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 Xia Zhiliang
Xia Zhiliang
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Miscellaneous talk

​&# 8203;


​&# 8203; I

When Zhou Zhou and I left, it was already more than nine o'clock at night. Many people lay at the window to watch, but only the moonlight of that night was sent to us.

As soon as my mother moved her foot, my father glared back at her. He is a cultural person, and it would be rude not to say, "I will give up my gratitude when I leave". After all, he is the leader of the Education Bureau.

What he said is that I respect your every choice, but Gu Xiaoxia will remind you that when you step out of this door, you also lose a key to open the door.

So you see, how important it is to learn Chinese well, not as hurtful as my words: rest assured, begging will not come to this door.

Seven aunts and eight aunts scolded me, and my mother turned her face to wipe away tears. I guess she must be very sad.

When I opened the door, Zhou Zhou stood still, continued to make weak promises to my parents, and was pulled out by me.

When I close the door, kinship is kinship and love is love, which is the hardest decision I have ever made in my 24 year old life. As my father said, if you take this step, you may really lose a key to go home.


Kaiyuan Station is not big, it's nearly late at night, and it's cold and quiet.

In half an hour, we will set out from here, bypass Dalian, and then cross thousands of kilometers to fly to Shanghai.

The winter in the north is very cold. Zhou Zhou wrapped me up with a scarf. I raised my hand and slapped him in the face.

I frowned every week. I said it was okay. I hit you at will.

He was very sensible and handed over the other side of his face. I raised my hand, but failed to fall.

I said Zhou Zhou, you must be nice to me. You must

Then, tears could not help falling down from my face. Zhou Zhou reached out to wipe them off for me and held me in his arms.

What is growing up? Growing up is a process of gradual loss.

To be honest, my father is very kind to me. He has spoiled me since childhood. Even if I arbitrarily chose the unexpected major I wanted to apply for in the college entrance examination, he just said something lightly. If you like it. Maybe in his opinion, no matter how high my kite flies, the string is always in his hand.

It was not until one day when I really wanted to live my own life that they realized that I would marry.

I know that he must be very upset.

They strongly oppose me to stay with Zhou Zhou, not only because he is poor, but also because of the complexity of his family.

After his mother remarried, she gave birth to a younger brother. After his father remarried, he added a younger sister to him. That is to say, I need to face six old people after marriage.

Even I feel worried about the future, but so what?

If you fall in love, you fall in love. There is no reason to talk about it.


The plane has entered the stratosphere. More than an hour later, I will work together with Zhou Zhou for the future in the name of lifelong cooperation.

He chased me when he was a sophomore and chased me for a whole year. When I asked him why he was so kind to me, he smiled warmly and said, I don't know what advantages I have that can make you look at me except for being nice.

This is also true. He is not the most beautiful and talented person among those who pursue me. The first time he invited me to dinner, we took the subway for more than an hour. I said, why not choose one nearby? Hot pot restaurants are everywhere.

He held up the coupon in his hand and said that he could save 80 yuan and waste it without using it.

I knew he was poor, but he never hid it, which is a rare quality.

Accidentally heard a recording of Sanmao when he was alive, and he said to her:

Echo、Echo, I have fourteen yuan. A movie ticket is seven yuan. Fourteen yuan is just enough for two people to watch the movie. But now I invite you to see a movie. We have to walk, because I have no other money.

It was my birthday. He had 136 yuan. He took me to the movies, ate roadside stalls, and bought ice cream and desserts. Zhou Zhou said, I still have two yuan, so I can't give you a more expensive gift. Let me buy a lottery ticket for you. Maybe I will win the big prize!

I smiled and suddenly felt very happy. 136 yuan is not much, but that's all he has.

On my 20th birthday, I walked up and down the street hand in hand with a poor man until dawn.


The house is not big. It's rented. It's along Huqingping Highway, near Hongqiao Airport.

We cleaned our room and simply added some daily necessities, which marked the beginning of our struggle.

He goes to the People's Square to work. Every day, he has to take the subway for more than two hours. It's very hard. I found a company nearby. The salary is not much, but he is also light. He has a lot of time to prepare breakfast and dinner for him.

My mother called me secretly and asked for a long story. She said that your father was still angry, but he cared more about you than anyone else.

I don't know.

I said don't worry, Mom, I'm fine here, take care of your health.

Hearing my father shouting something over there, she hung up the phone in a hurry.

The day was short and long, and soon it was the Mid Autumn Festival of the next year. Zhou Zhou asked me, Xiao Xia, why don't I accompany you back to Kaiyuan for the holiday? If you are scolded, you will be scolded. I'm not afraid.

I shook my head and did not turn back. When life was better, I would turn back.

He said, "Why? It's my parents anyway.".

I said you are really confused or fake confused. I didn't listen to my mother on the phone. My eldest cousin married a rich man. It's a matter of spending money every day. The second cousin talked about being an official. It's very beautiful?

Oh, Zhou Zhou nods, I'll make money.

I ignored him and went to the sofa. When my elder cousin got married, everyone else's share was 3000. I was 1000. Grandma's birthday was 5000. I was 1000. Grandma returned 500 to me; My best friend asked me to go to Hainan, and I could only watch her hair selfie in the circle of friends; Colleagues talked about that the house price has dropped a lot recently, so I had to hide behind them.

I don't hate reality, but I respect reality.

So when Zhou Zhou said that he planned to resign at the end of the year, I gave him a warm kiss.


On the day Zhouzhou's studio was completed, I painted seven pieces of news in the circle of friends. I know it's boring, but I just want to tell them that we will be fine in the future.

My mother praised me. I was so excited that I rushed to show it to Zhou Zhou. Colleagues laughed at me. But what happened? I was happy.

But when I received the push message of collection, I cried again. My father transferred 20000 yuan to me on Alipay, leaving a message with only two lonely words: "Mianzhi".

Chou Chou pinched my waist and said, "Be discreet, dear, there are so many guests.".

But I just want to cry, wail, I ran to the bathroom, one by one wipe tears.

Nothing can make me feel happier than my father's approval.

Zhou Zhou's studio began to operate normally, and business was good. Then at the end of the year, my mother asked on the phone, when did you come back?

I said that I would go back next week.

After two years of separation, my mother kept putting food in Zhou Zhou's bowl at the dinner table. My father asked him about his studio and his outlook for the future. Full of momentum.

And I just sat there laughing, neither eating nor drinking. My mother gave me a white look and said, silly, you, hurry to eat?

I continued to laugh, just to be silly. I said, Dad, do you remember that when you were young, Mom and I took me to Yunnan to travel and lost me.

My father knocked my bowl with chopsticks and said, "Eat without saying anything, sleep without saying anything, eat without saying anything.". He grabbed his wine glass and took a sip of the old wine. A ray of gentleness rippled in his eyes.

I was seven years old that year. When he found me in the police station, he was crying and whipping his face. At that time, I was young and did not understand that emotion, but I knew that he could not lose me.


After the third day of the new year, Zhou Zhou and I returned to Shanghai to take care of ourselves briefly and went to his two homes. Although we were warmly received, we always felt that something was wrong.

Fortunately, each family only lived for two days and began the struggle of the new year.

In the summer of 2015, Zhou Zhou's studio began to go downhill due to the impact of the big environment. Soon after, he compensated a large amount of liquidated damages due to a dispute.

I said, why don't you talk to my father and get some turnover from him first.

Zhou Zhou shook his head. The industry is depressed and can't continue. Let's take a look at the cooking and close it.

Half a month later, Zhou Zhou cashed out the studio and paid off the loan. There was no money left. He looked at me with a little guilt and said, Xiao Xia, let you down.

My mouth curled. Who said that I was recognized by my family, learned experience and made a lot of money? Besides, I don't expect you to get rich now.

Zhou Zhou smiled and took my hand to discuss. Otherwise, let's go back to Dalian now. Don't wait for money. There will be many changes in life. Don't wait for water to reach Qu Cheng to do everything, do you think?

I agree, of course. I wanted to make more money in Shanghai before I went back to buy a house.

So, a few days later, we boarded the plane and returned to Dalian. When he told me that he wanted to make a mobile phone mask, his head was very low, for fear that I might call him unpromising.

I said you decided?

He said that the salary here was not high anyway, so it would be better to start from a young age and find a job on your own.

I smiled and said, OK, then I will accompany you. I am also a proprietress.

Soon after, our "professional film" set up a stall in the night market, and it was still mobile. In the daytime, we pushed our cars around, and the music on the car was loud, very exciting.

When spring came, we made tourist souvenirs. We went to various scenic spots and sold money to go to restaurants. It was very free. In fact, the income is much higher than that of working, but it doesn't look so bright.

