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Miscellaneous talk

        The faint happiness brought by the successful performance effect of the New Year's Day get-together has not disappeared in the past two days, so although it is the first day of the holiday, I still woke up early to hear about the "Plateau Blue" that I had been thinking about yesterday. It's also very nice. Results In the search process, I found a song "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" which is quite different from the original style of Phoenix Legend. It sounds like I haven't played any more. I imagined I was dressed in white in the middle of the lotus pond in the breeze, and I was as quiet and elegant as a lotus fairy! This is about small happiness. My son is still sleeping in another room. My parents have already made breakfast in the kitchen. I'm not hungry. I ate too much last night, so I listen to beautiful songs here, become a petty bourgeoisie, and send this article. Hmm, it feels good! I hope this year will really have better luck and more success!


(2011-12-23 18:39)

Miscellaneous talk

        It's really a long time! I just saw the report of Yang Yuying's comeback before I came here! I'm her age! When I was young, I used to enjoy listening to her songs and singing her songs! Envy her and Mao Ning as the perfect image of a golden child. However, I am more suitable for singing the songs of Mao Amin, Na Ying and Li Na, which are quite loud and exciting. Although Na Ying and Mao Amin have also experienced difficulties, they are both married and have children, and they are back in high profile. Although they are not as beautiful as Yang Yuying, they seem to be more generous than Yang Yuying. This is also because they have created a fairly rich economic foundation, which is far from the wealth that ordinary people can compare. Unfortunately, Li Na has become a monk. Occasionally, she hears some Buddhist music recorded by her, and tears often fall in her eyes!

      When I was in college, I had a dream of singing and won some awards. The best result was a champion of the provincial competition. However, because I felt that my conditions were limited, I finally became a college teacher, studying as a graduate student, a doctor, teaching, writing articles and evaluating professional titles. Now, I have a house and a car. My son is still in primary school. He is taller than me. He is a handsome young man. However, because I have never lived a life that can be called rich, I always feel that I am not comfortable living. A lot of times, we have to calculate what we should buy and what we can't buy. When we buy a large item, we always have to save it for a long time. It seems that I have never spent as I like, although compared with the people around me, others still think I have a good life

(2011-10-01 18:31)

Miscellaneous talk

        There is a kind of emotion I call chicken ribs emotion for the moment! The man has a stable family, but he thinks it is too dull, and his career is a little successful, but he is not rich or expensive. A little ready to move, but do not want to hurt the muscles and bones to affect the reputation and career, more afraid of his wife to make trouble. So I don't want to invest much capital, buy no gifts, spend no money, say more nice words, and let the other party have fun. The woman could not find an ideal marriage for the time being. She felt lonely and lonely. She wanted to find a chat partner to relieve her pent up feelings. So, just like this, two people occasionally have dinner and chat. They have some kind of sexual behavior, and sometimes they gamble a little stingy. If they don't touch each other, they are busy. When they are bored, they think of looking for each other again to see if they have time. I don't think it's interesting, but I can't find a better alternative. This is chicken ribs.

      If the chicken ribs have been steamed, fried and stewed, they are worth smacking. If they are raw, they can't even smack the flavor. If you don't store it in the refrigerator, it will soon become rancid. What can you do except throw it away?

(2011-08-19 13:21)

Miscellaneous talk

It has been raining all the time, and the temperature is moderate and slightly cold, because it has been many days since the beginning of autumn! This year's summer in this city is basically comfortable. It rains from time to time, which does not match the original title of "hotpot city". Sand storms are also rare in spring. It feels almost the same in spring, summer and autumn, but it is not too cold in winter. It's a good environment. Although there are unhappy and worried people, it's still a personal problem on the whole. I really can't blame others

(2011-08-19 12:37)

Miscellaneous talk

  Now there is such a group of women living in the society. People who do not know the truth think that they are excellent, have a good life, have a good job, dress well, have a cheerful personality, and look outstanding. But they are people who break through the besieged city and come to the wilderness. The life in the besieged city is too boring. It may also be because there is a gap in the besieged city. They don't want to repair it. They think they should step onto the bright stage after breaking out of the besieged city. Of course, what they think is a little simple. In fact, it is not a luxury stage, but a simple and crude stage used by a grass team. There are not many audiences, and some are just rude country men.

