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 Fairyland Hongze
Fairyland Hongze
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Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze

divine abode

Youxiang grape

Experience the fun of picking and enjoy the leisure time of parents and children on holidays

Graphic text /Fairyland Hongze


            Grapes are rich in nutrition. Eating them often can nourish qi and blood, strengthen muscles and bones, benefit the liver and kidney, facilitate urination, warm the stomach and spleen, and dispel boredom and thirst. In particular, it has a certain auxiliary role in the prevention and treatment of neurasthenia, stomach pain, abdominal distention, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Therefore, eating grapes, drinking grape juice and drinking wine in moderation are very beneficial to human health.

                It's a good time to eat grapes now. Taking advantage of the "9.3" short holiday, several friends and their children drove to the Dalin Plantation Park in Hengxi Town in the autumn of the "military parade blue". Surrounded by mountains on all sides, the park is located at the bank of Yong'an River, the mother river of Xianju. The air is fresh. We experienced the pleasure of sneaking into the orchard to pick and enjoyed the fun of parents and children's leisure time in the countryside during the holiday.
            Hengxi is an important town in the west of Xianju. After crossing the Dalin Bridge, I saw a billboard of "Youxiang Pick" at the intersection and turned right into a tractor road Arrive at Youxiangpu Vineyards.


Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze

Fairy Dwelling Gong Yu

basic necessities of life

Miscellaneous talk

Xianju Gongyu Environmental Protection Public Welfare Walk (Group Picture)

Picture/Hongze, Wenxian Township


    Gongyu Scenic Area, located in Tianshi Town, Xianju County, Zhejiang Province, covers an area of about thirty-one


Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze

Fairy Dwelling Gong Yu

basic necessities of life

Miscellaneous talk

Smile at the disabled old man in life, admirable

chart / Wenxian Township Hongze


Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze

divine abode

basic necessities of life

leisure time

A good place for weekend leisure: Xianju Yong'anxi Greenway
Figure Article/ Fairyland Hongze

Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze


sex knowledge

Miscellaneous talk

Why are term mothers still virgins?

  Article/Xianxiang Hongze

(Screenshot of Weibo)

At 19:41 on January 6, 2012, Zhang Rongya, an obstetrician and gynaecologist at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, made a big news on her Weibo: "A patient (lying in woman) was admitted to the hospital in full term and gave birth, but she was a virgin! It said that the following was too tight, her roommate was too painful, and her husband had never been in. I was surprised: How did you conceive? The patient said calmly: just rubbed at the door •••• # $€% # Facts warn us that marginal behaviors are not safe, let alone (is) external ejaculation? The Spring Festival is coming, and there are many cowherd and weaver girls. If you want to use contraception, don't believe the man who said he would shoot outside! " Netizens gathered to watch, tens of thousands


Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze

Zhejiang Xianju

Glutinous rice cake

delicious food

Miscellaneous talk

Real shot: Xianju Handmade Stone Mortar Tamping Glutinous Rice Cake

Photo/Xiangxiang Hongze

    Hand rammed stone mortar Of Ciba is soft and delicate. It is the hometown's "Spring Festival goods", commonly known as "Taming Ciba". It is only made before the Spring Festival. Ma Ci is made of the best pure white glutinous rice, which is steamed into rice after soaking in water, and then repeatedly pounded into paste like Ma Ci balls in a mortar, and finally processed into square and white Ma Ci pieces. When I was young, every family

Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze

marriage and family

Emotional ramblings

Tolerance and tolerance are the basis of a happy marriage

Article/Xianxiang Hongze   Figure/Network

      Once, I heard that there was a couple who had different habits of squeezing toothpaste. The wife liked to squeeze toothpaste from the tail and thought it was clean The husband likes to squeeze from the middle, feeling


Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze

May Day Holiday

Disabled elderly


The sad labor scene of the disabled elderly in ancient times

Photo/Xiangxiang Hongze  

      In the afternoon of the first day of the May Day holiday, it is sunny and rainy. After visiting my grandmother, I walked by the country stream. From a distance, I saw a man sitting on a small stool holding a hoe doing farm work. When I came near, I found an old man loosening soil and weeding for corn seedlings. He got up with difficulty and moved forward a few steps. He was obviously a disabled old man.  

      Standing in the stream


Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze


Eight Trigrams

Miscellaneous talk

Watching the anti pornography scene, the prostitutes climbed the stairs naked to escape (group pictures)

Figure/Network Article/Xianxiang Hongze


        Recently, a web post was widely circulated in various forums. The poster person used a camera to record a funny scene in Changchun's anti pornography raid. According to the post, "On April 26, when I had no class in the afternoon to play with my classmates, I suddenly heard a commotion outside the window. At this time, I saw someone running in the opposite room, and I felt that something was going to happen. So I picked up the camera to observe. At this time, a wonderful scene happened. A man climbed up a building naked and escaped. Later, I learned that it was a surprise inspection by sweeping the Yellow River." I saw this group of photos of prostitutes who fled naked and hastily, It is really unsightly, and at the same time, it is inevitable to cause speculation. Who is it? Is it a leading cadre of Party members? Since you are so afraid of being caught, why did you do it in the first place!

Article 66 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security clearly stipulates that "clients who engage in prostitution or whoring shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days, and may also be fined not more than 5000 yuan; if the circumstances are relatively minor, they shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan. If soliciting clients for whoring in public places, they shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan." Therefore, if the client is caught, the public security organ will give administrative penalty for public security according to the above provisions. If you are a leading cadre of a Party member, you will also receive


Grassroots famous blog

Fairyland Hongze


a sexual behavior

Collegial hearing

Miscellaneous talk

Female teachers and fourteen - year-old student sex eight Is this a pervert?

writing / Fairyland Hongze   chart / network

      According to Taiwan media: A beautiful female teacher surnamed Liu (37 years old) fell in love with a male student who was only 14 years old last year. The two had sex eight times. The student's parents sued the court, and the court sentenced the teacher to 8 months' imprisonment in the first instance; During the second instance of the appeal, the female teacher dated the male student twice, and the two people occasionally hugged and kissed each other. The judge judged that the defendant ignored the ethics of teachers and students, and sentenced her again for one year and eight months.


        The court ruled that the girl surnamed Liu (37 years old), who was originally an English teacher in primary school, had a beautiful appearance and once served as his English subject when male students were studying in the school


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