But who cares? We are comfortable, and we know it.

On Grandma's birthday, I took Zhou Zhou back, wearing ordinary clothes, not fashionable at all. Grandma loves me the most. She thinks I'm not doing well. She holds my hand and Zhou Zhou's and asks about things.

My parents also seem to feel that they are not proud and don't go to other aunts and uncles. After all, their son-in-law is the best of the best. The only disadvantage is that it is said that the eldest brother-in-law is more romantic, and the second brother-in-law is not very reassuring.

But they are still proud and bright, talking about stocks and finance with us. Zhou Zhou and I smiled and hid to steal food.

I heard that when I came back, several classmates organized a party and asked us what we were doing during the dinner. I said that when we set up the stall, they all kept their eyes wide open. In their opinion, it seems inconceivable that the daughter of the Director General of Education went to set up a stall, with a slight regret in her words.

But so what? We are comfortable, we know.

It was my birthday again soon. Zhou Zhou said that he would hold a banquet for me. I shook my head and said that neither of us would take it.

That night, we went to Xinghai Square and walked along Binhai Road. The moon was round and the waves danced happily.

Zhou Zhou hugged me and said, Xiao Xia, let's get married.

I smiled and said, OK.

The gentle sea breeze blew from my cheek, comforting our memories of seven years, and also comforting the warm tears in my eyes.

The happiest thing in the world is that there is a person who is willing to give you his all.

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Miscellaneous talk

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​&# 8203;&# 65279;- 01-&# 65279;

In that winter, the snow was unusually heavy&# 65279;&# 65279;

When Shen Yi moved here, he wore a beige down jacket and moved things into the room one by one like a big moving pumpkin&# 65279;&# 65279;

On the telephone pole at the door, leaning against a woman, beautiful, but not young, a lonely cigarette in her hand, her eyes misty looking at the busy young man&# 65279;&# 65279;

Jiang Yan is the last shantytown in Zhabei. There are a mix of good and bad people living in different places, as well as some "special occupation" tenants. Therefore, I can't help being curious about the woman in front of me, so I ignored the eyes of "Pumpkin Boy"&# 65279;&# 65279;

With a microwave oven in his arms, his expression was anything but friendly. But he is smiling, not on his face, but curled up in the corners of his mouth, which means that he is not catering to you, but an attitude&# 65279;&# 65279;

I coughed slightly to hide my embarrassment, then put my back to my chest and said, well, I am the landlord's daughter... When using electricity, pay attention&# 65279;&# 65279;

Pumpkin boy picked his eyebrows. He didn't talk and just looked at me short. But I must admit that he has a pair of clear eyes, as if he can penetrate all your secrets&# 65279;&# 65279;

In front of him, you hide like a child trying to put an elephant into a shoe box&# 65279;&# 65279;

That's disgusting&# 65279;&# 65279;

The woman leaning on the pole came over, and a pair of long leather boots stamped out the cigarette ends on the ground&# 65279;&# 65279;

She stared at my face for a long time, which was beyond the scope of politeness. Her eyes are not communication or appreciation, but like a vegetable farmer looking at his planted fruits in the field, maybe next second you may become her dish&# 65279;&# 65279;

So I ran away&# 65279;&# 65279;

Although I grew up in Jiangyan, a dirty place, I admit that compared with them, I am more than one magnitude inferior&# 65279;&# 65279;

As for their relationship, it is also very doubtful&# 65279;&# 65279;

-02-&# 65279;

When hibiscus came, it was covered with snow, and she brought her grandmother's homemade glutinous rice balls to me to eat&# 65279;&# 65279;

I asked her what you were up to recently. Why didn't you even call&# 65279;&# 65279;

She played with the pen holder on my desk and said, Learn to skate&# 65279;&# 65279;

With whom? Zhou Banxian? I asked&# 65279;&# 65279;

Hibiscus smiled, looked up and saw the pumpkin boy who was taking out the garbage. She looked at me curiously, who&# 65279;&# 65279;

A strange man has moved in for more than ten days without paying any attention to him. I haven't said a word. I said that the woman who lives with him is still a woman. She leaves early and returns late&# 65279;&# 65279;

After listening to my gossip, hibiscus got excited. She opened the door and shouted to him. Hey, what's your name&# 65279;&# 65279;

Pumpkin boy wore an apron around his waist, which seemed to be cooking. He was a little stunned, and his smile came to his lips&# 65279;&# 65279;

Which one of you will kill fish&# 65279;&# 65279;

I shook my head and looked at the hibiscus. She sneered, which indicated that she could&# 65279;&# 65279;

Pumpkin boy's room was tidied up very orderly, and there were several picture books on the table in disorder, as well as an unfinished hand painting&# 65279;&# 65279;

I asked, did you draw them all&# 65279;&# 65279;

He said orange juice or sprite&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I said mineral water, he said that it was just a way of making a living. The last sentence is the answer to my first question&# 65279;&# 65279;

Hello, pumpkin, steamed or braised? Hibiscus is shouting in the kitchen&# 65279;&# 65279;

He poked his head out. Hibiscus raised her kitchen knife and pointed at me, looking innocent: Gu Xiaoxia said you were called Big Pumpkin&# 65279;&# 65279;

Your name is Gu Xiaoxia&# 65279;&# 65279;

I was embarrassed&# 65279;&# 65279;

The big pumpkin smiled proudly and said, "My name is Shen Yi, let's braise it in brown sauce."&# 65279;&# 65279;

Hibiscus said yes. She bent down to take the fish out of the bucket and put it on the chopping board. When the knife just fell, the fish straightened up, and Hibiscus cried "Mommy". Then the kitchen knife in her hand cut down crazily, twice and three times, and the carp died in vain under the random knife&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi and I were a little confused and asked in unison, are you... OK&# 65279;&# 65279;

Hibiscus opened its hands, and... for the first time, it was inevitable that there would be some confusion&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi and I looked at each other. He looked at the carp "mutilated" on the chopping board, silently took out the induction cooker and said, "Eat hot pot. Fortunately, there are some vegetables."&# 65279;&# 65279;

In the middle of the meal, the woman who lived with him came back. She leaned over the door and said, Shen Yi, you are only 17. Don't mess with women&# 65279;&# 65279;

Hibiscus put down her chopsticks and said, "Don't worry, not everyone is worthy of our eyes."&# 65279;&# 65279;

Little hoof, the woman looked at the hibiscus, smiled vaguely, and went back to her room&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi shook his head and continued to eat the carp pot&# 65279;&# 65279;

The curiosity of hibiscus and I was also temporarily put aside&# 65279;&# 65279;

-03-&# 65279;

There will always be a node in time, so that your love or hatred for a person will burn into your heart, and then follow like a shadow&# 65279;&# 65279;

That night, the woman who lived with Shen Yi came back very late and got drunk. A middle-aged man followed him, pestering, as if he were courting&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi rushes out of the room, grabs a stick and smashes it on the man. The man runs away and yells, Qin Xue, I won't give up&# 65279;&# 65279;

After the woman scolded the little bunny, she squatted in the yard and sobbed. Shen Yi took a cigarette out of her bag and held it in her mouth, leaning against the door and smoking one after another&# 65279;&# 65279;

That day, he stood there for a long time, just looking at the sky, not knowing what he was looking at&# 65279;&# 65279;

I just heard the woman named Qin Xue say that she is peaceful when she is dead, but confused when she is alive&# 65279;&# 65279;

I am still young. I have just passed the age of 16. I don't know about love and hatred. Although I still live in the shantytown, I am also a rich person here. I can stretch out my clothes and open my mouth, and live a quiet and peaceful life&# 65279;&# 65279;

So when Shen Yi told me that Qin Xue was his father's woman, it took me a long time to sort out this complicated relationship&# 65279;&# 65279;

This is four months later. We went to the same high school. As a transfer student, he was assigned to a bad class&# 65279;&# 65279;

We will walk together at school. He has a second-hand electric car and carries me through every morning and sunset&# 65279;&# 65279;

Sometimes, they would take me to wander around the city and spend a little money to buy me something to eat&# 65279;&# 65279;

Although he told me a lot of things, I always felt that I still knew nothing about him. It was a feeling that you could not enter. Even when he held my hand and taught me how to draw cartoons, he still did not feel close&# 65279;&# 65279;

The girl's mind also told me not to try to understand him. His world is in chaos&# 65279;&# 65279;

For example, I found several love letters from girls in different classes in his schoolbag&# 65279;&# 65279;

