
three hundred and sixty-five


Red Crag Village

Guilin Gongcheng

Domestic niche attractions

Classification: World tourists


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Istanbul University



Global travel

Classification: World tourists

(This article was first published under the job No.: Little Q Travel Map)

        The trip here was purely accidental. In the morning, I stopped a taxi in the old city to go to the Grand Bazaar, but the driver took a detour to suspect life. After a long circle, I was put in the back door of the Grand Bazaar before I came here. Suddenly, I was curious about what this secular Muslim country university was like, so I decided to go in and have a look.

      The facade of Istanbul University is quite high-end and grand, like the palace gate

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Global travel



Grand Bazaar

Classification: World tourists

The Grand Bazaar has been the core of the old city for centuries,
It is considered to be one of the earliest shopping centers in the world,
It is also the oldest market in the world.

If you want to quickly understand the cultural customs of a city, you should go to the market there.
But apparently, the big bazaar has completely lost its oil,
It has become a stronghold for swindling tourists.

It's even more difficult for Chinese people to come here,
Turkish uncle who may have been solicited before entering the arena

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Guilin Travel

East-west lane


Ancient Street

Classification: World tourists

Opposite Dongxi Alley is my primary school, which has half of my childhood memories.
Later, the old city was rebuilt and the primary school was demolished,
The old houses in Wangcheng, which once had a strong flavor of old Guilin, have also been built into today's Dongxi Alley,
It has brought prosperity to Guilin,
But it brings loneliness to Guilin people.

With complicated

three hundred and sixty-five

Global travel


Accommodation recommendation


Classification: World tourists

(Shot on the terrace on the top floor of Sarikona Hotel)

For nearly a week, I struggled with the dazzling hotel list in the old city,
Finally, I decided to trust the authority and chose this boutique hotel recommended by Lonely Planet.
When entering the inconspicuous small door of Sarikona,
He sighed in his heart: "Lonely Planet" is really reliable, and ginger is really old and spicy!

The small building on the fourth floor is full of Ottoman style,
I like to rest on the sofa in the hall when I come back from an afternoon trip,
It's quiet around,

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Global travel

Classification: World tourists

The Persian language of Cappadocia is



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Rose Valley


Hiking route

Classification: World tourists



three hundred and sixty-five

Global travel



Cave Hotel

Classification: World tourists

If Turkey has thousands of faces, then Cappadocia represents his most magical face.



three hundred and sixty-five


Xiqin Lavender

Parent-child travel

Global travel

Classification: Recommended super niche scenic spots in Britain

The first thing I think of when I mention lavender is South France Provence

When I saw Another Curtain of Youmeng, I sowed purple seeds that were too romantic.




The goddess of pop

Neutral short hair

Fashion trend

Eight Trigrams

Classification: Fashion trendsetters

(This article is original. Please indicate the source for reprinting. Thank you for your cooperation

    Compared with the current "It Girl", the former "It Girl" The biggest difference of "Girl" is that they represent an era and are branded with history, so they are more independent and irreplaceable. Previous "It Girl "Clara Bow represents the Jazz Age in the early stage of World War II, but now it is Edie who wants eight Sedgwick represents the noisy and decadent hippie era in the post-war America.
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