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Rice grain depot monopolizes rice
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have no idea what to do with one 's hands and feet

Little 999



Classification: Men and women

When I came back from work in the evening, I met the landlord to collect the rent, and the price soared every day. The landlord told me that the rent increased again this month, and the water and electricity fees also increased, adding up to 1/4 of the salary. So my girlfriend complained that the landlord was too snobbish at the same time, she also scolded me from time to time. Of course I understand: I have graduated from college for two years, and my salary is less than 3K. After deducting miscellaneous expenses and living expenses, there is almost no surplus.


My family has spent all of their savings for my college education, and will no longer take money like other parents to buy a house with GDP in the city for me. As for my girlfriend and I still live in this small shabby single room and suffer from the landlord's evil every day. I think this is probably the current dilemma of most poor second generation. I also tried to earn money and improve my living conditions. But it is really difficult for us, a non official and non rich family, to dig out a house by our own hands! I can't think of any way to get rich.


After dinner, her girlfriend's friend called her again. I can't remember how many friends this is or how many times it is. But the content of each conversation is similar. What's your current job, life and marriage. Every time I finished talking on the phone, my girlfriend would tell me: a classmate bought a house at home, how much it was, and what it looked like; A classmate got married again. Where is his husband? Where is he a civil servant? He has a house and a car at home; A classmate introduced her again. The man's condition is so excellent that he will never worry about food or clothing for the rest of his life.


Whenever this happens, I will play






Serious illness


Classification: Men and women

Seven years ago, I divorced her because of her betrayal. She cried and begged me to forgive her for her children. I didn't. I know that even if I forgive her, I will not forgive myself. She and I will not live as if nothing happened. I was a civil servant at that time. His father was several levels higher than me. I respected him very much. At that time, I knew that if I didn't forgive her, my future would also be affected. But I really couldn't do it. After handling some affairs of Brother Tao, I resigned. I left everything to her and went to Guangzhou with 50000 yuan.


At that time, I was very discouraged. I don't know why she betrayed me? I made a fortune in Guangdong by selling computers. Last year I went home to pay New Year's greetings to my parents. Her parents came to me and said that she was seriously ill and needed a lot of money. They asked me to help. I didn't agree, because I had regarded her as a stranger in my heart, because I could not even make friends because of betrayal. When I heard the news of her illness, I felt very sorry. Although I had no feelings, I knew her after all. People I know always feel sad when they die. Her mother knelt down for me when she saw that I didn't agree. I was so frightened that I got down on my knees and didn't agree at last. To be honest, that money was a lot of money for me before, but now I don't care much about it, but I won't give my money to someone who doesn't have a relationship with me. And after her death, I may want to have custody of my daughter. I think this is one of the reasons. Her parents left crying.  


Two days later, her mother called me to go to the hospital. She wanted to see me, so I went there. Seeing her like that, I was very moved and looked


female sex

A Liang


Police Station

There is no fire without wind


Classification: Men and women

After that, I won't quarrel with him because I can't live at home anymore. I think I can just let it go. I don't want to mention it again. After all, I still want to live with him. I still love him in my heart

I grew up in the home of my adoptive parents. Although they were not my own parents, and when I was taken home by them, there were two boys in my family, they really loved me.

But when I was in junior high school, my adoptive mother left us early because of a car accident. I was only 12 years old that year. In order to reduce the burden of my adoptive father, I dropped out of school and returned home after my adoptive mother died. When I was 15 years old, I came to the city to work with my little sister in the village to earn money.

In 2006, I worked in a supermarket in Xuzhou and met Ah Liang, who often delivered goods. At that time, we seldom talked with him except for our working relationship. I rented a house in the city for the convenience of my work. It happened that the house I rented with Ah Liang was in the same courtyard as me.

A Liang said that he had just moved his family to this courtyard. This time we met, we talked with each other very congenially. Through the chat, we learned that Ah Liang also came from the countryside to work in the city. A feeling of "being the loser of the end of the world" has drawn us closer.