He smiled magnanimously, threw the love letter into the garbage can at his feet, and continued to teach me how to paint&# 65279;&# 65279;

I have read his works. In some magazines, they are very good, but the style of painting is slightly gloomy&# 65279;&# 65279;

I think it may have something to do with his mind&# 65279;&# 65279;

-04-&# 65279;

In May, cherry blossoms bloomed everywhere&# 65279;&# 65279;

Zhou Banxian's pursuit of hibiscus has reached the level of madness. Except for class, she has followed her almost all the time&# 65279;&# 65279;

A group of people gathered around the fountain of the school. When Zhou Banxian jumped into the pool and pulled out a bunch of keys, Hibiscus said, "Are you stupid? The school worker has already turned off the fountain."&# 65279;&# 65279;

Zhou Banxian smiled and handed the key to Hibiscus, saying that he would take a bath if he was OK&# 65279;&# 65279;

Hibiscus ignored him. Instead, she handed me the key and said, Xiao Xia, you can ride Shen Yi's electric bike back. I asked him to play basketball at night&# 65279;&# 65279;

What about him&# 65279;&# 65279;

He went to change his clothes, said Hibiscus. Be careful on your way&# 65279;&# 65279;

I nodded, holding the string of wet keys, feeling a bit wet&# 65279;&# 65279;

It turned out that they were so close&# 65279;&# 65279;

I rode an electric bike and walked slowly on the road, thinking, what does it matter to me whether they are good or not? I don't like him&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I got home in the evening, it was almost nine o'clock after finishing my homework. My parents' shop was busy, and I had not come back yet. When I was preparing to cook instant noodles, the phone rang&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi said, Xiao Xia, if you have 1000 yuan, please send it to me first... Don't let Aunt Qin know&# 65279;&# 65279;

I said OK, OK, I'll be there right away, and then hurriedly hung up the phone. I rummaged through my wallet. There were only more than 100, so I went to my father's pocket again&# 65279;&# 65279;

By the time I arrived, Shen Yi's wound had been bandaged. On his shoulder, it was made of broken beer bottles&# 65279;&# 65279;

He said not to tell Hibiscus, she would feel guilty&# 65279;&# 65279;

I said that Zhou Banxian was too ruthless. It would be too cheap for him not to call the police&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi shook his head and looked at me and said, Thank you, Xiao Xia&# 65279;&# 65279;

His eyes are still so clear, but they are also profound that I cannot see through&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I got home, my mother looked at me coldly and asked why I was so late and where I went&# 65279;&# 65279;

I said classmates&# 65279;&# 65279;

She said you should stop. Is there nothing to tell me&# 65279;&# 65279;

I was right, Dad. I took 1000 yuan from your pocket and saw two pieces of clothes. It was hot and I didn't have anything to wear&# 65279;&# 65279;

My mother wanted to ask, but my father stopped her, so I closed the door to their quarrel&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi sent a text message asking, "Are you all right?"&# 65279;&# 65279;

I said yes. How can you repay me&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi did not return, but moved the lamp behind the window, stuck a piece of white paper on the glass, and then picked up the brush to begin sketching&# 65279;&# 65279;

His slender eyebrows, nimble eyes and ponytails floated under the lamp in the dark night. Later, he drew several flying butterflies on them&# 65279;&# 65279;

I feel like me, but I don't think so. I'm definitely not so beautiful&# 65279;&# 65279;

That night, I had a long dream, dreaming of a sea of flowers&# 65279;&# 65279;

-05-&# 65279;

This is a rainy summer, like our 17 year old mind, wet&# 65279;&# 65279;

Hibiscus lies on the table and asks me, what kind of girl does Shen Yi like&# 65279;&# 65279;

I like you. When I say this, I feel a little aggrieved&# 65279;&# 65279;

But the hibiscus was very happy, staring at me with a pair of big eyes, really&# 65279;&# 65279;

I smiled, and she slapped me casually, looking pretty and timid&# 65279;&# 65279;

We both read together from primary school to high school, knowing each other's little secrets, like to wear the same brand of T-shirts, like Faye Wong, like to eat sour soup noodles, use the same style of mobile phone shell, like obsessed with the Beatles, agreed to read the same university, and then never married&# 65279;&# 65279;

So, we are best friends&# 65279;&# 65279;

She played with my hair in boredom. Suddenly she grabbed my pen and said, "Stop writing, college bully. Let's go and take you to have your hair cut."&# 65279;&# 65279;

I was pulled by her and ran all the way to the barber shop. After entering, I found that it was Aunt Qin Xue who opened it&# 65279;&# 65279;

Hibiscus cried sweetly, Aunt Xue, let's cut our hair&# 65279;&# 65279;

Aunt Xue glared at the man sitting on the sofa and said, "Get out and smoke. They are all children."&# 65279;&# 65279;

I sat on the chair and watched my hair cut an inch, but Hibiscus talked happily with Aunt Xue. In addition, she asked a question that she really shouldn't ask: Where is Shen Yi's mother&# 65279;&# 65279;

When Aunt Xue shook her hand, a gap appeared in my bangs&# 65279;&# 65279;

As in my heart&# 65279;&# 65279;

When Shen Yi told me that his father had gone to a place we would never go in our life, his expression was calm as if he was telling someone else's story&# 65279;&# 65279;

Her mother was born before marriage. After giving birth to the child, she got a sum of money and disappeared. Aunt Xue also broke up with his father. Later, when he was seven years old, his father died of alcoholism&# 65279;&# 65279;

It was at that time that Aunt Xue took him in and wandered around the world with him, never getting married&# 65279;&# 65279;

I can't imagine what they have experienced, but I know it must be very heavy&# 65279;&# 65279;

On the way back, Hibiscus kept blaming herself. She said that he had so many things hidden in his heart&# 65279;&# 65279;

I smiled. In fact, we are all used to camouflage&# 65279;&# 65279;

-06-&# 65279;

Senior three's life began to get busy, and the learning task was very heavy&# 65279;&# 65279;

After knowing the cause of Shen Yi's injury, Hibiscus completely got rid of Zhou Banxian and used an extreme way to find someone to break his arm bone&# 65279;&# 65279;

She can do it. After all, she is the child of a rich family. Her parents spend half of the time every year on the plane. Because she is in debt, she is particularly spoiled&# 65279;&# 65279;

But I have long known that she is a girl who dares to love and hate. On the surface, she has the gentleness and gentleness of Jiangnan girls, but at heart, she is paranoid and perverse&# 65279;&# 65279;

You can't say that is her weakness, she is just born superior&# 65279;&# 65279;

But she was as proud as she, and lost all her strength in front of Shen Yi. Like a docile cat, she walked beside him and passed through the campus&# 65279;&# 65279;

It's very enviable&# 65279;&# 65279;

I didn't lie down at the window and look around like other girls. Only in front of English and chemistry can I conquer&# 65279;&# 65279;

He still waited for me after school&# 65279;&# 65279;

I sat in the back seat and asked him, what do you think of hibiscus&# 65279;&# 65279;

He said, I have received the contribution fee, so I will take you to eat delicious food&# 65279;&# 65279;

He always asks questions but doesn't answer them. Maybe I have no secrets in front of him. He can see through all my thoughts at a glance&# 65279;&# 65279;

Well, then, we all pretend to be confused&# 65279;&# 65279;

In October, it was already cool. He took me through the city on his electric bike. My shirt hit my face, and there was a unique cotton smell and cool soap smell&# 65279;&# 65279;

Just like the clean taste of youth I am looking for&# 65279;&# 65279;

When we got home, it was already dark, and Aunt Xue leaned against the door with a suitcase beside her&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi stopped the car, put his hands in his pants pockets, walked up to her and asked with his head down. It was decided&# 65279;&# 65279;

Aunt Xue nodded, took out a card and put it in his hand, saying that the plane at ten o'clock&# 65279;

Shen Yi murmured, but said nothing&# 65279;&# 65279;

There came a car outside the door. A middle-aged man loaded his suitcase on the car, took Aunt Xue's hand and left&# 65279;&# 65279;

Shen Yi didn't look back or say goodbye, but the moment he entered the room, I saw his tears&# 65279;&# 65279;

-07-&# 65279;

When the first snow fell in winter, my mother said that the new house was ready and planned to move there in a few days&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I told the news to Hibiscus, she said it was very good. Jiangyan, a poor place, should have left long ago&# 65279;&# 65279;

I smiled sadly, and hibiscus asked, what's the matter&# 65279;&# 65279;

I shook my head. There was nothing I couldn't bear. Who wouldn't want to live a better life&# 65279;&# 65279;

