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(2015-04-01 15:46)



grow up


You can't hit it with eight strokes

Classification: Chestnut blossom

      1/4。 The first three months of 2015 passed in a hurry. In March, I was 27 years old.


      I will still keep track of my life and growth, but I am no longer accustomed to being in the open social network. Is it mature or start to care about my little privacy? I think it's more about hiding your emotions in front of others! The older you grow, the more deliberately you hide; The older you grow, the more you ignore the feelings of people around you; The older, the more selfish. However, the meaning of growing up is not only to get rid of the ignorance that was once despised, but also to move towards value and width. Learn to share and be a little valuable person. yes! This is what a 27 year old girl should do.


      I am 26 years old and have done three things:

      1. Resignation, change a job, can always be old but can barely support their own work;

      2. I learned a major in psychology that I really like, though I can't compete with my college major;





For me

Company middle

Those people

Classification: Dancing and flying

      Rainy days. weekend. This kind of day is very suitable for reading, staring, watching movies, sleeping at home... It seems that summer is not here until you have tasted the beauty of spring





First stop



Classification: talk nonsense

      In pursuit of sunshine, my heart belongs in the busy 2013. In 2013, when there was no measurable goal, I also told myself last year to read more and go out more. Book, read, how much into the heart, know; The road, gone, far and near twists and turns, from the Ming. If we use two words to summarize the year that is going to pass away, we are busy and confused. I really can't find a more suitable word.


      Memory is always not good, let alone the memory of time. Let's search for the memory left in the brain

      What you can leave and remember is what you care about and remember most!


      Really busy from one year end to another. I still remember that because the whole line of the snow highway was closed, I went to Jinan by train at night to take an exam alone; I also remember revising documents again and again in the leadership office on the last day of 2012 in the lunar calendar; Similarly, I started the new year's work before others' holidays ended.


      On February 14 this year, I wanted to go to the cinema to see "To Youth", but I watched "101 Courtship" by mistake due to time problems. When a person walks on the road and looks at many girls holding roses, chocolates or teddy bears, he realizes: Oh



Li Sikun

reference book


very good

Classification: Chestnut blossom

      At the end of the year, various inventories began to be carried out on the Internet. Forwarded Financial World Weekly One On the microblog of the 2013 best seller list, I really disagree with its ranking. I sorted out my book list on Dangdang in 2013. I always bought books casually without any sorting. I temporarily ignored the purchase of books on other websites and physical bookstores. After sorting out, I regretted my "cabbage theory" of the best seller list Evaluation, reading without due diligence and reliability, and sorting out the first reaction, must not let outsiders know that I read these books. However, they recorded the growth of my thoughts and feelings in 2013. also



Open the chakras and awaken the Kundalini energy.

adopt Chakras

(2013-10-31 19:52)

Ha ha ha



right and wrong



Classification: Chestnut blossom

    I always thought that time stayed in September, the end of September, early autumn. Yellowing leaves, the corners of clothes blown by the breeze, and the boys and girls smiling at each other in the setting sun... But time has been running ahead for too long inadvertently. If it wasn't for the cold that lasted for half a month, if it wasn't for the itinerary arranged on the calendar board, if it wasn't for missing again, no one would respond Unexpectedly, winter is coming!

    It's not that time flies, but that we ignore it in our busy life. Like those tender years, if we had treated it well, perhaps it would give us a peaceful present. Now that we have passed, everything in the present is the best answer to our words and deeds.


    Harvesting in the missed season is the best reward for missing!

    In October, I went to the intermediate class and the advanced class of the puppet workshop respectively. The core of the theory is the family system arrangement of Hellinger. The four-day senior class shocked me. In 25 years, there has never been a course like the senior class. Many times I want to write some insights, but I don't know where to start. Looking back at the notes in class, there is little theoretical knowledge. The harvest is buried in the heart and integrated into life. It changed my previous cognitive system, but this time it was changed, I did not resist and was willing.




Classification: Learning gains

It is the fourth time that I have followed Ms. Sha Junling to the elementary class of puppet workshop, and the feelings and gains of each period are different. From curiosity, total feeling and self awareness, to theoretical knowledge learning and analysis, to technical learning and knowledge integration. At the same time, each period of students has different stories, and the energy field formed in each period also brings different insights.

On the morning of the first day, Mr. Sha asked everyone to think about three questions, one of which was: why did you come to the workshop? Three purposes are clearly given in mind: first, in-depth study of consulting skills; Second, the integration of theoretical knowledge; Third, do personal combing. At the end of the three-day course, I also got good answers to the three goals.

First, the perception of consulting skills. all

(2013-08-03 16:08)

flowing water

every last




Classification: Work history
    I have been used to it for a long time, but I am less passionate. I think it is over when I think it is over. Seeing those children's messages, I still can't help recording this July, the July with them.
    July 16-20. Qingzhou.

    July 22-28. Sunshine.

    Parents are originals, families are photocopiers, and children are photocopies. "—— Silent Mage


Classification: Reprint American
"I will give myself all the love and support I need." The problems of the original family and childhood trauma will block the growth channel. Conscious, clean up, grow...

Hello, Mingmei 2011!

Looking at your email, I can feel your confusion and helplessness. I can also see that you have begun to introspect and seek the meaning and truth of life. Worries and troubles are just appearances. More importantly, they are the driving force for your growth.


Your question is fear of authority, fear of intimacy,



Classification: Learning gains

    The homework of June is pasted here.

    PS: The second part is unqualified and required to be deleted.

        The third chapter is a supplement.

    Welcome to comment and correct!



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