Later, due to the change of the working unit, I returned the original house, and then rented a new house in the south of the city where I worked. In the morning, I looked after the house and negotiated the price. But when I moved in the afternoon, I found that someone had already taken a step ahead of me, and my heart suddenly became angry.

But I never expected that the one who moved in first was Ah Liang. When


a juvenile


Aunt's house

a gentle wind



Classification: Men and women

   Puppy love

I met Lei when I went on a blind date with my cousin. He is a boyfriend introduced to my cousin. At that time, I was only 15 years old. Maybe I had just begun to fall in love with this tall and handsome boy.

Later, he became my brother-in-law. In those years, I went to my aunt's home after winter and summer vacations, and sometimes I stayed at her home. I don't know whether it is because my cousin and Lei still live in my aunt's house after they get married. In short, I am secretly glad to see Lei from time to time.

Two years after their cousin and Lei got married, their child was born, and I became a high school student. One summer vacation, I went to my aunt's house again. It was very hot that day. My cousin took the children to the outside to enjoy the cool. Only me and Lei were in the house. The fan whips out hot wind, which makes people inexplicably irritable. I am absent-minded doing my homework.

Before long, Lei sat quietly beside me and read silently. The room was extremely quiet, only the sound of the fan turning seemed particularly harsh. My heart suddenly moved. When I looked up, my heart almost jumped out of my chest, and he put his hand on my hand. His hand was hot, and he said in a low, almost inaudible voice, "Rain, I like you!" I was extremely flustered. Although I liked him in my heart, I never thought he would dare to tell me! I didn't know what to do and escaped.

When I met him again the next day, he looked as if nothing had happened to me. I felt both secure and lost. When no one paid attention, he looked at me




Stinky tofu

My dear wife

Shopping Guide


Classification: Men and women

Why on earth? What's deadly is that women can go shopping for hours without feeling tired.

Maybe women are naturally sensitive to color and like colorful things, so they love shopping and going to colorful shopping malls. Or they like to go to crowded places, and shopping on weekends has become their preferred pastime. Although men want to sleep well on weekends, or run in front of the computer for a day in World of Warcraft, women get up early, wake up men, and then act charmingly, "Husband, go shopping with me. Husband...", Then pretend to be pathetic and force the man to obey. If men go back to sleep, they will pretend to be angry: "Hum, I will go alone. I still want to see many handsome men!" If men are still indifferent, women will show their anger. "Hum, XXX (his name), will you get up or not?! I count three! 1... 2... If you don't get up again, you will sleep on the sofa tonight... "The man got up, accompanied by a smiling face, and had to beg his wife for mercy.

Women go shopping for three purposes: 1. Buy clothes and accessories. 2. Eat snacks and big meals. 3. Look at beautiful women and handsome men. Of course, many women regard shopping as a way to gain psychological satisfaction. Maybe it is not to buy something on the street, but when they go shopping with men, they will feel a spiritual satisfaction and feel full and happy. And I can gossip with female colleagues when I go to work



an excavator

Heavenly principles



Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Deep in the heart

An old farmer in Chaobaoyao Group, Chetianwan Village, Ziyuan County, Guilin City, Guangxi Province. In this way, he was crushed into meat cakes by a huge bulldozer. I wanted to scold the worst foul words, but I was blocked by anger. I pray that netizens and media will investigate the truth and punish the real murderer!






A curse

Song Yumei


Classification: Men and women

Many men want to have a confidant. Unfortunately, it was hard to find a confidant; Even if they are lucky enough to find them, they may turn the "confidant of beauty" into a "beauty disaster" because they can't grasp the "degree", causing divorce and restlessness.