After Aunt Xue left, Shen Yi's mood continued to fall. I didn't understand that feeling, but I knew that she was his only relative&# 65279;&# 65279;

Moreover, she is 39 years old and will live her own life after all&# 65279;&# 65279;

On Christmas Eve, Grandma asked our family to spend time there. When we were having dinner, Shen Yi sent a message saying, "Where are you? I've been looking for you for a long time. Can you come to the riverside?"&# 65279;&# 65279;

My cousin has just returned from abroad. I can't get away from it, so I have to return it to him. I can't today&# 65279;&# 65279;

An hour later, the meal was finally finished. I went to the river bank with the excuse of going out to watch the fireworks. I saw Shen Yi standing there and was about to shout. Hibiscus ran from a distance, shaking the fireworks in her hands, and then jumped on his back and circled his neck&# 65279;&# 65279;

Like a leaping sika deer&# 65279;&# 65279;

Later, they lit the candles on the ground. They were heart-shaped and drank white wine... kissed&# 65279;&# 65279;

It was really cold in December. I wrapped my overcoat tightly and jumped into a taxi. I couldn't help shedding a few tears&# 65279;&# 65279;

That was my feast, but it became someone else's wedding dress&# 65279;&# 65279;

-08-&# 65279;

After New Year's Day, we moved to a new house. My father said that Shen Yi was too pathetic. He would not pay the rent. It would be nice to show him a house&# 65279;&# 65279;

Without any emotion, I jumped into the car and lived in my new home, a new and bright house with river view&# 65279;&# 65279;

The third year of senior high school has entered the sprint stage, and I don't have more time to deal with the right and wrong, such as the rumors about the opening and closing of hibiscus and Shen Yi&# 65279;&# 65279;

I just want to graduate quickly, get a good grade, go to a good university, and leave all this&# 65279;&# 65279;

I wrote in my diary that if pretending to be happy is the best outcome, then learning to forget may be the wisest choice&# 65279;&# 65279;

When my cousin just returned home, I went shopping with him and met hibiscus. She said that we were really like each other and had to take pictures of us. So I took my cousin's hand and smiled very sweetly&# 65279;&# 65279;

Later, I happened to see that picture on Shen Yi's mobile phone. She told him, "Look, Xiao Xia's boyfriend is so handsome."&# 65279;&# 65279;

The delivery time is Christmas night, which is very skillful&# 65279;&# 65279;

Well, I wish them happiness&# 65279;&# 65279;

The torturous college entrance examination finally ended, not with a loud noise, but with a whimper&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I was a sophomore in college, I bought a magazine with a hand painting on it. It looked familiar&# 65279;&# 65279;

The slender eyebrows, nimble eyes and ponytails are floating under the lamp in the dark night, with several flying butterflies on them&# 65279;&# 65279;

The illustrator wrote on it: The girl I loved deeply in those years&# 65279;&# 65279;

I closed my eyes and tried to recall his appearance&# 65279;&# 65279;

That day, he wore a beige down jacket, like a moving pumpkin, holding a microwave oven in his arms, and smiled unkindly at me&# 65279;&# 65279;

His clear eyes pierced my heart&# 65279;&# 65279;

Unfortunately, I only remember these things. I have forgotten whether he took me across the city and whether he was drunk for me&# 65279;&# 65279;

Just like a poem I copied in my diary:&# 65279&# 65279;

The weak willows and the beautiful flowers are all broken down. Qingmo is a young man on the street. The whole body of blue musk deer is filled with human fragrance, which makes people crazy&# 65279;&# 65279;

I remember when we met, we fought bravely, our temples were messy and our limbs were soft. The clay figurine does not look up without words&# 65279;&# 65279;

Why, when I saw the illustration in the magazine, my eyes were full of tears?

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-01-&# 65279;

The day she left, I stood on the overpass all night, watching the city lights fade and people come and go&# 65279;&# 65279;

The pain is spreading slowly, because there is still a flicker of hope. I tried to send her WeChat, edited a long paragraph, deleted it, hesitated, and finally just sent a "Hi" to test her reaction&# 65279;&# 65279;

I hate my cowardice and laugh at my poor self-esteem&# 65279;&# 65279;

After more than ten minutes, finally summoning up the courage to send a long paragraph of words, it has been shown that the other party is not your friend&# 65279;&# 65279;

I called her and wanted to return some of my anger to her, but when I got through, there was only a whimper&# 65279;&# 65279;

She said, don't call again, just think you've never met before, that's all&# 65279;&# 65279;

I dropped my mobile phone on the ground. Her picture was still on the screensaver. She smiled warmly and generously. Now, it's broken into pieces&# 65279;&# 65279;

It was autumn 2013, and I lost my love in a harvest season&# 65279;&# 65279;

-02-&# 65279;

Her name is Orange Xiaochu, a girl from the south of the Yangtze River. She has a little freckle on her nose and smiles warmly&# 65279;&# 65279;

In her sophomore year, she joined the school's new poetry club, and then we met. I like to call her name, Xiaochu, Xiaochu. In this way, she will smile back, Xiaoliang, Xiaoliang, you call me again&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I say nothing, I just call you, and then continue to write. This boring game has lasted for a long time, and we are never tired of it&# 65279;&# 65279;

Now think about it, I really like her, probably began in an afternoon&# 65279;&# 65279;

I wrote a new poem that I was going to show her. When I opened the door, I saw her standing in front of the window, staring at a newly blooming crabapple for a long time&# 65279;&# 65279;

So I stared at her for a long time. The afternoon sun fell on her face, and the small freckles on the tip of her nose were jumping happily, so beautiful, like a poem, like a picture&# 65279;&# 65279;

Later, when I told her, she said it was difficult to understand, but it was really a wonderful feeling. Even the dust in the air was so bright&# 65279;&# 65279;

Just like the woman in Eileen Chang's works, seeing a person under the peach tree has become the most beautiful memory in life&# 65279;&# 65279;

-03-&# 65279;

Half a month after the breakup, I began to miss her crazily, and also began to feel crazy heartache, because I finally admitted the fact that we are over&# 65279;&# 65279;

But reason told me that it was useless to think too much. I should live and work hard, so I worked late every day and had to be urged by the company's security guards to leave&# 65279;&# 65279;

I'm not a very diligent person. I just don't want to go home&# 65279;&# 65279;

I hate the coming of every dark night. It's so long and hard. I dare not listen to songs or watch movies. I will miss her for a long time if I touch her memory&# 65279;&# 65279;

In my junior year, when we were together, I still called her "Xiaochu, Xiaochu" every day, and then walked around the city with her on my bike. We didn't do anything particularly romantic, because for me, everything we do is very romantic, even if we grab a bucket of instant noodles&# 65279;&# 65279;

In this way, after graduating from college, we came to Dalian together to find work and live a happy life. Love is guided by hope, and we imagine that we can live forever&# 65279;&# 65279;

The first year was very hard. The salary was low and the expenses were high. I always wanted to give her a better bag, but I didn't save any money. She said it was OK. I wish you were here&# 65279;&# 65279;

When she said this, she smiled very sweetly, and little freckles danced happily on the tip of her nose, so I was very happy&# 65279;&# 65279;

But then she began to quarrel. From trivial matters to planning for the future, she said that our love could be like poetry, but our life could not be a poem&# 65279;&# 65279;

Yes, we should all respect the reality. I said that I will work hard and everything will be there in the future&# 65279;&# 65279;

Orange Xiaochu said that's not true. You know our family is not short of money, and I'm an only daughter. My parents' property will also belong to me in the future. I mean I can't tie myself to love, do you understand&# 65279;&# 65279;

Of course, I understand. She studies fashion design and will develop better in Shanghai. I said it doesn't matter. I'll accompany you to Shanghai&# 65279;&# 65279;

Orange Xiaochu hesitated and asked, what if it was Paris&# 65279;&# 65279;

-04-&# 65279;

Time is the best medicine, it will heal all wounds&# 65279;&# 65279;

In the summer of 2014, I have stepped out of the haze of lovelorn. Although I still often miss it, it is no longer so heavy&# 65279;&# 65279;

So I often think that maybe God has given us so much fate, and we are destined to use the wrong way to grow up&# 65279;&# 65279;

Then, I wish her all the best&# 65279;&# 65279;

If we must remember something, I can only complain that we live in two different classes of families. She can go to Paris, Europe, and have her own studio anywhere. If she wants, she can even have her own company&# 65279;&# 65279;

As she said, you know, I'm not short of money. I just want to spend my life tied in love&# 65279;&# 65279;

This is really embarrassing. The end of my efforts may just be her starting point&# 65279;&# 65279;