On the rough stage in the wilderness, they performed many wild roses with thorns. Those spikes maintain their independence and integrity. Although nothing can escape from storms and thunder, they can only ensure that they are free from poison.

There is still a sense of desolation, freedom to watch the sunrise and sunset, happiness to emit fragrance alone, loneliness to no one's attention... roses in the wilderness are destined to have a different fate from peonies in besieged cities and greenhouses.

(2011-06-18 12:30)

Miscellaneous talk

The first draft of the doctoral thesis was finally handed over to the tutor, and I felt much relaxed! I know that it still needs to be revised, but after all, the manuscript with more than 100000 words is shaped, and it will be much easier to revise than to write the first draft! Affirm your performance and reward yourself!
(2011-05-29 18:21)

Miscellaneous talk

I really enjoyed myself during this period, because I bought a new car, and I felt a little satisfaction every time I drove it, and my thesis was basically completed. Who says that material improvement will not make people happy? Cheating, material satisfaction will certainly make people happy! Successful experience, stress free life, being able to choose what you want when you need it~~~This time is happy and happy, so the rich must experience more happiness than the poor, especially adults! http://www/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___6714EN00SIGG.gif

(2011-05-29 18:20)

Miscellaneous talk

I really enjoyed myself during this period, because I bought a new car, and I felt a little satisfaction every time I drove it, and my thesis was basically completed. Who says that material improvement will not make people happy? Cheating, material satisfaction will certainly make people happy! Successful experience, stress free life, being able to choose what you want when you need it~~~This time is happy and happy, so the rich must experience more happiness than the poor, especially adults!

(2011-05-18 14:50)

Miscellaneous talk

        In the morning, I finally bought the SUV I had planned for more than a year! It was bought with money earned by oneself. The third car in my life!

          The first car was a small Alto. Few people owned it more than ten years ago. It was bought by the husband when he was happy to have a son. It seemed to be a reward of more than 50000 yuan. Soon, more than a year later, the car lagged behind others. Some people half jokingly and half ridiculed my car as a toy car, which made me feel uncomfortable.

          At that time, the number of people who bought cars increased rapidly, and the family car with three compartments became my goal. Fortunately, in those years, the economy was relatively loose. My husband soon satisfied my desire and bought a three compartment car worth more than 100000 yuan. It was the first batch of cars in China with self driving cars. I was very proud of myself for some time. But soon, the so-called good times are not long, because my husband's rapid development has been difficult to pay attention to me. I drove this car to experience the breakup, reunion, and separation with my husband. During the ups and downs, I often thought I could not survive. My son has been a little bit taller than me. I regret that my husband said he would buy me a Volvo sc60, but I need to accept him completely instead of letting him wander outside my home now. I can't make up my mind. I am afraid that I will be looked down upon and despised by him again.

      Now I used my own money to buy this car of more than 200000 yuan, which almost cost


Miscellaneous talk

            I haven't felt happy and relaxed for a long time. Although the spring has come for a period of time, the sun is always shining and flowers are everywhere. In order to let my son grow up healthily and happily, I often try to take him everywhere to play, buy things, eat, face his smiling face like flowers, but can't remove the deep sadness in my heart. I always feel uneasy and uneasy, Always worried about what needs to be done, always worried about being laughed at by people around, always worried that there are so many people who know and don't know who are going to make a success of themselves, but I am standing still, I don't know what kind of situation will be challenged in the future.

      There are several potted flowers on the balcony, and I seldom take care of them carefully. It's just that I saw some small wild grass seeds floating in the flowerpot when and where they didn't know, and a few flourishing grass seedlings withered and drooped due to lack of water, so I remembered to water them. The grass has a strong vitality. Once it is nourished by water, it will soon hold its head high and spare no effort to develop, reproduce and occupy the territory. Now they have surrounded two pots of tiger skin gladiolus. The small white flowers, which are as big as rice, smell very fragrant. Even so, I still didn't take them seriously. I just watered them so that they could live on their own, and I didn't feel uneasy.

      After cleaning up the housework this morning, I have nothing to do as usual. Look at those


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