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 Peking Union Medical College Hospital
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Miscellaneous talk

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital is the diagnosis and treatment center for difficult and severe cases in the maternity sector of the country. The Cancer Gynecology Center, relying on the overall advantages of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, is famous for receiving and treating difficult and severe cases all over the country. Some very rare, refractory and complex female genital tract tumors have been diagnosed and treated here. Many cases are reported for the first time in China or the largest number of cases reported by a single center in the world, which has won the hospital a high reputation and good social benefits.

Reproductive tract sarcoma in young girls can preserve fertility

Reproductive tract sarcomas in young women are rare, while those in young girls (including vaginal rhabdomyosarcoma and cervical acinar sarcoma) are even more rare. It is difficult to diagnose because of hidden symptoms and lack of tumor markers; Because the disease is rare and there is no diagnosis and treatment guide, the problem of fertility retention of young girls should also be considered, so the treatment is particularly difficult.

After decades of continuous exploration, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Peking Union Medical College has created an original diagnostic method and adopted individualized treatment scheme. According to Professor Cao Dongyan, deputy director of the Gynaecology Center for Cancer, as the baby's vagina is very small and not as thick as the little finger, it is impossible to use common instruments for inspection. Professor Shen Keng, Professor Yang Jiaxin and other nurses in the operating room racked their brains, pioneered the use of adult hysteroscopy for the examination and evaluation of young girls' vaginal tumors, and used adult nasal endoscopy for open vaginal examination of young girls, targeted biopsy or resection. Adopt an improved chemotherapy scheme suitable for Chinese patients,


Miscellaneous talk

News from our newspaper (reporter Wang Xiaoyu) On June 23, the "8th Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Multidisciplinary Collaborative Neuroemergency and Critical Care Summit Forum and the 2018 Annual Meeting of China Neurosurgical Critical Care Management Cooperation Group" led by Beijing Union Medical College Hospital was held in Beijing. At the meeting, the Chinese Expert Consensus on Perioperative Management of Neurosurgery for Patients with Intracranial Hemorrhage in Antithrombotic Drug Treatment (2018) and the Chinese Expert Consensus on External Drainage of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Neurosurgery (2018) were released to provide clinical coping strategies for solving related difficult problems.

https://wx3/large/62a243faly1fsnglh3hhjj21 2w0t6e81.jpg

With regard to the front consensus, Professor Wei Junji, neurosurgery department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, introduced that with the extensive development of interventional technology, the treatment of antithrombotic drugs is increasing rapidly, but the current domestic treatment of intracranial hemorrhage in antithrombotic drugs is not standardized. The consensus released this time refers to relevant domestic and foreign guidelines, clinical studies, etc., and provides clinical recommendations for intracranial hemorrhage in anticoagulant drug treatment and intracranial hemorrhage caused by complications of antiplatelet therapy. Its application scope specifically refers to subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, subdural hematoma Epidural hematoma and brain contusion.

Wei Junji also pointed out that "such diseases involve cardiology, hematology, neurology, vascular surgery, pharmacology and other disciplines, but the domestic multidisciplinary cooperation needs to be strengthened; at the same time, the industry


Miscellaneous talk

News from our newspaper (Correspondent Wang Jing Special correspondent Duan Wenli) Recently, the multi center encephalitis collaboration group led by Professor Guan Hongzhi from the Department of Neurology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital reported for the first time in the world the research on pseudorabies virus (PRV) causing human encephalitis. Relevant papers were published in the Chinese Medical Journal recently.

PRV is also known as porcine herpesvirus type I. Pigs are the main natural host of PRV. Previously, there was no evidence of human infection. In 2017, Professor Zhang Wenhong's team from the Infection Department of Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, applied the second generation sequencing technology to detect PRV in the vitreous humor of a patient with endophthalmitis, which proved for the first time that PRV can infect humans and cause endophthalmitis.

The multi center encephalitis collaboration group led by Guan Hongzhi has detected PRV in the cerebrospinal fluid of several patients with encephalitis of unknown etiology using the second generation sequencing technology of cerebrospinal fluid. Among them, one case of severe encephalitis provided by Professor Zhao Weili of the Affiliated Hospital of Chifeng University in Inner Mongolia was first diagnosed (the proband case), and then the encephalitis collaboration units in Hebei and Shandong also found the case one after another. Han Jun, a research team from the Key Laboratory of Animal Epidemiology of the Ministry of Agriculture of China Agricultural University, carried out serological tests on the samples. In March 2018, Guan Hongzhi, on behalf of the encephalitis collaboration group, reported the research results of 4 patients at the National Neurocritical Academic Conference of the Neurology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and won the excellent paper award.



Miscellaneous talk

March, when grass grows and birds fly, is the theme month of learning from Lei Feng's volunteer service. The Youth Work Department, the Youth League Committee of the hospital with the purpose of "inheritance, service and innovation", planned and organized a series of activities to carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and establish the spiritual belief of young medical workers in serving the masses and contributing to society in the new era.

