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 Chef Zhong is in the Jianghu
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Miscellaneous talk

Recently, the largest melon in the food circle was found in the "Qibenwei" Japanese food store in Nanjing.

(Cantonese, don't laugh)

This is a highly competitive online celebrity store. Its selling point is customized. Eating at his home is very particular.

There is no menu (what to eat), no strangers (introduced by acquaintances), and a maximum of 10 guests per meal (limited supply).

As for consumption, there are only 398 and 498 grades. Although they are not luxurious, they should be good in Nanjing, a second tier city.

A netizen named "Little Hider" on the public comment list is as follows (498 files):


Miscellaneous talk

[Meaning of shelf life]

Shelf life comes with the food industry and food circulation. Before that, there was no concept of shelf life for food, only good or bad, or eating or not.

The food produced by the food factory needs to be stored, transported, put on the store shelves, and wait for consumers to buy it if they want to sell it to consumers.

If the food goes bad, who should be responsible? Is it a producer or a consumer?

With a shelf life, this problem is easy to solve.

Shelf life is actually a promise made by food producers to consumers: "If the food breaks down within the shelf life, it's mine."

Businesses cannot sell expired food, otherwise it is illegal, but if you buy it by yourself and put it on the expiration date, the manufacturer will not be responsible for eating problems.

 Yesterday and today are one day, but for some things, this day is too important!

[How to determine the warranty period]

The research and development of each kind of food should consider the issue of shelf life, including the most common bacterial corruption, as well as the rancid taste of fat, caking, deliquescence, discoloration, precipitation, crystallization, etc

People say that youth is easy to die, and appearance is easy to get old, but there are always some people who are skillful and envious of others.

In fact, genes are the most powerful beauticians. Those who do not have "natural beauty" have to hope that tonic and micro plastic surgery can save them.



Miscellaneous talk

Miniature version

1. UHP is mainly used for cold sterilization of food, and has been used in fruit juice, jam and other products.

2. UHP can largely retain the nutrition, color and flavor of food, and is low in energy consumption and pollution-free.

3. UHP has a high cost and has not been widely used, so it has certain development space in the future.

https://mmbiz.qlogo.cn/mmbiz_png/HeFXZDm2yn7d0ZRmKeRCedX6 vCfyZd6tX69pJLSI4Xialfo3 bicUzMO2iaI6XxK3x9q4fFa1 HwmZ8x9FpY74Z17vg/640?

Food sterilization technology is one of the most dependent technologies of modern food industry. Pasteurization, UHT sterilization, high-pressure sterilization, etc. are common.

Today we will talk about another technology, called UHP.

Ultra high pressure processing, UHP (short for UHP) is a food processing technology that has received much attention and extensive research from all countries, mainly used for cold sterilization.

As early as the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, scientists had discovered the sterilization effect of ultra-high pressure, but due to the expensive equipment, it was impossible to enter the field of consumption.

In the 1990s, Meiji House Company of Japan first applied it commercially, first processing jam, which caused a sensation and was considered as the food of the new century


Miscellaneous talk

Miniature version

1. Watermelon skin is tough but can breathe, leading to water loss.

2. There is no essential difference between the air drying of melons and other fruits and vegetables.

3. The variety, mature state and storage conditions of melon all affect the air drying process.

4. Spraying antiseptic on watermelon skin is meaningless.

http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/HeFXZDm2yn7d0ZRmKeRCedX6 vCfyZd6tX69pJLSI4Xialfo3 bicUzMO2iaI6XxK3x9q4fFa1 HwmZ8x9FpY74Z17vg/640?tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1

In the past two days, a small video of famous artist Ma Moumou demonstrating the magic watermelon was wildly spread among WeChat friends.

This original video was made in 2014. When the video was taken, the watermelon had been around for more than 400 days, and it didn't decay!

More miraculously, Ma used a long knife to cut the watermelon and found that it was empty inside.


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