You can't blame her. It's not about reality. She's just born superior&# 65279;&# 65279;

She quarreled with me, not because I was incompetent, but because she grew up in love, she was no longer the little girl who looked at a blooming crabapple&# 65279;&# 65279;

And she left because she did not love. The development of everything has a peak, which is like a parabola. When it reaches the peak, it begins to decline and finally sinks into a deep valley&# 65279;&# 65279;

I can understand, but it's still sad to think about it&# 65279;&# 65279;

-05-&# 65279;

At the end of 2015, I met Orange Xiaochu when I returned to my alma mater. Zhang opened his mouth and wanted to call her name, but he was unable to do so&# 65279;&# 65279;

My classmate told me quietly that instead of going to Paris, she stayed in Shanghai and had a very bad relationship. Her love life was a bit chaotic. Now she is alone&# 65279;&# 65279;

I smiled and didn't answer&# 65279;&# 65279;

During the dinner, Orange Xiaochu was very active, witty and elegant. She even teased me and asked me if I hated her&# 65279;&# 65279;

Time is really a terrible thing, which has turned a quiet little girl into such a decent communicator&# 65279;&# 65279;

I finally admit that the only constant in the world is that everything is changing&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I went out for ventilation, Orange Xiaochu followed me out. She drank a little too much. She threw me the car key and said, "Take me back."&# 65279;&# 65279;

Her home is large, clean and luxurious. The only regret is that she lives alone&# 65279;&# 65279;

As soon as I entered the door, she put a ring around my neck and said, "Let's start again."&# 65279;&# 65279;

I took her hand away, closed the door for her, and returned to Dalian overnight&# 65279;&# 65279;

I took out my pen and paper, turned on the reading light, and wrote a poem on the plane for myself, for youth, and for Orange Xiaochu in my memory&# 65279;&# 65279;

When she went out, she asked me if you really didn't love me anymore&# 65279;&# 65279;

I shook my head and nodded&# 65279;&# 65279;

I love Orange Xiaochu, a girl from Jiangnan who has some freckles on her nose. She used to love her very much, but now I plan to put her in an unknown place in my heart, dusty or forgotten&# 65279;&# 65279;

Years later, I will tell myself that maybe I don't love you so much, but I can't let go of a memory&# 65279;&# 65279;&# 65279;

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chapter 01

In the flowering season of paulownia trees, I met Chen May on the street in Shanghai.

At that time, she wore a khaki shirt wrapped with a windbreaker. She looked thin, but there was a pride in her eyes that I would never understand.

I have carefully searched for the source of this sense of superiority, and finally found that I had loved her.

Who is loved by who, who is high above.

The coffee was ordered by Chen May, and she chose the most expensive one. She talked with me about business, stocks and house prices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Despite some twists and turns, I know that she just wanted to express that she did not regret her choice.

I smiled and said, as long as you live better than me.

Chen Mayue shook her head. She said that you should not leave at night. Let's have a meal together and call our Laozhang.

I wanted to refuse, but I was driven by curiosity. I wanted to see what kind of man Lao Zhang was. Is he better than Zhou Pan and me.

By the way, Zhou Pan is my best friend, Chen May's predecessor.


chapter 02

The story between me and Chen Mayu and Zhou Pan is a little complicated. To sum up, I failed to catch up with Chen Mayu and Zhou Pan succeeded.

At that time, I was still in my junior year, and the school organized summer camp activities. I clearly remember that the moon was very round that night, and everyone else was making noises. Only Chen Mayue sat under a big tree and stared blankly. So I think this is a different girl.

From that day on, I tried my best to get close to Chen Mayue. After knowing her, I chased her for a whole year, but finally I was rejected.

She was too proud at that time, and there were too many people chasing her. I was not outstanding in any aspect, and it was difficult for me to get into her eyes.

Just when I was about to give up, Zhou Pan, who was sleeping on the top bunk, looked at me with disdain and said, "Is it so difficult? Let me try it.".

I thought he was just joking, so I waved my hand and said, if you catch up, I will treat you to a big meal.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Pan caught up with Chen Mayue the next day. His madness made a lot of love enemies including me retreat.

What he has done for her is really moving. It is needless to say that three meals a day are delivered after the noodles are soaked,

She said that she liked to eat fried pork. Zhou Pan went several streets every morning to buy it for her. Every night, he went to the balcony with a phone to sing to her, coaxing her to sleep before coming back. It was several degrees below zero outside in winter.

He held up a necklace and asked me: Is 3800 expensive? I don't think it's expensive. It depends on who wears it. I think it will be cheaper if I wear it in May

Before he finished speaking, he fell down on the bed and slept. In order to give Chen May a necklace on her birthday, Zhou Pan worked two jobs and worked overtime for a month and a half.

To tell the truth, if I were a girl, I would like to be his girlfriend, which is really very happy.

But what happened in this world was that Zhou Yu beat the yellow lid, one willing to beat the other willing to suffer. Chen Mayue neither caters to nor refuses. She looks at her from a distance. She smiles when she is happy and loses her temper when she is unhappy.

Seriously, I can't see it anymore, so I went to find Chen Mayue. I said if you don't like Zhou Pan, stay away from him. Don't play with his feelings. Do you know what he has done for you? He told you that when he went to the Internet cafe to play games, he actually worked overtime at night. Otherwise, where would he get the money to buy you a necklace?

When Zhou Pan learned about this, he scolded me for meddling. He said that I love her and I would rather not worry about eating carrots than eating carrots.

Damn, how cheap this person is, how cheap I am.

Miraculously, before long, Chen Mayue was officially with Zhou Pan, and then our college life ended.


chapter 03

When I first saw Chen May and his family, Lao Zhang, it was dark. If I didn't speak fluent Chinese, I thought I was a foreign friend. It's OK to be a little dark. I'm still very old. I can at least be her father by visual inspection.

Chen Mayue took his arm and introduced me that Lao Zhang, a real estate business man in our family, had companies in Hong Kong and the mainland.

I politely shook hands with Lao Zhang, secretly complaining about Zhou Pan's grievances. Apart from being rich, which one is better than Zhou Pan, and which one is better than me?

Of course, having money is enough.

There was nothing to talk about at different levels. After a few words of greetings, the atmosphere suddenly became very dull. Fortunately, Lao Zhang called at this time. After he picked up the phone, he put his index finger on his lips, shushed and said that he was still in a meeting, and would be back soon.

Lao Zhang hung up the phone and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. I will have a good drink next time.".

I stood up to see him go. Chen Mayue took a glass of wine and drank it down. She pulled me back to my seat and said that his wife called an old woman who had occupied half of his family property and was recently getting divorced.

I said you were jealous?

Chen Mayue shook her head and said with a wry smile, I hope it is... but without love, there is no jealousy.

What about Zhou Pan? Have you ever loved him?

Chen May looked at me, her eyes a little confused, she said don't ask me such a question, I will be sad, she said it was still early at night, tell you a story!

I said yes, I will prepare paper towels.

She said no, not so touching, just wanted to tell you, Once upon a time, there was a girl who did not understand love. She was too proud. Even if she ended up today, she deserved it.

I said it's unfair. It's unfair to Zhou Pan. You know how much he has paid for you. You dismissed him if you didn't understand love. Have you ever really loved someone?

Chen Mayue poured me a glass of wine, smiled and said, are you also complaining for yourself?

I nodded, and then drank it all in one gulp. I admit that even today, I will never forget it in my heart, because Chen May is the first girl I fell in love with.

She held up a hand and swore to me that I had loved someone with my heart. It was true that I had loved him for three years. But just a week before I was with Zhou Pan, he kissed another girl in front of me, and we had just slept before that.

I grabbed the bottle and took a swig. Suddenly, I felt that everything was spinning.

I think I'm drunk, or I want to get drunk, because Chen Mayue said, but it doesn't matter. His father has promised to marry me now. You see, many things in life are unclear.


chapter 04

The love in the world can be summed up in three sentences: I love you, I hate you, and I'm sorry.

Unfortunately, there is no love or hate between Chen and me. At best, I can only listen to her say sorry, but I don't care. I also know that there is not much possibility between myself and her.

But I feel in my heart that if she and Zhou Pan can stay together all the time, I will be very happy.

After graduating from college, we all stayed in the local area because of the shortage of staff in the teacher's studio. Zhou Pan moved out to live with Chen May because he was in love.

In that year, Zhou Pan was happy. He had his own dreams and his own love.

He spent every day like a chicken in the ocean of love, working hard and making money. He also plans to design a multi-functional treadmill for her. According to Zhou Pan, this treadmill is very powerful and will adjust the content of chatting with you according to your running pace. Of course, it is all recorded by Zhou Pan.

