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 Ma Ye, nutritionist
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Eat more oranges

Yellowing of skin



  Orange is the most common fruit stall in early winter. There are many kinds of oranges, including molasses orange, citrus, kumquat, red orange, etc. Orange has a lot of water and tastes sweet and sour. The most important thing is that orange peel is easy to peel, and it is also convenient to eat. Therefore, many people have a special preference for oranges. However, a little problem may occur when you eat too much oranges. My good friend asked me about something the other day. Her baby likes oranges best among fruits. Now it's time for oranges to come on the market, so his mother will buy him many oranges to stay at home for him to eat. The baby eats more than 10 oranges each time. Because his family hates him, they don't care how many oranges he eats each time. It turned out that a few days later, the white handsome boy turned into a little yellow man, which frightened his parents. His mother called to ask me why on earth?



Smart and healthy baby



1、 Breast milk is important :



physical exercise



  Just 55 days ago, Wang Xufeng, president of the Beijing Dietitians Club, launched the activity of "100 Days of Exercise". Of course, he is also my teacher. His move has also affected many people around him. Many people have started their own "100 day exercise" campaign, and I am one of them. In fact, it is easy to start, but it is not easy to persist.

  Because of the irregular life, busy work and even personal negligence, we never really understand and care about our bodies. I always feel lucky that those so-called diseases of wealth will not fall on my head. But sometimes it is not fate that plays a trick on us. "Wealth disease" quietly finds itself. When you really care about your body, those "wealth diseases" have blossomed and even borne fruit on us. There is a friend around me. He is in his early 30s. He always likes to eat meat and drink drinks. He always thinks he is in good health. I have


Miscellaneous talk

delicious food

  The Mid Autumn Festival is coming soon. Friends and relatives will give moon cakes to each other, and many units will also distribute moon cakes. But how to buy safe, delicious and delicious mooncakes to satisfy everyone? This is also a concern of everyone. Today, I will teach you some tips:


Miscellaneous talk


  Recently, the weather is still hot, because I work in the hospital, so I found that there are many people who have infusion and antibiotics in the hospital during this period. Most are due to influenza or enteritis. Many people come here at noon because they have to avoid working hours. In this way, they will use some bread or biscuits to replace the normal lunch. Although in order to lose no time in infusion, such diet can not meet the needs of the body, so more attention should be paid to the adjustment of diet.

  Let's talk about antibiotics first. In fact, antibiotics can kill pathogenic bacteria. Of course, they can kill some beneficial bacteria while killing pathogenic bacteria. Many people suffer from loss of appetite when using antibiotics. However, the use of penicillin or cephalosporins will cause the loss of B vitamins, which will lead to patients' irritability, depression, palpitations, constipation and other symptoms. Especially now the weather is hot. If you have constipation for a long time and you are in a bad mood, it is easy to cause heart disease

    Although the beginning of autumn has passed, the weather is still very hot. Especially for people working outdoors at high temperature, it is even more unbearable. Hot summer will stimulate the thermoregulatory center and cause the body to sweat a lot. Sweating will also lead to the loss of a large amount of inorganic salts in the body, including potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc. with sweat. Of course, in addition to inorganic salts, water-soluble vitamins such as vitamins in the body C B Vitamin B, niacin, etc. will also be lost with the evaporation of sweat. It is reported that,

(2013-08-03 14:27)

Miscellaneous talk


  Mixed vegetables are more common in our life, especially now we eat more mixed vegetables in summer, which not only increases appetite, but also avoids cooking in the kitchen under high temperature. Mixed vegetables are mainly divided into three types, raw mixed, boiled mixed and fried mixed. What should we pay attention to when making? Let me analyze it for you:

1、 Raw mix:
  Raw mix is mainly applicable to some vegetables that can be eaten raw, such as radish seedlings, lettuce, cucumber, tomato and other vegetables. Eating raw vegetables will allow vegetables to retain more nutrition, especially vitamins. Although the vegetables should be cleaned when mixing raw to prevent pesticide and microbial residues. We can choose to wash with running water or simply clean with clean water and then soak in water for 20 minutes or use special detergent for cleaning

(2013-07-27 23:14)


  Mushroom is a kind of food commonly eaten by families and refers to fungi for human consumption. Mushroom food has high nutritional value, rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, and its fat content is low. It is a low calorie food, It is favored by the public. There are many kinds of fungi, about


roast chiken


  Today, I went to the supermarket to buy things. There are a lot of things in the supermarket. Especially in the cooked food area, braised chicken is better. It's summer now. Most people like to buy a roast chicken and eat some cold dishes. It's convenient and delicious. However, if you do not choose carefully when buying, you may buy sick and dead chickens. If you do not process properly, sick and dead chickens will leave a lot of bacteria and viruses, which is bad for your health. Especially in summer, if placed too long, bacteria will breed, and if eaten, gastrointestinal diseases will occur.


  How to choose roast chicken? Let me give you some tips:

1. Eyes: We should look at the eyes of the roast chicken when we select it. If the eyes of the roast chicken are half open and half closed, it is a normal slaughtered chicken; If it is completely closed, it is a sick chicken.

2. Eye socket: A normally slaughtered chicken, its







Now many families will plant vegetables and fruits on their balcony


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