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day All the parents have a common wish: they hope their children can eat more vegetables. The good news comes. The food writer Bi Wilson brings good news. She said that parents are more capable of changing their children's tastes than they think.

The first bite is very important

In her new book "The First Oral", Wilson describes how genetics, culture, memory and early feeding methods affect children's dietary preferences. She said that children's taste sense was formed before they were born. This conclusion is very useful for parents who want their children to eat more healthily.

  "According to current research, we find that children like certain foods because they are familiar with them. The mother of the child ate them when she was pregnant and would like to eat them when the child met them after birth. It has been proved that if the pregnant mother ate a lot of garlic, the amniotic fluid wrapped around the fetus would have garlic flavor. Imagine how many kinds of food a fetus who has been swimming around in her mother's belly for 9 months will feel. After the baby is born, if he encounters garlic again, he will like it and feel like going home. The baby will feel familiar with the taste of garlic. And like some kind of food is basically because of the sense of familiarity.

The taste of breast milk is also very important. Some studies have shown that if a mother who is breast-feeding drinks a lot of carrot juice and feeds her baby, when the baby tastes solid carrots for the first time, it will feel very familiar and accept this food. Some research


Miscellaneous talk

(2015-12-29 10:43)

Miscellaneous talk

two In 2015, the cause of human exploration of space was reported to be successful. First, on July 14, after more than nine years of long journey, the New Horizons probe flew over Pluto, leaving the mark of the first human visit to Pluto; Then on July 23, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced the discovery of Kepler-452b, the exoplanet most similar to the Earth so far, which is 1400 light-years away from us


Miscellaneous talk

say It is not absurd that American prices are "too low to be reasonable". In fact, in some fields, American prices are incredibly low.

Some places are really cheap

Let's start with gasoline. How cheap is gasoline in the United States? The GlobalPetrolPrice website once made a statistics that from August 24 to November 30 this year, the average price of gasoline in the United States was the highest in the country


Miscellaneous talk

near Two Chinese made headlines in Dutch media. On the morning of November 18 local time, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, two Chinese people, a man and a woman, had a verbal dispute over milk powder in the supermarket, and the civil fight turned into a martial fight. They lay on the ground and fought each other. The foreigners nearby repeatedly failed to persuade them to fight.

It has become a spectacle for Chinese people to rush to buy milk powder all over the world. This is because since the melamine incident has been exposed one after another, Chinese people's confidence in domestic milk powder has plummeted, so their eyes turned to foreign countries, and an emerging industry of overseas milk powder purchasing emerged at the historic moment.

Crazy shopping leads to purchase restriction

The purchasing force composed of overseas relatives and friends swept through the milk powder market in various countries and swept the market like ants moving back to China. They swept the country like ants. Their unscrupulous ways and madness reached the peak. Wherever they went, the shelves were emptied and the inventory was emptied, so that local mothers could not buy milk powder to feed their babies, disrupting the market. In order to ensure the supply of local milk powder, All countries have issued purchase restrictions.

Hong Kong was the first to implement the "milk restriction order". In March 2013, the Hong Kong government decided to limit the amount of milk powder that people leaving the country could carry out - no more than two cans per person. Once convicted, violators could be fined 500000 yuan and imprisoned for two years. In Australia, the Daily Observer recently reported that parents complained on the "Facebook" of Bellamy organic milk powder in their country, and they had to spend several hours shopping in other cities and towns, even one mother left


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yes For me, coming to Budapest was totally accidental, and it was even more accidental to take a hot spring in Budapest.

In the itinerary, Germany and Austria were originally planned to go, but Germany was next to the Czech Republic and Hungary was next to Austria. Therefore, with the indomitable mentality of being gluttonous, I finally included these two places. From Vienna to Budapest, some people choose to take a boat along the Danube River. The boat journey is five hours. You can enjoy the scenery of the Danube River on the way. It is said that "Blue Danube" will be put on the boat all the way, which should be very impressive. However, in order to save time, I chose the train. The whole journey lasted only three hours. The conditions on the train were very good, similar to China's high-speed railway. Along the way, we can find the prosperity of Western Europe and the decline of Eastern Europe.

I remember that the opening scene of Mission Impossible IV was in Budapest. Now it is really suitable for that kind of cold spy style. The ancient capital of Baroque style and the turbulent Danube River are both a look that has experienced the vicissitudes of history. In the autumn when the leaves are falling, it seems a bit depressed. The well preserved historical buildings and the rooms with high ceilings and long narrow windows give a nostalgic tone, which may not be easily felt in the rapidly changing country. However, after chatting with some local people, I found that the living standard of the people in this European country is not high, and they also have a lot of complaints about the government's policies and the economic situation of the country. On the contrary, I, as a person who has spent a lot of money in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou


Miscellaneous talk

from As a child, Canada is known as the country of maple leaves.

When I went to the geography class, I saw that one of Canada's products is maple sugar, because Canada's special sugar maple can produce sugar. The introduction told me the sweetness of maple sugar, making my impression of Canada always cool and sweet. When I grew up, I finally tasted maple syrup one day and found that it was not as delicious as I thought


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one In 912, Lu Xun came to Beijing and worked and lived in Beijing for 14 years. According to Lu Xun's diary, there are more than 60 places where Lu Xun dines and drinks tea in Beijing. There are not only famous restaurants, but also small restaurants that often go to potluck. The flavor of the food includes Shandong, Henan, Fujian, Zhejiang and other provincial cuisines, as well as German, Japanese and other mussel (western food) restaurants, including some time-honored brands in Beijing. Beijing University


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"I He has tasted a lot of imported wine, and he also likes to collect some products. "Mr. Tang from Shanghai is a senior wine lover, who has tasted wine in the past ten years


Miscellaneous talk

A few days before this year's "Double 11" online shopping carnival, an entity store owner rented more than 100 cars from ant moving chain companies, appealed to boycott the "Double 11" in 16 cities, including Nanjing and Xi'an, and rejected "garbage" consumption, and clearly printed the words "knock down a treasure, knock down a east" on the car body advertisement.


An insider revealed that the move cost more than 600000 yuan, which seems to be a bitter hatred. Several senior economists have also written articles saying that


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