Unfortunately, their relationship ended before Zhou Pan's treadmill was born.

I asked Zhou Pan, who said that Chen Mayue thought this life was too fairy tale, and she liked more practical love, such as having a car and a house, rather than a treadmill recycled from the garage.

So Chen went to Shanghai and left alone in the night without saying hello to anyone. Shortly afterwards, Zhou Pan also left. It is said that he returned to the countryside to set up a breeding farm with good benefits.

It was an accident to meet Chen May in Shanghai.

I shook my glass and said, At that time, it was so simple. You could fall in love with a person in a summer camp. I said you didn't know it. I thought you were special when I saw you sitting under a tree alone in a daze.

Chen Mayue smiled and said, "I was just a big aunt with a stomachache.".

I said so. Most of the time, people just feel their own feelings. Love or hate, just let it go. I heard that Zhou Pan is still single.

Chen Mayue shook her head. She said it was her fate to do so. I could not hide. When this happened, I would find a quiet place to get married and have children, and then live a peaceful life. As for you and Zhou Pan, I think we'd better not see each other again. I apologize for everything in the past and thank you for loving me.

When Chen Mayu left, she was still elegant, even though her love path was so tortuous, there was still clear pride in her eyes.

Those who are favored are fearless, while those who cannot get are always in turmoil.

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​- 01-&# 65279;

On the wedding day, my father wore a navy blue suit, with many wrinkles at the hem and a slightly shorter warehouse tube, which looked rather funny&# 65279;&# 65279;

But this did not affect his good mood, because on this day, he waited for more than 20 years&# 65279;&# 65279;

Grandma Qi drinks me. Ah Nian, you know something. His remarriage is also a happy event. Don't always eat while hiding&# 65279;&# 65279;

I should know something. Why do I have to travel all the way back to attend a wedding? He's embarrassed, and I can't handle myself&# 65279;&# 65279;

From childhood to adulthood, I was an inharmonious existence, because I, he and my mother had endured very hard&# 65279;&# 65279;

Fortunately, they have finally fulfilled their wish&# 65279;&# 65279;

It sounds ironic. My mother spent almost all her youth to stay with him, and then spent 16 years thinking about how to leave each other&# 65279;&# 65279;

This is really a sad story in the unhappy love&# 65279;&# 65279;

At the ceremony, my aunt rushed in, grabbed a glass of wine and poured it on his face&# 65279;&# 65279;

She cursed him severely: rotten man&# 65279;&# 65279;

His current wife, my stepmother, looks very bad. She looked at my father, vaguely angry, but he just wiped his face and continued to read the ridiculous marriage vows&# 65279;&# 65279;

Now, I finally know why I want to come back&# 65279;&# 65279;

It turns out that I came back to see him make a fool of himself&# 65279;&# 65279;

This makes me feel much better&# 65279;&# 65279;

-02-&# 65279;

My name is Gu Xiaoxia. My nickname is A Nian. My father took the name of A Nian. I don't know where the name came from. Later, I thought, wouldn't it be more accurate to call it Alih&# 65279;&# 65279;

Of course, it doesn't matter&# 65279;&# 65279;

It can be said that most of my mother's life was destroyed by his hands&# 65279;&# 65279;

When they were young, they met. My father had just graduated from college, and he was very energetic. He wandered everywhere. My mother gave up her stable job and joined him&# 65279;&# 65279;

Kexin is taller than the sky and his life is thinner than paper. After he hit the outside world head on, his father decided to return to this small county in the north and start a family&# 65279;&# 65279;

For this reason, my mother had a big quarrel with my grandmother, and resolutely married here. After marriage, my life was pretty good. A year later, I was born again, and my life was very good&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I was about two years old, my father's first girlfriend from the university returned from studying abroad. No one knew what kind of agreement they had had, but from that day on, my father had no idea&# 65279;&# 65279;

As far as I can remember, they were quarrelling. When I was in junior high school, my father went out to work. After four years, he would come back only on holidays&# 65279;&# 65279;

So I often think that he is a selfish person, and his way of educating me is also very unique, that is, he has no education at all and allows me to grow freely&# 65279;&# 65279;

But he would ask me about my exam results. As one of the few people who had studied in college in those days, he was very strict with me in my study&# 65279;&# 65279;

But I have always been puzzled by the fact that examinations are required when studying, and training and assessment are required after work. So, is there anyone or any organization to ask whether you are qualified to be a parent of a child and whether you have reached a certain necessary standard&# 65279;&# 65279;

If not, is it irresponsible for children&# 65279;&# 65279;

-03-&# 65279;

The day after my father got married, I went back to school, and my senior life was about to begin&# 65279;&# 65279;

Chen Xi asked me how it was. I shook my head and didn't want to tell him about the family. I wanted our love to be simpler&# 65279;&# 65279;

Seeing me like this, he would stop asking questions and know how to respect others' sadness, which is a good virtue&# 65279;&# 65279;

At the end of the year, my father asked me on the phone, where is the New Year&# 65279;&# 65279;

I said go to my mother&# 65279;&# 65279;

He hesitated and asked, Anan, do you hate me&# 65279;&# 65279;

I nodded and shook my head. Of course, he could not see it. I said, you take good care of your body, and then you died in a hurry&# 65279;&# 65279;

I'm afraid if I say one more second, I'll cry out&# 65279;&# 65279;

On the New Year's Eve of 2013, I spent time with my mother in Shenzhen. She was a shrewd and capable woman. When I was 18 years old, they divorced, and she came here alone. Now she is running a restaurant&# 65279;&# 65279;

She asked me, what's my plan after graduation, or postgraduate entrance examination&# 65279;&# 65279;

I shook my head. It was hard to decide&# 65279;&# 65279;

I really want to tell her that I'm going to listen to Chen Xi's opinion. I'll go wherever he goes&# 65279;&# 65279;

But my intuition told me that she would slap me, and she would never let me go her way&# 65279;&# 65279;

That's silly, isn't it&# 65279;&# 65279;

-04-&# 65279;

The sophomore held hands for a long time. We had been together for nearly three years&# 65279;&# 65279;

I asked Chen Xi what to do after graduation&# 65279;&# 65279;

He smiled, took my hand and said, "What are you worried about? We have to wait for each other whether we are apart or together."&# 65279;&# 65279;

He is always so smart that he can easily understand my mind. Maybe it is just him that I fall in love with&# 65279;&# 65279;

My father seems to have the same personality and intelligence, except that he is emotionally confused&# 65279;&# 65279;

Summer is coming step by step, my friend asked me, I heard that Chen Xi was going to England, would you like to join me&# 65279;&# 65279;

I was stunned for a few seconds and didn't know how to answer. Maybe I was the last one to know the news&# 65279;&# 65279;

But a few days later, Chen Xi finally came to me. He gave me a ring, held me in his arms and said, "When I come back, I will put it on for you."&# 65279;&# 65279;

I thought of my father again. The experience was strikingly similar, so I began to waver a little and even planned to forgive him for his past&# 65279;&# 65279;

After 20 years of waiting, he finally married his favorite woman. What about me? I'm not sure I have such courage&# 65279;&# 65279;

This price is too high&# 65279;&# 65279;

-05-&# 65279;

You can't deny that for many people, love is not a necessity of life, they have more important things to do&# 65279;&# 65279;

Therefore, I can't selfishly kidnap Chen Xi in the name of love, and I don't think I have such ability&# 65279;&# 65279;

Before boarding the plane, he told me again that Xiao Xia, waiting for me, would be quick in a few years&# 65279;&# 65279;

I pretended to be strong and hooked my fingers with him, but when I left the airport, I couldn't help crying&# 65279;&# 65279;

My mother said on the phone, come to Shenzhen to look for a job, just to accompany me&# 65279;&# 65279;

But later, I went to Shanghai because Chen Xi said that we would settle down there in the future&# 65279;&# 65279;

In 2015, a lot of things happened. First, my father decided to divorce again, and reached a consensus easily and happily. He stuck to his love for more than 20 years, so it was easy to get together and break up&# 65279;&# 65279;

I asked him on the phone why? You once abandoned me and my mother for this woman&# 65279;&# 65279;

His answer is more painful than when he decided to remarry&# 65279;&# 65279;

He said, in fact, we have not loved for a long time. For so many years, we have only been adhering to a belief, but when we are really together, we find that it is inappropriate&# 65279;&# 65279;

So, is this the truth of love&# 65279;&# 65279;

Before I could get confused, my mother fell ill again&# 65279;&# 65279;

