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 Wu Jianping, nutritionist
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Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping


In our life, coriander accompanies us almost every day. For example, we may see coriander in various soups. As an ingredient, coriander adds delicious food and appetite to us.

Although coriander is the "supporting role" of cooking, its therapeutic value cannot be ignored. Chinese traditional medicine believes that coriander has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying, preventing urticaria and relieving itching, and also has certain benefits for improving eyesight. Therefore, it is recommended to eat regularly and moderately. Coriander also has the effect of promoting blood circulation and strengthening stomach. The folk dietotherapy often uses coriander to cook porridge to treat indigestion and promote digestion.

However, some data show that people who are prone to colds should not eat more coriander, because people who are prone to colds often have varying degrees of qi deficiency, and coriander tastes pungent and can disperse, so they eat more


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping


Spinach is a vegetable with high nutritional value, which not only helps protect eyesight to a certain extent, but also is known as the "brain gold" in winter in the United States.

World Health Organization( WHO )Pharmaceutical pharmacology experts found that spinach is rich in ω -3 Fatty acids, similar to deep-sea fish oil The United States praises spinach as the


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping


In a few days, it will be the snow festival (December 7). From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, dietary supplement is


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping


        The seasonal change of autumn and winter is the high incidence period of children's colds. Cold is also a disease that often happens in childhood. In addition to taking medicine, children with colds also pay attention to their diet.

      1、 Drink plenty of plain water. Children with colds are prone to lose body fluids, so it is necessary to supplement water in time to prevent dehydration of children due to colds, especially plain water.

      2、 Eat more vegetables rich in beta carotene. Because children have colds, the consumption of vitamin A in their bodies increases and the vitamin A content in their blood decreases, so they eat dark vegetables and fruits rich in carotene. To increase children's disease resistance.

      3、 Children with colds who eat easily digestible food will generally suffer from poor appetite due to the reduced activity of digestive enzymes in the stomach


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping


#World Food Day 2017 # Recently, someone asked me, will eating rice lead to obesity? Can it also cause diabetes? I answer no! Eating rice will not lead to obesity, nor will it lead to diabetes.

First, let's learn about rice. Rice and pasta are carbohydrates, and their energy is basically similar. Therefore, it is unscientific to simply say that eating rice is easy to make people fat. The real reason for obesity is energy surplus. Among the three energy producing nutrients of carbohydrate, protein and fat, fat is more likely to cause energy surplus than carbohydrate. one Energy produced by g carbohydrate in the body four Kilocalorie, and one Grams of fat produce energy of nine


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping


#2017 World Food Day # Food is the basis for people's survival. We mean the staple food we eat every day, such as rice, wheat and various grains. The Dietary Guide for Chinese Residents points out that the food is diversified, with cereals as the main food. Cereals are what we call carbohydrate rich foods. They are the main source of energy for the human body, accounting for 55% 65% The Dietary Guide for Chinese Residents suggests that people "eat cereal and potato food every day two hundred and fifty four hundred G, including whole grains and beans fifty one hundred and fifty Gram, potato fifty


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping


When it comes to soup making, it can be said that it is a major feature of Chinese cuisine. Soup making is not only delicious, but also easy to be absorbed by the human body, with certain nutritional value. Many people believe that the longer you cook the soup, the more nutritious it will be

When it comes to soup making, it can be said that it is a major feature of Chinese cuisine. Soup making is not only delicious, but also easy to be absorbed by the human body, with certain nutritional value. Many people believe that the longer you cook soup, the more nutritious it is. So many housewives spend a long time cooking soup at home, even some people cook soup for more than 10 hours.


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping


I once saw the news that a girl bought instant noodles online from South Korea and went to the hospital with her mouth swollen and numb, which deserves our attention. Because chili peppers are strongly irritating to the human body, you should eat a moderate amount of chili peppers instead of trying to enjoy the taste for a while and doing harm to your body.

Peppers, commonly known as "chili, big chili, chili", etc. The fruit belongs to Solanaceae. From the point of view of current nutrition: pepper is simply divided into dry pepper and fresh pepper. The fresh pepper on the market is green pepper and red pepper. The nutritional value of dry pepper and fresh pepper is different. The protein content of dry pepper is higher than that of fresh pepper,


Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping


Qingming is characterized by weak yin and strong yang. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine says: "Avoid excessive liver qi that will hurt the spleen and stomach." In diet, eat more food that can soften the liver and nourish the lungs.

In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, it is forbidden to eat chicken during Qingming Festival. Because chicken can move wind to help liver fire, it is easy to cause excessive liver fire, leading to recurrence of chronic pneumonia, hypertension and other diseases.

The following five common foods are most suitable for nourishing and health preservation during the Qingming Festival



Miscellaneous talk

Capital Health Nutrition Food Association--   Wu Jianping



        A friend asked me, "What should I eat for a damp heat constitution.  

      The general characteristics of people with damp heat constitution: damp heat connotation, mainly characterized by greasy dirt, bitter taste, yellow and greasy fur.  

      Physical characteristics: medium or thin.  

        Common manifestations: greasy and shiny face, easy to get acne, bitter and dry mouth, heavy and sleepy body, sticky stool or dry knot, short and yellow urine, wet scrotum in men, more skin loss in women, reddish tongue, yellow and greasy fur, smooth pulse.  


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