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Miscellaneous talk

There is only one life, so you must find a good doctor.


How to judge a good doctor?


Basis for identification, judgment and selection of good doctors:

1. There is something to be said (not empty talk, big talk, platitudes, nonsense, flattery, social talk, etc.)

  For example, when you have a cough, a good doctor will tell you whether your cough is viral, bacterial or allergic. Poor doctors just say that your cough is very bad and you need injection and medicine.


2. Evidence (origin, facts, textual research, history, changes, progress, etc.)

  For example, if you have a sudden stomachache, go to see a doctor. A good doctor will tell you what causes your pain, how it is caused, and how to treat it. Poor doctors just scare you that people will die if they are serious, and now they need to operate.


three The understanding of the human body in medicine is still at an early stage. A doctor is only a small part of the overall medical knowledge. The strength of an individual is very limited, and the help a doctor can provide to patients is also very limited

  For example, your skin allergy has not been cured for several years. When you go to see a doctor again, a good doctor will analyze the cause of your skin allergy, the cause of your skin allergy has not been cured, and the medical understanding of skin allergy is still superficial, just "symptomatic" medication.


4 Words can be understood (the complexity and mystery of the human body can actually be used


Miscellaneous talk

Almost all people have experienced abdominal pain in their life (more women). Abdominal pain is called abdominal pain.

At ordinary times, no one pays attention to this "painful thing". It's all because they get their stomachache. They panic temporarily, have no idea, grab the wrong breath, and there are a variety of tragedies that should not have happened, such as going to the wrong hospital, finding the wrong doctor, making the wrong diagnosis, using the wrong medicine, opening the wrong knife, etc. What should I do? Only know a little basic knowledge in advance, don't panic in case of trouble, don't be afraid in the face of danger, choose the right way, and get rid of pain.


What's in your belly?


There are many famous things in the human body, and it is difficult for ordinary people to memorize them. But this is the basic requirement. Everyone should have a general understanding of what is under the belly in each position of his belly.



Figure 1 The position and shape of the main parts in the belly from the front




Miscellaneous talk


Miscellaneous talk

The way of liver transplantation between relatives is feasible



A human body has a big liver


Location of liver:

The body is located in the right upper abdomen, hidden behind the ribs. Think of the liver when this part feels uncomfortable and painful. When impacted by external force, it is also the position that needs to be protected.


Figure 1 The position, size and shape of the liver in the body


Features of liver:

The liver is the largest substantial organ in the body (on the contrary, gastrointestinal, lung, etc. are organs with cavities in the middle). It usually weighs three jin (1.5kg). Why does the liver have such a large volume and weight? In fact, it is determined by the important role of the liver in the body, because the liver is the organ with the most functions in the human body. At present, there are 6 major functions known:


one Manufacture and secretion of bile: The liver converts the heme in hemoglobin in the aging red blood cells every day into bilirubin and secretes it into bile. Every day, about 600-1000ml of bile is continuously secreted from the liver and flows into the duodenum from the bile duct to help fat digestion


Miscellaneous talk

Over the past 10 years, they have talked about some cancer related content. Netizens want to read it carefully, but they are lazy and haven't sorted it out. This year, it was collected and compiled into a small book. Now it is printed by the People's Military Medical Publishing House and sold online, which is much more convenient.



Miscellaneous talk

  For all women, there is a common pain point: the days of each month... the waist is sore, the back is uncomfortable, upset and angry, and some even feel pain and can't stand rolling in bed. Exaggerate? No exaggeration! It seems to be a habit of resignation. Many women endure it all their lives and feel normal. Some take painkillers when the pain is unbearable. However, the pain is not that simple. Maybe not so normal! Dysmenorrhea will trouble many women, and many women also have deep pain! Dysmenorrhea is also a disease!


What is menstrual blood?