Beauty friends pay attention to spiritual communication

"More than friends, less than lovers" is the definition of a confidant. In this regard, Shi Lin, an associate professor at the School of Psychology of Beijing Normal University, explained that normal confidants prefer more friends, which is a pure heterosexual emotion. For the opposite sex of the same age, it can be called a confidant; However, those with large age gap are generally referred to as "forget the old age". A confidant of a beauty can be a wandering listener and a reader of the heart. "But it is completely spiritual communication. Once love or sexual behavior occurs, this relationship will collapse."

Beauty bosom friends have a long history, and Russian musicians Tchaikovsky and Mrs. Meck are good examples. They have corresponded with each other for 13 years, but have never met. Mrs. Meck said in the letter: "Our souls are touching, looking at and talking with each other, and you and your music are tapping my soul every moment." Tchaikovsky also regards Mrs. Meck as the only confidant; He wrote the famous works "The Fourth Symphony" and "Pathetique Symphony" for her.

Men need


house property

Two suites

girl friend

Small property rights


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: All flavors in the world
I am a Beijing boy. I have a house in my family. I just sold the house allocated by my unit and bought two more houses, one of which was loaned. The other is small property rights.

I work in a state-owned enterprise and can get 2000 yuan a month. The bonus at the end of the year has not been paid yet. Apart from more than 2000 quarterly bonuses per quarter, there is no other source of additional income.

I'm under a lot of pressure now. I'm a male chauvinist. I don't want to be dominant in my family in the future, but my income is really hard to tell. I don't have enough for myself.

Now I go to work every day when I have nothing to do. It's not bad some time ago. It's snowy. It's hard to work recently. I can only earn some money to pay for my car's fuel. The car is old, tens of thousands of yuan.

To put it bluntly, I have always wanted to find a girlfriend. My friends have introduced me countless times. I can be picky. If I look for someone who is not from Beijing, I will divorce if I get married. Beijing girls, to be honest, my condition is a little worse. Still carrying a loan. Although there are not many loans. But my income is too low. If I get married, my salary will almost have to repay the loan. I'm 32. To be honest, it's time to find a girlfriend.

Ah! Now the society is too realistic, and I hope the quality of life after marriage is not too low. I can't spend other girls' money after getting married. I'm so proud that I'm afraid of having the reputation of being a soft eater.

I have had several good girlfriends, but they all blew up. On the surface, I am very strong, but in fact, I am very inferiority complex. I'm not tall



Beautiful Girl




Classification: Deep in the heart

I suspect I'm sick, depressed

My wife is 8 years older than me, but she is still young. When two people stand together, they can see that she is older than me, but she doesn't look much older.

Now there are many beautiful girls around me who like me. I regret that I didn't think so much when I got the certificate with my wife.

I think I am not a mature person. Now living with my wife has become a habit, but sometimes I want to divorce, but I'm afraid she can't stand it.

I always live in depression and am not happy at all. Masters, please give me some antidote or kick me!





Casual shoes



Classification: Men and women

The past is like a nightmare that cannot be recalled. Everything is woven by his rumors, which makes me jumpy when I think about it. If I could, I would rather reduce my life span by ten years in exchange for my innocence of love and dignity

Two years ago, I applied to Huasheng (a pseudonym)'s company. He was the deputy general manager of the company. When I applied, he was the examiner. I remember very clearly that I was sitting in the last row during the written examination. When Hua Sheng came in, I just looked up and collided with his eyes. When I lowered my head to answer the question, I used Yu Guang to see a pair of dreamy casual leather shoes stopped in front of me. Without looking up, I knew it was him, Huasheng.

It can be said that the first time I met Hua Sheng, I had an unusual feeling.

I met Hua Sheng again during the interview. He asked me a few questions, and I answered them well. Under his eyes, I have a very strong desire to express myself. I don't want him to look down on me. I hope I can show my best level and state. After the interview, Huasheng gave me a positive smile. At that moment, I knew that I would be admitted.

A few days later, I received a phone call from Hua Sheng who called me in person. He said to me in a nice baritone, "Congratulations, little girl, you have been accepted." I think he will not say "little girl" when informing other girls, but only to me. I don't know


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