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Miscellaneous talk

Classification: mood

      Today he went back to his hometown. I was alone. Before leaving, he said that he should be careful not to forget his keys when going out. I shook the key in my hand and proudly said, "No, I have a good memory. If I didn't bring it, I would wait outside for you to come back, hehe.".

      The evening breeze was blowing, and he had already arrived home. He told me that they would have steamed pork ribs tonight. After playing for most of the time, I thought it was time to make a dinner for myself. I excitedly took the beauty (our dog) downstairs to buy food. At the moment when I was about to leave the elevator, it seemed that something had already been arranged. I heard a clear sound from someone beside me. It was obvious that a bunch of keys were striking. At that time, I still smiled and really liked the sound. The next moment, like a thunderbolt, my head suddenly grew big. The key, the key, my key... The hand involuntarily pinched, empty, then the trouser pocket, or empty! The next moment, my heart suddenly poured out, so helpless and lonely. If he were here, he would not be like this. The more I think about it, the more I feel, because now I am alone. I wanted to call him as soon as possible, but my mobile phone didn't come out. My eyes are dim, but I still need to be brave and strong. Shengsheng straightened his chest, quietly wiped off the pearl in his eyes, and called the beauty to the property center to find the locksmith.

      After a long time, the door finally opened. I said that I have only 40 points left. Can you accommodate me? The man said that it was OK, just a few dollars less. I

(2012-05-02 11:29)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: mood

Usually, call him any small thing. If he is surfing the Internet, he may play games or browse the web. Anyway, he can ignore you for half a day if he is not on business.

Let's take today as an example. Everyone knows that when I cut onions, I am a weak woman. Can I resist it? Tell him to do it. He won't move. I was so angry that I cut myself off without saying a word. I was thinking, why do you have this boyfriend? He didn't help me at the critical moment. http://www/uc/myshow/blog/misc/gif/E___6706EN00SIGG.gif

He is also very good at following me. Because of his character, I am so angry that I can vomit half a jin of blood every time. Ordinary people can understand that when you are angry to a certain extent, your chest is really blocked. At this time, I would ignore him. Hey, compatriots, guess what he is doing, he can ignore you all the time. You have to wait until your anger subsides and you take the initiative to stutter him (after thinking about it, it is basically that I go to flatter him. You should keep still, and he can ignore you. He has such patience~). Sometimes, I will comfort myself. This, tolerance, mutual understanding, make a concession, life still has to live~! But, on second thought, why didn't he come to tease me? Shouldn't a boyfriend?

I told myself that it was better to rely on myself than on him, so I would do it myself when I could not call him.

To be honest, I wanted to break up with him several times


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Follow up

There are two men here

No. 1:

    Woman: It's very late. Let's go by motorcycle. It's expensive to take a taxi, but the motorcycle is cheaper

  Man: No

  Woman: Why?

  Man: If you use a motorcycle, you must sit in the back, but the back is not safe. I'd rather wait for the bus or take a taxi

  Woman: Know the danger and let me sit in the back?

  Man: I don't want you to be so close to the man in the motorcycle


No. 2

    Woman: It's very late. Let's go by motorcycle. It's expensive to take a taxi, but the motorcycle is cheaper

  Man: Good

  Woman: Where would you let me sit? Middle or back?

  Man: Of course, in the middle

  Woman: Why?

  Man: Because the back is dangerous

  Woman: oh


If you were the heroine, who would you choose?

(2011-05-08 18:18)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: emotion
Memories are like water plants,
Floating gently in my mind,
partly hidden and partly visible,
I want to catch it but I can't catch it firmly.

Thorough heart pain.

Give up,
Are you going to uproot it?
Okay, then
Be strong,
(2011-05-08 18:01)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: mood

      I remember when I was a freshman, a girl in her dormitory had to take a shower and wash her hair every day. At that time, I thought that she had done it as a task. For a long time, I didn't understand. This is probably related to the habit she formed when she was young. She told me that it would be uncomfortable if she didn't wash it any day. I have never experienced it, and I can't agree with it. I always said behind her back that she was pretending to be sentimental. In my sophomore year, I also got into the habit of taking a shower every day. I didn't take a shower for one day, let alone the taste. Now that she's gone, I really want to say sorry to her. I really want to.

      For another example, when I went out to dinner with a group of friends that day, a boy at the next table lost the bet and asked them to come to a girl for a drink. Luckily and unfortunately, he found me. Raise a glass to invite wine. He asked why he found me on the spot. He said, you are a beautiful woman. I remember that I was very shy when I took the cup and dried it. Later, I was depressed and blamed myself for not answering the question. "You said that wrong. How sorry I am for the two beautiful women next to me? I will be punished for three drinks and I will do it with you after drinking!" I thought if I could throw this out, it would be very effective. Therefore, I know that in the future, when touching wine, I should be bold, and distinguish clearly what to drink and what not to drink.


