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 Wang Xiaoguang
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Classification: Sporadic trivia
To a blogger: an explanation of the novel Wrong Code
                            ——Xiaoxiang Vocal

For a long time, my novels Wrong Code I have been questioned by a blogger since the date of publication. After explaining to him for several times, it was useless, and I kept silent. However, this voice has become increasingly fierce, which has a very bad impact on my personal life, one of my friends, and my leaders in the Wuqing District Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Writers' Association in Tianjin, and has seriously disrupted our normal life and work, Now I have to Wrong Code Say something in a word.


Wrong code

college student



Classification: Original literature

Wrong code

                  ——Xiaoxiang Vocal


      Xiao Fan quickly glanced at the time at the bottom right of the computer with his praying eyes. At nine o'clock, he was ready to go, put on his coat, took a small mirror to tidy his hair, ran out of the dormitory excitedly, and went straight to the dazzled bar facing the school street.

      The first time Xiao Fan came to Xuanxuan Bar was at this time of night, and he entered the bar shyly under the guidance of several fellow students. Just like the name of this small bar, it's dizzy to stay in it. The seniors called out some beautiful hostesses. In a long period of confusion, Xiao Fan slowly noticed that the girl beside him was even more shy than him. Finally, under this restless noise and clamor, the lonely Xiao Fan began to try to chat with the little girl beside him. During the conversation, I learned that her name was Yu An, and that she was a rural girl who had just come to the city. Xiao Fan, who was full of local feelings, became enthusiastic as if he had found a family member, because he was also a college student from rural areas. What puzzled Xiao Fan was why Yu An, a girl with extraordinary temperament, went to the bar to earn money by drinking. It was not until Xiao Fan came back to the bar for the second time that he learned the answer to the mystery. Yu An's mother

(2011-10-26 22:47)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Spiritual home

I have been very busy recently. It seems that I haven't come to this place for more than a month. The enthusiasm of many bloggers has made me feel the warmth in the cool autumn.

Every day, many friends add my QQ to my blog, but I can't answer the questions you want one by one. I'm really busy, sorry!

There are many enthusiastic bloggers who failed to reply to you one by one. Sorry!

After this period of work, I will return to the original enthusiastic "Xiaoxiang Voice"!

In addition to sitting in the canteen and sleeping in bed every day, the rest of the time is to face the computer. I am very tired of the human-computer conversation lifestyle!

However, it must be, there is still more than a month left!



Share a moving picture


When all the people abandoned the hooded youth, only his dog was still waiting, his expression was safe, but nobody knew inside, because he was a dog!

I'd rather be that dog, really! I just want to

(2011-09-02 00:02)

Tianjin University

Child prodigy


college student




chemical industry


Classification: Sporadic trivia

Meet the prodigy

                                ——Xiaoxiang Vocal



      consult Sina Education The headline of the section of“ 14 year old "child prodigy" college students rely on hard work to study hard (picture) ”“ At the age of 14, Tianjin University's undergraduate students were once the "last but one" ”And so on such news, I also read several other education websites, which are also so eye-catching and dazzling. I am not surprised and surprised by this. Although the speed of network transmission has reached the level of praise, this news is still in the state of evening news for me, because I knew that such a child prodigy would enter our school, and I had the opportunity to chat with this primary school sister for a long time today. Here's the thing:

      A friend of my TV station called me sometime yesterday afternoon,


show of happiness

Xiaoxiang Vocal







Classification: Immediate perception

show of happiness?

                  ——Xiaoxiang Vocal


      I remember a long time ago, a blogger of this blog who followed me and friends and liked my blog posts very much (almost every article has his collection, reprint, comments and top) sent me a small note saying: "You should be a very excellent person, but I have always wondered that there is a section called" Blogger Profile "at the top of your blog, which writes many of your own identities and positions, Do you think it is necessary to write about members of the Writers' Association, Quxie, postgraduates and volunteers? "In the face of such a question, I always choose to be calm, and reply:" Whether I am good or not is the evaluation given by others, I don't know. Writing these identities and positions can't talk about necessity or not. The so-called necessity means "must have need", so it can also be regarded as unnecessary ". "Then why do you want to write? It will give people a feeling of showing off, thinking that you are basking in your glory and happiness", I then replied; "You worry too much. This blog is my private area. Although Sina Blog is a public platform, almost all of the people who come to my blog are strangers, and they don't know each other. That means I haven't shown these so-called glory and happiness to people who know me well. This is not a matter of glory and happiness to me.".