All this came too suddenly and caught me off guard&# 65279;&# 65279;

-06-&# 65279;

Many times I have been thinking that it is true that love needs persistence, but is it true&# 65279;&# 65279;

I have seen many, many marriages. They just choose the right one year, two years, or many years later. But they still live happily, with children around their knees and happy family&# 65279;&# 65279;

I have also seen many reunions and long-distance love, adhering to the ideal of love, and then came together to find that two people in different directions have already gone far away&# 65279;&# 65279;

Thus, even the initial beauty was disillusioned&# 65279;&# 65279;

It's more sad than not being able to go on&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I told Chen Xi this doubt, he asked me, "Do you still love me?"&# 65279;&# 65279;

I said love, and he said I too, love very much, which is enough&# 65279;&# 65279;

But the reality can't stop me from thinking about it. A living example is right in front of me&# 65279;&# 65279;

My mother's hotel caught fire due to poor management, and the gas tank exploded, injuring several employees. In an emergency, she was hospitalized&# 65279;&# 65279;

However, the family members of the injured employees are relentless, and they gather every day to make troubles and claim compensation&# 65279;&# 65279;

After my mother paid the medical expenses of the injured, she was penniless. After hearing that, my father flew to Shenzhen overnight&# 65279;&# 65279;

He squatted in front of her hospital bed and said, "After a disaster, there will be good luck. You can rest assured and recuperate. I will deal with external affairs."&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I left the ward, I inexplicably smiled at him. He glared at me and said, "Snips"&# 65279;&# 65279;

When I stuck out my tongue, he said, "Don't be complacent. You left 300 thousand yuan for your dowry, but now you have to pay others, and later you have to earn it yourself."&# 65279;&# 65279;

I grinned and tears rolled around my eyes&# 65279;&# 65279;

-07-&# 65279;

A month later, things in Shenzhen were handled properly. Mom, I don't want to go back to Shanghai, or we can go back to our hometown together, do some small business, and start over. I also plan to find a stable job. After all, it's almost 25 years old&# 65279;&# 65279;

My father secretly gave a thumbs up and smiled proudly&# 65279;&# 65279;

So three of us flew back to our hometown&# 65279;&# 65279;

At that moment, I suddenly understood that the best love in the world is companionship&# 65279;&# 65279;

My father has been pursuing true love for most of his life, and he never forgets it. He even took my nickname as Ah Nian. At the beginning, he and my mother got married for the purpose of getting married, but after wandering around, he finally found that my mother was the person he loved most&# 65279;&# 65279;

20 years of love is far more important than the regret that I could not get when I was young&# 65279;&# 65279;

Then Chen Xi, I think I can't wait for you anymore. I'm afraid I can stick to it until the end, but I still can't be together&# 65279;&# 65279;

This is cruel for us&# 65279;&# 65279;

Thank you for your love, so beautiful, stay in your heart&# 65279;&# 65279;

Perhaps the moving part of life is that you can't do what you want and find yourself in all kinds of losses and regrets.


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Miscellaneous talk

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​ - 01 -

At 9:09 p.m. on March 16, 2015, I said to Gu Xiaobei on the phone, "Let's break up.". So far, the "war" mode of both of us has been unlocked.

The reason why I can remember so clearly is that that day was the second day of my "big aunt"'s visit, and my stomach was like a small snake in it, constantly biting my internal organs.

In fact, it was already very painful after seven o'clock, but I thought that even if we broke up, we should choose a good time. So in these two hours, I successfully solved the problem of a bag of potato chips, a bag of spicy chips, two ice creams, a large handful of peanuts, walnuts, and pine nuts. The air conditioning heater was turned on a bit, and finally I drank a large glass of cold water.

Gu Xiaobei said on the phone, "Don't make a fuss. I'm accompanying the customer. I'll go back later. Go to bed first.". Then a female voice came from the phone: Manager Gu, would you like to have a small drink with your sister.

I yelled into the phone, Gu Xiaobei, we are finished, we must break up.

When I hung up the phone, beads of sweat the size of soybeans on my head mixed with the liquid from the corners of my eyes and fell on the floor.

Gu Xiaobei and I have been together for five years. We have gone through the cold war, the hot war, the sniper war, the tough war, the money war, and countless others. If love is a war game, congratulations! I have passed the customs now.

Years is a cup of slightly brewed realgar wine. People often drink it, and it shows its original shape.

It seems that after we got together, Gu Xiaobei never said "I love you" again. Dirty clothes are everywhere, used dishes and chopsticks need to be urged for a long time before they can be washed away. The exhaust fan never remembers to be turned off, which makes me very angry when I think about it.

Gu Xiaobei, you don't love me anymore. I'm no longer your baby.

Ten minutes later, he called me. I was a little dizzy. When I got up, I knocked over the water glass. He shouted my name on the phone: I will go back soon, and I will be home soon.

More than an hour later, he rushed into the house, wrapped me with a blanket, picked me up and ran downstairs. I could not tell what was still muttering. It seemed that it was "my dear, it's all my fault". I should have shed a few tears.

Miraculously, when I got to the hospital, I woke up and my stomach didn't hurt. Because of the examination, the nurse asked me what I had eaten. When I told her about ice cream and cold water, Gu Xiaobei raised his arm. I jumped out of the hospital bed with a jerk and shouted with both hands crossed. Gu Xiaobei, you are really a good man. Dare you hit me?

Gu Xiaobei ignored me and asked the nurse quietly if she could wrap my arm and wipe it when I went out.

The nurse covered her mouth and snickered. I was embarrassed to smile with her. I thought that my face must be very red at that moment.

I held his injured arm and said, honey, you'd better.

Gu Xiaobei gave me a white look: saying you are smart is like scolding you. Is it hard to distinguish dysmenorrhea and stomachache for such a big person?

I said I love you, so I became stupid. Do you love me? Do you love me? Tell me you love me. Hurry up.

Gu Xiaobei looked around from side to side, and finally leaned over my ear and said "I love you" in a mosquito voice, his face flushed.

I said I didn't hear it. He said stop making noise and go to bed quickly. I went to see the test results.

When I woke up, it was almost light. I lay on the crack of the door and watched him walk up and down the corridor with a cigarette in his mouth. I was puzzled and went to the bathroom on the pretext.

Hearing the door ring, Xiao Bei stepped on the smoke under his feet. He asked me, "Did you wake up? Did you dream?".

I shook my head and asked, Do you smoke?

Gu Xiaobei said with a smile, "Be alert, be alert.".

I went to the bathroom and he wanted to follow me. I told him to go to sleep for a while. This was an order, and then he secretly turned into the doctor's office and carried out "disclosure" to my attending doctor.

When he told me that there was a tumor in my body, I was surprisingly calm, didn't cry or laugh, and walked back with my head down. The doctor still shouts at the door in disbelief. Don't think too much about the diagnosis.

When I returned to the ward, Gu Xiaobei leaned against the door and waited for me. He helped me to bed and lay beside me. I put my arms around his head and held him in my arms.

- 02 -

Five years ago in the summer, we met at the Bund of Shanghai. After graduating from college, we just came to this city. Everything was fresh. I held up my mobile phone and shouted to him. Hey, classmate, can you take a picture for me?

I set up my pose and repeatedly stressed that we must take photos of the Pearl Tower, where my mother and father fell in love.

He seems to know a lot about photography. Although he is only a mobile phone, he still has a focusing filter. After imaging, he showed it to me, which is really great. After the photo was saved, he quickly dialed a number on the keyboard, called himself, and then looked up at me and smiled.

The teeth are very white, which makes me dizzy.

As he walked, he said, "My name is Gu Xiaobei. You can save it like this.".

I was in a trance for a while, and I was a little unwilling to chase for two steps. My name is Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang.

All right, I'm crazy and incoherent. Gu Xiaobei made an OK gesture and rolled into the crowd on Nanjing Road.

On the Friday half a month later, Gu Xiaobei called to say that there will be an activity in the bike club tomorrow. Do you want to come and see it? It's all young people.

I suppressed the surge in my heart and asked, pretending to be confused, who are you? Is your number wrong?

Gu Xiaobei emphasized a lot, and then I said, "Oh, Gu Xiaobei, I remember, but I don't have a bike or equipment.".

Gu Xiaobei smiled, although he came, he was ready for you.

The next day we went to Chongming and stayed there overnight. In Gu Xiaobei's case, I found many advantages, such as exquisite mind, serious work, proper interpersonal relationship handling, calm enough not to publicize, and most importantly, his face met my aesthetic standards.

After more than two months of such contact, he began to chase me tentatively, asked for a meal to sing a song, gave me some gifts from time to time, and created some romantic surprises. He is also a master.

