
Miscellaneous talk


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Li Yuanyuan Garden

Wen/Li Yuanyuan (Chinese registered dietitian)



Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Li Yuanyuan Garden

Frankly speaking, I have rarely suffered from pimples and oral ulcers in recent years. The so-called "inflammation" (inflammatory reaction) may be caused by many factors, which has a great relationship with the overall diet~


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Li Yuanyuan Garden

Wen/Li Yuanyuan (Chinese registered dietitian)



Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Li Yuanyuan Garden

Wen/Li Yuanyuan (Chinese registered dietitian)



Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Li Yuanyuan Garden

Wen/Li Yuanyuan (Chinese registered dietitian)

We all know that breast milk is the most suitable for babies among all "milk". If it is impossible to breastfeed, you can choose formula milk instead. Formula milk is formulated on the basis of simulating the composition of human milk. The country has clear requirements on the composition and content of formula milk.

However, the business claims that milk powder babies are easy to get angry and have constipation, so they need to eat a milk powder companion to solve these problems. From the e-commerce search, a lot of milk powder partners popped out, and some mothers left messages saying to Xinsheng Bao


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Li Yuanyuan Garden

Wen/Li Yuanyuan (Chinese registered dietitian)

The ancient poem "Red beans are born in the south, and a few branches are sent in spring. I hope you can pick more, and this thing is lovesick most", which has been sent by people throughout the ages. The "red bean", representing lovesickness, has also become a kind of emotional sustenance, which is written into the lyrics and stories.

But is this red bean the red bean that we eat red bean popsicle, bean paste bag, red bean cake?



Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Li Yuanyuan Garden

Wen/Li Yuanyuan (Chinese registered dietitian)

Children are naturally curious. In fact, they also want to know how to make the food they eat every day and what cooking tools they use. Some parents do not allow their children to enter the kitchen, believing that their children will add chaos or even have potential safety hazards. Instead, they let their children play the virtual kitchen games on home kitchen toys or electronic products. In fact, timely entering the kitchen has many benefits for children, and it is also worth encouraging.


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Li Yuanyuan Garden

Wen/Li Yuanyuan (Chinese registered dietitian)

Do you know?

The 2017 delivery report released by a well-known delivery platform in 2017 showed that the food that Chinese people ordered most on this platform was preserved eggs and lean meat porridge.

It can be seen that the humble preserved egg is one of the most popular ingredients.



Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Li Yuanyuan Garden

Wen/Li Yuanyuan (Chinese registered dietitian)



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