girl student

water and electricity


Drink and sing

Accompany to sleep




Classification: Educational Perspectives

Youth of worrying about gain and loss under water and electricity charges

                      ——Xiaoxiang Vocal


      At this moment in the university campus, "keeping" and "seeking to keep" are undoubtedly the most exciting and controversial words. Numerous people are interpreting the latest definitions of the two words, but they can not achieve the ultimate, even perfect. The hype in the Internet era has made countless compatriots ecstatic. Maybe the taste of bitter, sweet and bitter can bring some groups a strange ecstatic pleasure, but the form and color in the real society are completely permeated with various vicissitudes of the world:

      Hot news from major portal websites such as Sina. com and Qilu. com: A teacher surnamed Su, a logistics staff member of Yunnan Minzu University, paid great attention to the fact that she gave female college students free water and electricity cards in exchange for drinking and singing. Yang Zequan, head of the Publicity Department of Yunnan Minzu University, said in an interview with chinanews. com today that the school had terminated the labor contract with the logistics personnel surnamed Su suspected of the incident, and the local police had been involved in the investigation.

      What's more exaggerated is that in this incident, a reporter came to the university as a student of the university to make an undercover investigation. The logistics staff surnamed Su said that they could give free money every month



the seventh evening of the seventh moon

Valentine's Day



to open up



public opinion


Classification: Immediate perception

Why do pupils want to celebrate the Double Seventh Festival

                      ——Xiaoxiang Vocal








shut sb. out


opposite sex


Classification: Immediate perception

The recruitment was rejected because of no love experience

——Xiaoxiang Vocal



      I received a phone call from a friend who told me about his sad and helpless job search experience recently:

      My friend was a top student who graduated from a university in South China the year before last. Because he was busy taking the postgraduate entrance examination at that time, he didn't spare any time to look for a job. He didn't start to work until he failed in the postgraduate entrance examination. His first job was not satisfactory. A few days ago, he decided to resign and change jobs. His resume was submitted to a well-known Korean enterprise, which he thought was his favorite company, Yesterday participated in the final



Academic papers

Graduation qualification

a hook



colleges and universities


Classification: Educational Perspectives

Postgraduate Special Series Blog 19

Master student: academic thesis · graduation qualification

                          ——Xiaoxiang Vocal


      I still vaguely remember the days many years ago when many colleges and universities linked the qualification certificate of CET-4 with the undergraduate degree certificate. At that time, college students were more crazy about English learning than any other kind of examination, including various qualification examinations in society, civil service examinations, college entrance examinations, postgraduate entrance examinations, etc., because the school's regulations were that if they could not pass CET-4 on time, They will not be awarded undergraduate degree certificates, so they are eager to learn English. Although many people do not like learning English, just like young people who just enter the workplace have to drink with various leaders of the unit, they give up their leisure time, get away from the beautiful campus life, and devote themselves to English issues in various non English courses, Because they had no choice, because they wanted the diploma.

      Fortunately, many years later, with the development and reform of the education system, more and more colleges and universities have abolished this system


college entrance examination



Education and employment





Classification: Educational Perspectives

Say "No" to Beijing

                        ——Xiaoxiang Vocal


      The annual college entrance examination is in full swing, and many candidates' application for the examination has become the most urgent work at present. Recently, I was lucky to be entrusted by someone to plan for two college entrance examinees from relatives to apply for the college entrance examination. One is a girl from liberal arts, whose score is enough for two colleges, and the other is a boy from science, who did not do well in the exam and wandered between three colleges and junior colleges. I have repeatedly suggested two "best" to these two people and their parents: it is better not to choose a university in Beijing, but to choose a local university (Tianjin). Under my explanation, they gladly accepted it, because it was reasonable.

      When I think about my college entrance examination, choosing a school is a very difficult thing. There are so many colleges and universities in the country, how to select them? It is necessary to narrow the scope. First of all, I excluded colleges and universities in the south. The reason is simple. Living in the northern climate, I am used to the warmth of the warm air in winter, and there is not too hot weather in summer. The climate in the south is definitely not suitable. Sure enough, my classmates and friends who applied for the southern school, In winter, I was frozen to death by the damp cold weather, and in summer, I was baked like Quanjude; The second is not to choose universities in Beijing


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