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 Tea Man Wang Xin
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Miscellaneous talk

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/CiaLjPKfaPSVVn3lL0klHuF8 OAWN6j8HhI1lfzRPCicpFxd4 skjuAkd1iacf1AU3aGicETYL SQKnQv9kqjeiciajblwA/0?wx_fmt=jpeg

Oolong tea, also known as green tea, was created in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Anxi tea farmers developed the Oolong tea making method on the basis of the green tea making method, which was first introduced into northern Fujian, Guangdong, and then into Taiwan. Oolong tea is also very popular in Japan.

The tea makers of Oolong tea are definitely the most respected "craftsmen" in the tea industry. The combination of different types of fire and different processes has made the oolong tea "perfume" like wonderful and diverse fragrance, and has conquered many old tea drinkers. So, how many kinds of crafts are there? Today, it is reasonable from the origin, shape and fermentation degree.


1/By origin

2/Divided by form

3/By fermentation degree

//1 Classification by origin//

 Minnan Oolong Tea


Miscellaneous talk

Brother Xin said:

There is a herb I like very much. It's called Broussonetia

In The Condor Heroes, there is a valley called "Heartless Valley", but it is full of love flowers, which implies that only love can be Heartless. The love flower is more fragrant like hibiscus, more beautiful like mountain tea, and the fruit is extremely ugly. Nine out of ten fruits are bitter

On the same day, Yang Guo sent the petals of love flowers to his mouth. He only felt that "the taste was sweet, sweet as honey, and a little bit drunk, and he was feeling relaxed..."

If people are poisoned by love, they will suffer when they fall in love

It is true that all sentiments are bitter. All greed and reluctance are "feelings", which are sweet and memorable. Even if you are extremely careful, you will inevitably be hurt by them.

Many modern people's sub-health, gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension, diabetes... In the final analysis, they can't help but be self-control. Although they know that there are tears behind the indulgence, they still want to be emotional. Anyway, if you can't enjoy delicious food and drink good wine in your life, it's meaningless to know why you don't know

How to Solve Love Flower? Only heartbreak. This heartbreaking herb is also a kind of poison, which can break your heart. The flower in love can attack poison with poison. It can be cut off immediately, and the poison of the flower can be self detoxified

Of course, tea is not the herb for breaking intestines, but when it comes to medicinal functions, there is a way to drink tea according to symptoms. Good use is antidote, bad use is poison. We should make good use of this bowl of tea soup and have a good visit to the "love scene" in the world

Today, we are going to talk about how this "Heartbreak Herb" can cure the "love poison" of our "stomach" ☺️



Miscellaneous talk

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/CiaLjPKfaPSVVn3lL0klHuF8 OAWN6j8HhI1lfzRPCicpFxd4 skjuAkd1iacf1AU3aGicETYL SQKnQv9kqjeiciajblwA/0?wx_fmt=jpeg

Oolong tea, also known as green tea, was created in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Anxi tea farmers developed the Oolong tea making method on the basis of the green tea making method, which was first introduced into northern Fujian, Guangdong, and then into Taiwan. Oolong tea is also very popular in Japan.

The tea makers of Oolong tea are definitely the most respected "craftsmen" in the tea industry. The combination of different types of fire and different processes has made the oolong tea "perfume" like wonderful and diverse fragrance, and has conquered many old tea drinkers. So, how many kinds of crafts are there? Today, it is reasonable from the origin, shape and fermentation degree.


1/By origin

2/Divided by form

3/By fermentation degree

//1 Classification by origin//

 Minnan Oolong Tea


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