(2011-05-08 17:57)

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Follow up

Touch a helpless hand The heart is as cold as water

Embrace my dream Fire like passion once burned Extinguished

I thought My dear, where are you today


A dream of youth Time together, dancing youth Wandering dream

(2011-05-06 15:13)

Miscellaneous talk


Men don't shed tears lightly, but they don't get to the sad place.

      A man who usually has a big laugh, a man who usually talks funny, a man who usually hears sarcasm, finally, in a crowd of women's jokes, he looked up at the ceiling and blinked his eyes... Maybe, the speaker didn't mean to hurt him, maybe, the person who laughed with him didn't mean to hurt him, maybe, None of us intended it. However, at that moment, I saw the tears he was forced to endure, sparkling~~touched the bottom of his heart, really hurt for a while, and I don't know who. A man who has done his duty, blame himself for not making progress or blame others for asking too much?

      They all say that looking for a partner now requires too much of men. They need to be educated if they have a car or a house. How can men live. However, have you ever thought about how women can rely on a man who can't even give a basic home to a woman? In fact, women are not demanding, just want to have a warm home of their own. Most women have a dream when they were young. When they grow up, they can decorate their homes and decorate them into fairy tales in their dreams. They hope to live in their favorite house with their loved ones. Women want a house. But then again, women in the new era are more enterprising and can bear a part of the room expenses. Of course, it would be better if the man has a room. Couples can work less for many years. In these years, money doesn't need to be spent! What I earn by myself can stay more to raise children, eight out of ten. Haha~~Personally, it's not difficult to explain why women want

(2011-04-28 22:26)


Classification: emotion

Tonight's live concert is very hot~~My voice is hoarse, and I can't help shouting and dancing when I'm excited, (* ^ __ ^ *) giggling


The femininity of a woman is intrinsic, no matter how you cover it up at ordinary times, it will not help. A woman's affectionate feelings are also intrinsic, no matter how indifferent you are at ordinary times, they cannot be extinguished. In order to refuel him on the spot, witness his charming style and feel his familiar breath, the train lasted for more than ten or twenty hours Women's infatuation is no more painful than men's~~Fortunately, the ending is happy. The men's VCR recorded obscure confessions, and the hot scene pushed the heroine to the climax. When facing men, women should be excited and worried. After years of hard work, they finally arrived at this moment, happy, but she didn't show anything on her face. Finally, a red rose was placed in front of her. It was time to smile, but I was sad. Bitter gourd is really out of time. In a flash, many pictures flashed across my mind. Those things that had not existed in the past were bitter, lingering in my heart, and the growing sadness was finally interrupted by the words of a woman, "I don't accept him, why did I take such a long train to come here?" A light rhetorical question grabbed the audience's breath, A moment of inspiration was followed by a burst of enthusiasm. Embrace, hold hands, smile, happiness, together, go.


Those should not be thought about or said again.

Go to sleep


leisure time

Classification: mood

Hunting in the winter wind, people's faces ache. The ripe ginkgo leaves roll down and sprinkle freely on the asphalt road. The bare branches trembled, and everything seemed so desolate. Some yearnings that I tried to discard were bothering me. It seems that the heart that can be frozen is not so calm and wants to get something, but there is nothing. The instant suffocation is unbearable. It's funny. I'm still stupid after all, and I can't escape from missing. It is a poison, like opium, which burns the hunger and thirst of the heart and is held in the palm of your hand like pity. Who can understand me? I have lived in the world for 20 years, and I have never had a blue face friend before. What a sad thing! How eager I am to help me when I am helpless and listen to me when I am upset Shoulders can be relied on. It turns out that everything is luxury, and I can't afford it.


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: mood

When I was young, I was five or six years old. There was a spacious courtyard in front of my grandmother's house. At the end of the courtyard, there were lush bamboo knots, and the wind swayed steeple. In summer, it is a good place to enjoy the cool. Old people like it, young people like it, and so do our children. In the evening, Grandpa would sit under the bamboo cage with a small stool and a fan. Occasionally, a cool wind blows, which is relaxing! What I like most is those fireflies that flutter in groups of three or two. They shuttle among the bamboo leaves in a twinkling way, which is very beautiful. I often half squint my eyes and enjoy their dances. When I have seen enough of them, I approach them carefully. The fireflies are not flying fast, so it is easy to catch one. The white transparent empty MSG plastic bottle is washed and dried. It is small and ingenious, and it is just suitable to contain insects. Holding it in his hand, he leaned against his grandfather. He said something that adults could understand. Sometimes he would notice me and teach me how to write. But I just looked at my trophies with a smile! O(∩_∩)O~

At that time, our village was quiet, not flashy and noisy. I feel that the night is much darker than now. (I don't know if it was because there were few lights at that time, ha ha!)

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