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 Breast Department Zhang Dong Xiao
Breast Department Zhang Dong Xiao
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Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao


What is the calcification focus of breast cancer like?                

With the popularization of breast molybdenum target, more and more breast cancer calcifications have been found. What is breast cancer calcification? What is the calcification focus of breast cancer

Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao


This is the question Sina Love received in the public consultation with doctors. I'm sorry that I was too busy to answer in time that day. Put it here and hope that consultants can see it.

This is a problem related to the breast nodule. Whether the breast nodule can be relieved or disappeared by taking medicine has a lot to do with the nature of the nodule. If it is a hyperplasia nodule of the breast, the drug effect is good and there is a certain probability of remission. If the nodule is still an intraductal papilloma, the drug effect is poor. For the treatment of hyperplastic nodules, take a look at this article.


Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

                                              How to prevent upper limb lymphedema after breast cancer surgery?

one Do not neglect the slight aggravation of edema in upper limbs or chest  

two Do not draw blood and inject in the affected limb, and wear markers of lymphedema  


Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

                                        Is it not breast cancer if there is no lump in the breast?

Two weeks ago, a patient was punctured. Her breast was red and swollen, with local fever. I think it may be non lactating mastitis, but unfortunately, the pathological results of puncture consider inflammatory breast cancer.



Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

                                              How to avoid repeatedly growing fibroadenoma


    This is a patient consultation received. It is mentioned that the inducement of repeated fibroadenoma is too high estrogen/endocrine disorder. She is quite right. This disease has something to do with endocrine disorder. This kind of patient is very common in the outpatient department, mostly in young patients, with recurrent breast nodules/tumors. Although many operations have been carried out, recurrence still occurs. Patients usually search for a lot of information and have a basic understanding of the causes of this kind of disease.


Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

                                                  Can surgery be performed if chemotherapy is not effective?


            This is a patient's consultation recently. The local tumor of breast cancer is relatively large. Because it is triple negative breast cancer, hormone therapy and targeted therapy are not suitable. At present, the main treatment is chemotherapy, but chemotherapy has changed several times, and the effect is not good. There are new tumors, extensive skin infiltration, etc. The patient wants to know whether surgery can be performed and how to deal with the current surface damage.

          Before discussing the treatment plan for this disease, you need to understand

Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

The patient has breast nodules and hopes to clarify their nature. A definite diagnosis needs to be made by pathology. Pathological methods include puncture and minimally invasive rotary cutting. The puncture method is a little less invasive and inexpensive. The disadvantage is that the materials are limited, and there is a risk that small nodules cannot be obtained. The price of minimally invasive rotary cutting is higher than that of puncture, but the amount of materials is large, and the tumor can be completely removed.                                              

                                  Minimally invasive rotary mastectomy for benign breast tumors and nodules


Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

There are many reasons for nipple invagination, and the patient consulted had a second inverted nipple after the inverted nipple correction in the external hospital, and there are many reasons. For example, scar contracture, inflammatory traction, insufficient tissue, etc., the specific reason must be comprehensively judged according to the type of surgery and whether there are other breast diseases at present. However, for mild inverted nipple, you can try self correction methods.

                                        How to carry out daily nursing and self correction of nipple depression

          The inverted nipple not only hinders the beauty of the breast, but also hinders the breast feeding function. It is difficult to clean the nipple locally, and the sunken part is easy to hide dirt

Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

                                                                Whether surgery is needed for inverted nipple

1、 Harm of inverted nipple


Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University - Breast Surgery - Chief Physician   Zhang Dongxiao

  Conservative treatment of granulomatous mastitis  

      Granulomatous mastitis is one of the common and intractable diseases in clinic. Some doctors have taken an attitude of doing everything for the treatment of this disease. On the one hand, the breast is severely destroyed, on the other hand, the pathological basis of this disease has not been changed. The existing lesions have been removed, and new lesions may still exist in other parts. As long as the breast glands exist, there is still the possibility of disease. Multiple lesions appear repeatedly in the breast. Can we only remove the breast lesions once and again? Is there the possibility of conservative treatment for granulomatous mastitis?



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