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 Wu Taotao
Wu Taotao
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Magic Realism

Spring trees on trees

Book expenses


Classification: grow up. course

        A few days ago, when the new students started school, my classmate went home to take a driving test. Then I took her sister's report to register something. The scene is very grand. What I saw and heard, I looked at one banner after another, listened to the radio and repeated the good news of the school, but I didn't feel much as a senior.


        Her sister feels very strange. Everything is new. She asks me if my school is so good. I'll take it as a joke. Don't believe everything. You should know that when you choose to trust others, you also leave an opportunity for others to hurt themselves.


      Of course, I also remember the day I reported three years ago when I dragged a box. I didn't see much of the world at that time. I felt that the school was very big and I didn't know the way. I was picked up by an elder sister. Everything was very novel, at least a start. It seems like this: sometimes when you enter a circle or environment, your mood is always eager, but once you become proficient, when you recall all the situations at that time, there is a sense of desolation.


      When I first came in, I asked the junior in the dormitory if I wanted to add any clubs? Do you want to join the student union? original

(2012-04-12 21:50)




Socialization process


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: grow up. course

                                                                                Who knows who


      In the evening, because I liked a fresh poster, I watched the film Adam. I was very moved, sincere and kind when I watched it attentively. A film about how Asperger's autistic patients got out of the darkness of autism under the promotion of love. Finally, when they were not together, the director did not tell us, so the audience could guess for themselves. Everyone is lonely. In one's life, it is not rare to meet love and sex, but it is rare to meet understanding.


      As a junior in college, I was in a bad age. I didn't have the novelty and desire to join the academic community when I first came to college, but I didn't have the nervous state of finding a job when I graduated from college, Immerse yourself in the present or the pursuit of the world on the road. However, everyone in the university campus hopes to find someone who understands themselves and is afraid of loneliness, so there will be love and a warm and harmonious scene like seeing a couple holding an umbrella in the wind and rain today.


Classification: grow up. course

      I don't want to go to the library at night, have dinner, fetch water, and sit in front of the dormitory computer when I come back.

      There are not many classes this semester, and I really listen to fewer classes. The junior year is a special time, and there are not many classes. In the afternoon, I went to the special election of Securities Investment and listened to two classes all the time. The teacher's level is good. When you can't find something to do, it's still a very reassuring thing to listen to the class. I haven't found the feeling that the more I know, the more I tremble, the more I want to know. Anyway, it's a blank feeling.

        After monotonous examination and review, if you are tired of reading, you will miss the lost time, days, past events or people.

      In winter vacation, I didn't go back to my hometown because there was no one in my hometown. I spent the Spring Festival in Beijing this year. I remember very clearly that I haven't been able to go back since I returned home in the winter vacation the year before last. In fact, I miss that place that belongs to my heart. I don't like floating and bustling. The feeling of wandering makes me feel less warm. Even the fireworks in Beijing didn't take me to that simple world. I specifically called my classmates to ask if the building in my home was all right there alone? He said that no one, of course, seemed a little lonely.


        My hometown and the people in my hometown are of great significance to me, because that is where I grew up and all the utopia I entrusted.


Li Yinhe

Journal area

The way of pilgrimage

Wang Xiaobo

Zhou Guoping

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: grow up. course

I used to like to write comment articles, but now I don't know why, I don't want to write too much. Although I watch an hour of news comments every day, I always feel that it is just a habit to pass in my mind after scene. Today Friday is very free, especially now. The sunshine in autumn is really beautiful in the daytime. When I wash my hands, the sunshine outside the window sprinkles on my hands through flowing water. It feels so white and clear. It turns out that the sunshine in autumn is not only warm but also white. At this time, I felt a little cold. I added a coat and wrote a blog casually. My heart was very calm.

When I didn't go to the library, I felt uneasy. It was torture for me to read and write. So I wandered in the corridor and watched my neighbor's bedroom play games. I walked from one bedroom to another and chatted with each other. I found that I was now empty and floating without words. Hehe, I don't play games. I think it's very interesting to listen to the voices of their dormitory playing games one after another, because I can feel from their laughter that everyone has ways to deal with emptiness and loneliness, different ways, happiness or the same, so I am smiling when writing these words.


I went to the library to read books every night this week. I got used to it and felt very full. I like that feeling. Of course, in our rather impetuous campus, only the library is a quiet and pure holy place. Everyone is very dedicated to turning books and writing, but they are very careful not to make a sound. It's a meaningful feeling. Once and only once, I usually read


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