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 Ling Yun Mike Ling
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Miscellaneous talk

My fitness Q&A has opened an audio channel,

Listen to me every day about health, free subscription


Today's topic is housework

Or can other daily activities replace formal training?


The direct answer is yes,

It is good for your health, but it cannot be completely replaced!

Between doing housework or daily activities and training,

There are four main differences.

Different exercise intensity


Miscellaneous talk

More women are eager for such body shape and posture

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But do you really know about women's fitness?

1. Should girls' training be different from boys'?


Girls' body structure, hormone environment, and body shape goals are obviously different from boys', so should girls' training methods be different from boys'?


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Miscellaneous talk

Fitness confused period, do not know how to get started? Don't know how to advance?

The real good figure is not thin, not the figure on the weight scale. The real good figure is symmetrical, and it is the powerful explosive force in the body, like a cheetah.

>>>>  Before fitness

Set goals: Set a short-term or long-term fitness goal for yourself, and achieve it in stages;

Record girth: Detailed recording of body circumference data, interval recording, and data reference after a period of exercise are the source of motivation to encourage themselves to continue to adhere;

Self assessment: Test the overall strength, including upper limbs, lower limbs, core, physical strength, flexibility, whether there are high and low shoulders? Is the pelvis tilted forward? Know where you need to strengthen, combine your weaknesses with fitness goals, and avoid sports injuries;

Intensity plan: For people who mainly reduce fat, aerobic training accounts for about 65% of the total fitness time, and anaerobic (strength) training accounts for about 35%; For people who mainly increase muscle, aerobic training accounts for about 35% of the total fitness time, and anaerobic (strength) training accounts for about 65%;


Miscellaneous talk


The weather is getting hotter. If you like outdoor sports, here are five suggestions to help you cool down and keep healthy:


1. Supplement water

Exercise improves metabolism and raises body temperature. Sweating is the body's natural cooling mechanism. But if you lack water, your body's natural air conditioner will also fail.

50% - 60% of the weight of the human body is water, and the human body will lose 2-3% of water after a normal exercise, so it is very important to supplement water in hot days.

It is a good time to replenish water before, during and after exercise. The principle of sports rehydration is small amount and many times. Take a water bottle with you when you exercise. Take a sip after a few minutes. Don't wait for dehydration to replenish water.

What's a good drink?

If you eat a balanced diet, the simplest drink is water. Of course, some water containing vitamins is not bad. There are many kinds of sports drinks on the market. Don't just look at the name, look at the nutrition. Many sports drinks contain sugar, and some contain a lot of sugar. If your main purpose is to reduce fat, you'd better drink less. If you are engaged in intense competitive sports, you will consume a lot of energy. It doesn't matter if you drink some sports drinks.

Some sports drinks contain sodium, potassium and other electrolytes. If you sweat a lot, it is good to add some. If ordinary people usually eat and exercise


Miscellaneous talk

Does anyone use static stretching before exercising? If so, please stop immediately!

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From the perspective of strength, stretching can be divided into active stretching and passive stretching

Active stretching It refers to keeping the action in a specific position without other external forces, that is, active stretching, which can increase the flexibility of the body and the strength of contracting muscles;

Use your own weight or equipment to keep the limbs in a certain stretching position, that is Passive stretching It is beneficial to reduce nerve and muscle excitability, alleviate body fatigue after exercise, and accelerate the recovery of body functions.




reduce weight



albumen powder

Do you really understand protein powder?

What is the essence of protein powder? What is the difference between whey protein and soy protein? Protein powder can help you Weight loss or Muscle enhancement? Eat protein


three hundred and sixty-five

I went to bed late again last night. I promised to go to bed early. At five o'clock, I was woken up by birds.

After breakfast, I wanted to go back to sleep, but just after I lay down, it was time to wake my son up again.

My son didn't eat well recently. I'm going to be late for school, so I have to take the milk



Treadmill fitness introduction


2014-09-03 16:14:15     


Miscellaneous talk

Mike LingFitness Fitness Q&A on my microblog every Wednesday night from 9:00-9:30 Beijing time @MikeLingFitness_Lingyun Fitness http://weibo.com/mikelingfitness conduct. If you have any questions about fitness, please leave a message on my microblog and I will answer them online in real time. My typing speed is my only limit. To avoid answering repeated questions and make the most efficient use of your time, please watch the previous fitness Q&A videos before asking questions http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_21872245.html And Q&A text sorting http://www.weibo.com/2823417024/BdIacEui7?type=repost See you Wednesday night!

1. Consultation: @Linda Dora Rui Linda Dora: The teacher's dormitory is too crowded, and the gym is too smelly What strength training is suitable for

Reply: To the playground, push ups, horizontal bars and parallel bars can be used for strength training through self weight.

2. Consultation: Why didn't you lose your balance after running for two weeks in the morning?

Reply: It takes about 4000 calories to consume one jin of fat. The average person jogs for 30 minutes


Miscellaneous talk

How can a person squat to impact heavy weight?

How to use the squat rack?  

What can the squat stand do besides protecting the squat?

Please see the latest fitness video ->

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQ4NzAxNDI4.html (Click the previous link string to view directly)

Viewing YouTube overseas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5Fa5tcrAKo&list=UUWSxF1o2ReVFot4Dc1VY3sg




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