Human beings, as the higher animals on the earth, are born with the first priority of reproduction. Men and women work together to accomplish this task. As women, most of them are between 13 and 15 years old, but a unique physiological phenomenon may occur as early as 11 to 12 years old, which is regular and periodic uterine bleeding, called menstruation. Normal menstruation lasts for 2 to 7 days, with an average of about 5 days. The menstrual blood volume is about 10~60ml, the menstrual blood is generally dark red, mainly the fragments of blood and endometrium falling off.




Miscellaneous talk

A few days ago, when I was free to talk with several "capable people", a friend of liberal arts head asked me a question: "You have been stirring up cancer for decades, and human beings have no way to deal with it. What is the core of the problem?"

I can't answer this question at once. After careful consideration, let's know it like this:


Cancer cell "running out" (metastasis) is the core of the problem



        When is life, old age, disease and death? How much do you know about cancer?

      As a pathologist, the number of cancer cases "newly discovered" every day ranges from several to dozens, and the number of cases has increased significantly in recent years. Now, whenever I look at the pathological section of a new cancer patient, I do not just look at the section for diagnosis, nor just finish the diagnosis, but also look at the pathological section with the purpose of finding new treatment methods. Facing the ever-changing cells in each case of cancer tissue, I want to know how the cancer cells live? What are they doing? They will happen


Miscellaneous talk

"Achilles tendon rupture", "Achilles tendon rupture" , "Achilles tendon rupture". Several friends asked me what was going on in the morning, and then asked a lot of questions. Hey, did a "tendon rupture" scare you like this? I really don't have time to answer so many questions. Here are some answers in one sentence:

1. What body parts will be injured by sports?
      It can be hurt anywhere, depending on where the "strength" exceeds the maximum limit of this part of the body.
2. To what extent do these injuries affect health?
      The degree of injury to the body mainly depends on whether the treatment is timely.
3. How to deal with emergencies when injured?
      Don't move, what to do after the expert checks.
4. How to effectively avoid sports injuries?
      It is impossible to avoid.
Both ends of hundreds of muscles in the human body must attach to bones or specific parts to have "traction" force. This attachment end is called "tendon".

Miscellaneous talk

Although in recent years, I always feel that more and more people come to see doctors for thyroid problems, but I don't think it is special. Unexpectedly, in recent months, people around me have been "hit hard" by thyroid problems everywhere, so we should pay more attention to thyroid.


The main reason for choosing such a topic is to shout: Don't regard thyroid nodules as a heavy burden!

Recently, such a coincidence happened: a relative of one friend after another was found with a "thyroid nodule". I had to explain it again and again: Don't panic, calm down, don't worry. The thyroid nodule can be understood, and the treatment is convenient and effective. However, patients and their families are always worried, and they are still in a state of "constant anxiety". Alas, I have no choice but to say a few more words when I am free, and let everyone take their time.


A thyroid "nodule" is very common


Whether in China or Europe, there were preliminary knowledge and records of thyroid lesions two thousand years ago. The ancient Greeks called the mass of cervical goiter a bronchial cyst. In traditional Chinese medicine, thyroid lesions are classified as "gall diseases", in which polyp galls, stone galls, and flesh galls are specific descriptions of the nature and texture of thyroid tumors.


The thyroid of the human body is like a butterfly, which is attached to the skin in front of the neck, in front of the trachea, one leaf on the left and one leaf on the right, and the isthmus in the middle


Miscellaneous talk

Watched the film Doctor Zhivage (Russian: Доктореиваго, English: Doctor Zhivago), One sentence made people think deeply: a professor of Dr. Zhivago (the protagonist) reminded him: "Bacteria may look beautiful under the microscope, but they do something ugly to humans." may be beautiful under the microscope, but they do ugly things to people.)
The author's wisdom is immediately visible!

Then, as a pathologist, can I extend: Cancer cells may be beautiful under the microscope, but they do kill    people.
To put it bluntly: beautiful cancer cells under the microscope will end the life of every patient!

This is true of cancer cells. What about nature (animals and plants)? What about human society?


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