Just when he was about to succeed, he met a fierce rival in love. A boy from the opposite side of our company, Gao Fushuai, started running Mercedes Benz, and began to pursue me like a bomb. I couldn't make up my mind. Both of them seemed to be good.

Encouraged by my best friend from the perspective of capital, I seem to be a little inclined to Gao Fushuai. I think that if he confesses to me again, I will agree.

Soon, Singles Day came on November 11. Both of them asked me out, but I refused them.

My girlfriend insisted on taking me to the shopping mall at night. As soon as I entered the gate, several guitarists gathered around and sang love songs to me affectionately. Candles and colored lights lit up in a row. My name and sweet words were written on the huge banner.

Gao Fushai, dressed in a beautiful dress and holding roses, stood at the other end of the red carpet, her friends pushed me forward, and the onlookers also cheered: together, together.

Although the plot was moved from the idol drama, I was still moved, especially when Gao Fushai knelt down on one knee and said to me, "Tang Tang, I love you", I even felt like crying.

Just as I was about to reach for my hand, Gu Xiaobei rushed in, lost some smoke bombs I didn't know where to get, grabbed my hand and ran out of the door, without giving me a chance to speak.

He said Tang Tang, you love nuts. I will take you to rob all the nuts in the world now.

He said your name is Tang Tang Tang, a sugar in sauce and vinegar, your birthday on December 6, your height is 167, your weight is 54, you wear 37 size shoes, you like patent leather boots, blue scarves, you like sour and hot, you don't eat yellow eggs, you hate the taste of coriander, you eat Chen Ji's egg tarts, you don't eat Li Ji's egg tarts, you are allergic to penicillin, your legs are injured, and your knees will hurt in rainy days, so you gave up your dream of dancing

Gu Xiaobei was so crazy that he talked for twenty minutes. When he ran to the river, he turned to look at me and said, I know this is not enough, but I have a lifetime.

He said that I was very poor now, and then he took out a handful of money from his pocket and said that he had paid the rent and sent some to his family. He still had 286 yuan left. I'm going to spend it today. How about going to have a drink!

The past is like smoke.

The doctor patted Xiao Bei on the shoulder twice. He stood up and went out of the ward with the doctor. After a while, I heard something was wrong.

When he went out, he was banging his head against the wall and crying. His roommate's nurse came up to him. He hugged her and kissed her on the face and said, "Benign, benign.".

He walked back and forth in the corridor with a test sheet. When he saw someone, he smiled, held his hand and said, "Benign, benign.".

He turned around to see me, ran over and took me into his arms, held me tight, then bowed his head and kissed me.

He said Tang Tang, I love you.

Then, we both hugged and cried together, and kissed warmly in the public and in the applause of the patients.

- 03 -

I swear, the most beautiful words in the world are not that I love you, but that your tumor is benign.

After leaving the hospital, Xiao Bei hugged me on the sofa at home and said that although it was just a false alarm, I thought a lot. The world we live in is already so realistic. At any time, we may miss people around us because of money, misunderstanding and other strange things. What we can do is to be true to each other and trust each other.

I looked into his eyes and said I was sorry. I was too headstrong. I was ignorant and lost my temper. I know you work hard. You have to take care of me every day. Please punish me.

Gu Xiaobei smiled, scratched my nose and said, Tang Tang, I don't know whether this is the most appropriate time, but I want to tell you, let's get married!

A few days later, we began to prepare for the wedding. Just as we were going to take wedding photos, his family called, saying that his father was ill. It was very serious. He took a car to his hometown overnight. Maybe his mobile phone didn't have time to charge. Five days later, he called. His voice was tired and vicissitudes.

He said Tang Tang, sorry, I used the money to buy a house to see my father. Our wedding may be postponed.

I said it was okay. Will it be over sooner or later? I'm not worried. The old man's illness is important. If it is not enough, I still have tens of thousands of dollars.

Gu Xiaobei said no, and was called away again after a few words. Later, he sent me two words by SMS: miss you!

I could not help but feel my nose sour. I was not around him at such a difficult time.

More than half a month later, Gu Xiaobei called again. After a long silence, he said, Tang Tang, let's break up.

I was stunned and asked why?

Gu Xiaobei did not speak. I asked again, is this your final decision?

Well, Gu Xiaobei replied in a low voice. I said coward. It's really hopeless.

After hanging up the phone, I smiled and thought of the winter three years ago when I was going to Dalian on a business trip for half a year because of my job change. At that time, he was also very busy. I didn't mention his birthday to him, thinking he didn't remember it.

That night, it snowed heavily. It was almost eight o'clock. He called me and said that he had been in Zhoushuizi Airport for only three hours.

I said that you were ill. I spent three hours fidgeting about. Wait for me there. I hurried to the airport. He held a bunch of flowers in the waiting hall, looked at me and smiled. He held a cake in his hand, proud and happy.

Later, we ate cake in the waiting room. He said it was Chen Ji's, not Li Ji's. I said that as long as you bought it, I would like it. He did a trick in the cake. A small brocade box contained a pair of earrings that I liked two months ago. The four digit price finally made me give up.

I said you went to the bathroom. How did you know I wanted to buy this. He didn't speak. He took the earrings to me. I was eating the cake. It was snowing outside. Three hours later, he had to rush back.

Winter is so cold, love is so hot.

- 04 -

A few days later, I made the biggest decision in my life. I quit my job, quit my house, sold my car, took my account book and boarded the train to Gu Xiaobei's house.

I don't know what the future will be like. We are all mortals and have no ability to predict. But I think if we give up like this, or we are defeated by reality, we might as well not spend the past five years together.

Sometimes I think, this is really a magical thing. There are so many strangers in this world. As long as one link goes wrong, we may never meet each other again.

Lovely love, high mountains and far waters, it is not enough to meet Jane. We should be brave, strong and have the belief of invincibility.

Gu Xiaobei's family was in the countryside of the northeast. They walked around, backed up a lot of cars, and asked a lot of people to find them. When I opened the door and went in, Gu Xiaobei was chopping firewood. When he saw me, his axe was raised in the air for a long time before falling down. Then he ran to pick me up and swung me several times.

He called his mother, a real farmer's wife. She wore an apron and was kind and purposeful. I liked her at the first sight.

His mother affectionately called my name, took my hand and led me into the room. In a hurry, she poured water and looked for melon seeds. She also took a new mat and spread it on the kang, let me sit on it, and helped me take off my shoes, which made me very embarrassed.

Xiaobei told me that his father's illness was not recovering well and needed someone to take care of him. He might not leave for a long time. I went to have a look and found that his face was really bad, his consciousness was still a little vague, and he didn't recognize people.

I opened the bag, found out the account book and threw it to him. I was angry when I thought about it. I have seen irresponsible people, and I have never seen such people as you.

His mother took a broom and slapped him on the backside. Xiaobei smiled foolishly. Soon, many people came to the village. Seven aunts and eight aunts surrounded me and asked for help.

After that day, I changed into coarse clothes and flat shoes and did housework with him. He looked at me with a smile and said that you must have done something wrong in your last life. I was the unlucky guy in this life.

I followed his mother's example and chased him all over the yard with a broom. I said I didn't want to make you rich or expensive. You should have a conscience and repeat what you said when chasing me. We have gone through life and death, and what else is not going to survive, and even being poor is just begging for food.

When I mentioned the marriage to him, he said to check his father's condition. Later, he learned that his father suffered from lung cancer. The doctor said it was no longer worth saving. However, Xiao Bei insisted on the operation and spent more than 500000 yuan.

He said that it is also good to live one more day.

Three months later, the old man died. Because we had to be filial, our marriage was still not completed. After burning for 37 days and making arrangements at home, we went to Dalian, the city with sea, to find jobs and live again.

It was my birthday again soon. We sat at home that day and recalled the things we had experienced in the past five years bit by bit. He took my hand and said, "Thank you, Tang Tang. It's good to meet you in my life!"!

So do I.

On the New Year's Eve of 2016, we spent time at his house. After the second day of the junior year, he came to my house with many things. My parents liked him very much. They had not married yet, so they urged us to have children.

On the fifth day of the year, we returned to Dalian and went to the cinema to see Stephen Chow's new movie Mermaid. When I came out, I thought of Andersen's Princess Mermaid. I asked Gu Xiaobei, the little mermaid exchanged a pair of legs from the witch with a beautiful voice for love. If it was you, what would you exchange with the witch?

Gu Xiaobei said without thinking, if it is for you, all, even life.

I stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips. The sky was full of snow.


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