness and compromise in their respective love experiences,
Maybe when we get together, we won't give up so easily. We will turn around and let love go.

Who did you meet when you were most beautiful?
When you love someone deeply, who is he with?
Who is walking with him when your heart is most fragile?
How much time has love given you to meet and separate, to choose


Miscellaneous talk

In 2010, when the countdown begins, I will say goodbye to you. I will be unforgettable with you. There are so many things. Thank you. I ended my college life perfectly. I started a new chapter, work, new life, unlimited challenges. For the first time, I left my hometown, the North, and came to the evergreen South. A new station, independent life, independent earning, independent face, how to walk, is to learn again. Confusion, confusion, surprise, accident, insipidity, etc., are full of the second half of 2010. When walking full, you should think more about how to learn to walk, walk your own way, think better and walk better.

Miscellaneous talk


            If life is an unfolding book, college is the most beautiful chapter of life; If we compare life to a long journey, college is the journey of youth that we always miss. Graduation is like a big full stop. From then on, we bid farewell to a period of pure youth, a period of frivolous youth, an era full of fantasy

The university got up from me, put on my pants and said to me, "Leave your youth behind and go.

The university is like a bus at the gate of the university. When you get on the bus and go back and forth, it is the beginning of another semester; Get on the bus, go back, and graduate

After a few years of college, I have gained experience and hair.

I went to sleep with a college admission notice. When I woke up, I found that the notice had become a diploma, which proved that I had slept here.

I used a sack of money to go to college and changed a sack of books. After graduation, I exchanged these books for money, but I couldn't afford to buy a sack.

Use four years to exchange a forever memory in my heart.


(2010-12-13 09:40)

Miscellaneous talk

As time approaches, I am more and more looking forward to going home, homesick, missing sauerkraut, missing snow, and missing my hometown. It's been four months since I left home. The day before yesterday, we gathered together to enjoy the delicious food in Northeast China, and spoke the long lost Northeast dialect. Kindness and familiar taste are our favorite.

In the past two weeks, I have experienced the weather here, and I really caught a cold. I have got a profound conclusion that there is still a regional gap between the colds I didn't take cold medicine, but I was also nervous this time. I had no choice. Who called my throat out of order, which led to a strange phenomenon. Students wore short sleeves, and I wore thick waistcoats. Under the same blue sky, the styles were very different.

I haven't written an article for a long time and read quietly. I feel more and more obscure in language, unable to write, withered in knowledge, shrunk in the world, and dried up in people. I like a wonderful and fresh world, but now it is more and more dull.



The fifth anniversary of blog

My blog today two year one hundred and eighty-three God!

On April 28, 2008, I settled down at Sina Blog.

On April 28, 2008, I wrote the first blog post: The First Departure

On December 21, 2008, the first picture was uploaded to the album.

Over the years, Sina Blog has accompanied me to write my life bit by bit.

Article Chapter number   82
Figure Slice number   16 sheets
Number of visitors   17691 times

Miscellaneous talk

With the rustling autumn wind, the girl of autumn just came. Surrounded by the thick summer clothes in the south, I had the illusion that the time was still in August and September. Looking back to my hometown, it was already covered with snow. In winter, only when I went home can I be cared by it. In three months, I can go home. Think about it, I feel a little warm in my heart. Winter is not cold, but warm at home. The blood of black earth flows in my bones, and the smell of northeast emanates from my body. I have been telling me that my roots are still there, and I haven't left yet. When one is out, wandering around the world and tied by his family, he will not drift around like a kite without ropes. If the northeast is the existence of roots, and the south is the flourishing place of branches and leaves, this is my future home after all. I have goals to strive for, family support, friends to accompany, new friends to play, and teachers to care about. Therefore, I have always been very lucky and should learn to have no regrets. Now the first task is to work hard, adapt as soon as possible, and explore my own path, After all, work is a lifelong thing. We should learn to enjoy the fun of work. The table said that it is happy to engage in what we like. Why do I let this happiness slip away? Calm down, take your time, correct little by little, learn little, digest little by little, and make progress little by little. Speaking of progress, I would like to thank a person, Shifu, who felt lucky to meet her as a newcomer and gave me the most sincere care and trust, so I must refuel,

Miscellaneous talk

I have been away from home for more than two months. As a newly graduated student, I really feel the outside world. I am still nostalgic for the life in the ivory tower, lingering for a long time, and can't give up. It is the old saying that when I lose it, I feel more precious. It is a good memory of my life. It flows in my heart, nourishes my heart, and has always been very lucky, The campus life is so pure, beautiful and clean. I am bathed in the sunshine. I grow up step by step with a bright future, accompanied by close friends, guided by noble teachers. I walk on the bright road. Fortunately, I make the right choice every time I make a major choice. I have not gone through many detours, less setbacks and less experience. Work, a new start, a new life, just starting, new people, new attitude, in a strange environment, there are many things to explore, which is more necessary to maintain a good attitude. This job, described as hard, really feel the hardships of the work, too many places to learn, can not be treated with a happy attitude, but to feel and explore with heart, With heart, every day is new, which ensures that you will make progress every day. This is another challenge to yourself. Even if you are nostalgic for campus life, you should resolutely choose to leave. Because you have reached the end of the road, you must open up a new path, so that you can develop. Only by experiencing a new life can you nourish life. monotony will only lead to boredom.



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