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 Tang frost
Tang frost
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Miscellaneous talk

A few years ago, designer Min began to try to sell his original design pieces on Taobao. That day, she finally finished a skirt. Beautiful folds are the highlight of this skirt. To this end, Min has to spend much more fabric than making an ordinary skirt, and the process and shape also cost her a lot of time and energy. After a lot of trouble, we finally achieved success. Min was very proud, and took the skirt to ask her husband Ian: "How much should this skirt cost?" Ian, who was then the design director of Ports men's wear and later became the president of MsMIN brand, thought for a while, and spit out:“ 700 。” This price makes Min feel incredible. Is his hard work so worthless? She felt humiliated and angry, and shed tears on the spot.

Ian explained: "What you should consider is not how much a creator thinks this skirt should cost, but how much a consumer is willing to spend on the Internet to buy a skirt from a brand he is not familiar with? I think it is 700 yuan."

Min finally accepted Ian's proposal.

Today, a velvet skirt of MsMIN has sold for 7500 yuan. She became the only Chinese designer in Lane Crawford Senior Designer Zone and opened her own franchise store in Shanghai. Not long ago, Fifth, a boutique department store Avenue also introduced MsMIN, and the brand officially entered the American market.

Many new young designers regard MsMIN as a model, because it is one of the few, which has formed a certain scale and opened a


Miscellaneous talk

A few years ago, designer Min began to try to sell his original design pieces on Taobao. That day, she finally finished a skirt. Beautiful folds are the highlight of this skirt. To this end, Min has to spend much more fabric than making an ordinary skirt, and the process and shape also cost her a lot of time and energy. After a lot of trouble, we finally achieved success. Min was very proud, and took the skirt to ask her husband Ian: "How much should this skirt cost?" Ian, who was then the design director of Ports men's wear and later became the president of MsMIN brand, thought for a while and spit out:“ 700 。” This price makes Min feel incredible. Is his hard work so worthless? She felt humiliated and angry, and shed tears on the spot.

Ian explained: "What you should consider is not how much a creator thinks this skirt should cost, but how much a consumer is willing to spend on the Internet to buy a skirt from a brand he is not familiar with? I think it is 700 yuan."

Min finally accepted Ian's proposal.

Today, a velvet skirt of MsMIN has sold for 7500 yuan. She became the only Chinese designer in Lane Crawford Senior Designer Zone and opened her own franchise store in Shanghai. Not long ago, Fifth, a boutique department store Avenue also introduced MsMIN, and the brand officially entered the American market.

Many new young designers regard MsMIN as a model, because it is one of the few, which has formed a certain scale and opened a



Fashion Design

Designer interview


Author/Interview: Tang Shuang Stephanie


Jonathan Anderson Sit upright Loewe Located in the studio in the center of Paris. This is the first floor of a French classical building. His office is connected with a long and narrow balcony, directly facing the busy mall and square. "There is some chaos here. We are moving to a new studio. It will be a whole building, and everyone will move there." Anderson Smile apologetically, and the gray green eyes are full of spirit. It's less than a year since we last saw him. It's just full thirty As a young designer, his identity has changed dramatically. In the new round of blood changing battle in the fashion circle, He became



Fashion Design

Master interview

Author/Interview: Tang Shuang

Fashion is like fast flowing water, rushing day and night, lest it be too late to capture the colorful scenery along the coast. And there are always some people who, even if they bear the risk of not keeping pace with the times, must pursue the eternal possibility in the ever-changing. For them, the constant fine sand in the river is the more essential creative material than the information flowing on the river bank - for example, Azzedine Alaïa


He has been in business for more than 30 years,



Fashion Review


On the history of men's clothing, except seventeen The colorful palace customs of the 20th century are not shown or listed for the time being one thousand nine hundred and fifty The short-lived subculture branches such as the Peacock Revolution in the s, and the change history of modern mainstream men's clothing are almost the history of suits, uniforms, and sportswear. Although these three pieces have developed complex and rich shapes and rules respectively. However, for more than a hundred years, men have only been able to hop back and forth in these three mountains. Every attempt to cross the border can only produce a temporary sensation and never shake the barrier. In front of the colorful, open and free history of women's clothing, it is pitiful.


Who set the barrier? Who will break it?


Here, to explore the possibility of redefining men's clothing, it is bound to discuss the possibility of the establishment of "new men". For a long time



Designer visit


two thousand and eleven Year, Opening Ceremony Founder of Humberto Leon and Carol Lim Enter the old fashion house Kenzo, It caused a shock in the industry. Does this represent the loss of authority and rules of high fashion, or does the stale system need fresh blood and the washing of ideas? Several years have passed, and it has been proved that no matter how much you are reluctant to part with the past Kenzo The tiger head and eye patterns introduced have become a trend that attracts people everywhere. Democracy is also luxurious, Kenzo The successful rebirth has set new rules for the industry and opened a new era.


  How long have you two known each other?

Humberto : Almost twenty Years!


It is a popular saying in China recently: Never talk with you


Tencent feature

latest fashion


      Marc Jacobs Finally left Louis Vuitton At the Paris press conference, the designer turned the show into his own sixteen The theme of the past shows - merry go round, elevators, fountains... reappeared one by one in the retrospective exhibition that has been in charge of the brand for years, and all became black. It reminds you that the past is like the wind when you turn the page, and it also makes people suddenly realize that there is no need to linger on any history at all. We are living in the most turbulent and tortuous process of history, but we just don't know it for many times.

There are two kinds of talented designers. An aesthetic language that knows how to express itself, and shocks the secular world with the lofty spiritual world. Another kind of aesthetic language that knows how to express the times. They are especially good at capturing the earthly atmosphere, reflecting the earthly life and leading the earthly tide. Brother Ma undoubtedly belongs to the latter. He invaded the conservative French fashion industry as an American designer




Fashion designer

Although the style of dress and T The sweet models on the stage are different. but Simone Rocha I still keep a high degree of consistency with her design. This is a fashionable girl in line with the spirit of the times. She has a moderate rebellious temperament. She will never be boring or want to subvert everything. Her coolness comes from the integration and coordination of various styles: soft and strong, young and vigorous, mature, uninhibited and traditional... as a well-known designer John Rocha 's daughter, Rocha Undaunted, he inherited his father's understanding of female beauty and played it with a young urban style. This makes her open all the way, and she has become a rapidly rising design star in recent years.


Where is your studio?

My workplace is in East London, and we are preparing to move


Fashion designer



Christopher Bailey He is a famous music lover. In fact, many designers love music, and he is one of the few who use Ipod One that plays music. Bailey by Burberry It founded the Burberry Acoustic Invite musicians to shoot advertisements and participate in fashion shows, so as to closely integrate the brand with the trend culture; Bailey I also love science and technology, Burberry Under his leadership, it has become one of the most profound brands to explore in the network application and virtual experience one hundred Years of history


Fashion designer


two thousand and eleven Year twenty-five Aged Olivier Rousteing Appointed as Balmain The designer of. Previously, this experience seventy The old French brand has experienced too many dramatic ups and downs. It used to France Vogue The editors became the favorite of street photography and became very popular; It's in In the days of economic crisis, jeans selling for thousands of dollars are still on sale; It was later criticized for self repetition and Christophe Decarnin The spiritual problems of the increasingly declining trend.


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