Looking Back at Pu Aide's Spirit Create a new business card of Xiehe outpatient volunteer service

On March 10, the Pu'aid Volunteer Service Team of Peking Union Medical College Hospital held a volunteer training activity for 107 new and old volunteers. Wang Hongyu, the leader of the service team, Li Jie, the supervisor, Xiehe property manager and senior volunteers introduced the history of Xiehe Hospital for nearly a hundred years, the history of Ms. Pu Aide's establishment of China's first social work department in Xiehe, the medical environment of Xiehe outpatient service, the etiquette of outpatient volunteer service, and the precautions.

Under the organization and management of the Youth League Committee and Youth Work Department of the hospital, the Xiehe Pu'aid Volunteer Service Team has established a standardized volunteer management system and work norms, recruited volunteers from the society widely, and provided help to patients and families who came to see the doctor regularly every day, which has gradually become a new business card for Xiehe outpatient service.


"Pre life orders" invite you to understand The best way to say goodbye to the world

On March 12, 2017, Qiong Yao, a well-known writer, announced


Miscellaneous talk

Running is probably the most familiar form of exercise. Running has many benefits. It can improve the metabolic capacity of the human body, improve the sensitivity and balance of our body, help us build strong bones, and cultivate our strong and tolerant quality to keep people happy.

However, when it comes to running, many people also have doubts: Why do I feel uncomfortable in my knees after running? Does running hurt your knee? Is it believable that "running Baili only hurts the knee"? Let's listen to Li Ye, the orthopedic doctor of Peking Union Medical College Hospital who often runs marathons!

http://img.xiumi.us/xmi/ua/IURg/i/0c82425ff45129051da1d73e f0458b5e-sz_23606.jpg?x-oss-process=style/xm

Running hurts your knee? differ from man to man

The knee joint is the link connecting the human body, the key to maintaining our basic mobility, and the largest and most complex load-bearing joint of the human body. Whether we walk or run, the knee joint is trying to help us absorb vibration, disperse pressure and mitigate impact.

http://img.xiumi.us/xmi/ua/IURg/i/d8bacb8346773ab39f3ab375 4c822be3-sz_2


Miscellaneous talk

On the afternoon of August 7, 2017, a 60 year old female patient had sudden cardiac and respiratory arrest when she was visiting the Rheumatology and Immunology Department of the Western Hospital of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. The Rheumatology and Immunology Department, MICU, internal medicine clinic, treatment room, outpatient rescue room and other departments responded quickly and cooperated with each other to successfully treat the patient. At present, the patient continues to be treated in MICU with stable vital signs.


On the afternoon of the 7th, the patient complained of fatigue and was carried by his family to the outpatient department of Rheumatology and Immunology Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, where Dr. Zhou Jiaxin planned to increase his number for treatment. Due to the poor physical condition of the patient, Dr. Zhou arranged her to lie flat on the bed in the consulting room and give priority to seeing the doctor after the family members completed the sign adding procedure. At about 13:58, Dr. Zhou observed that the patient's condition was different during the interval of receiving other patients. He immediately called the patient, but the patient did not respond. He checked that the carotid pulse disappeared and the cardiac breathing stopped suddenly, so he immediately gave continuous external cardiac compression. At the same time, he asked other patients' families to assist in reporting to the next consulting room and nurse station. Doctor Wang Li from the Rheumatology and Immunization Department, nurse Wang Juan from the internal medicine outpatient department, head nurse Yuan Xiufang from the central treatment room, and doctor Sun Donghong from the outpatient emergency room responded immediately after receiving help. They called the chief medical officer on duty, quickly coordinated the flat car, organized the crowd in the diagnosis area to avoid, and quickly made a way for life in the crowded and narrow outpatient area.



Miscellaneous talk

From the beginning of my medical career to the present, there are a few moments when I vaguely perceive my changes.

When I just graduated from the medical school, I entered the top Peking Union Medical College Hospital in China. At that time, I was young and energetic, and my heart stood high, as if I knew the world clearly. I dreamed of becoming a famous doctor one day.

And the peerless doctors do not allow their patients to die.

But in less than two months, life gave me a hard slap.

A girl named S got lupus erythematosus in the flower season with severe pulmonary hypertension. Her heart and lung functions were extremely poor, and she would turn blue after walking a few steps. S was born in the countryside, and his family was honest and honest. After I received this girl, I wholeheartedly searched the literature, hoping to find cheap and effective treatment methods. The ward professor is an expert on this disease. After several rounds of professional team and treatment adjustment, S's condition was gradually controlled.

The day before S left the hospital, I was on the night shift and was preparing the girl's discharge certificate when the nurse rushed into the office: S suddenly fell to the ground beside the hospital bed and died suddenly!

My mind was blank. At the beginning, I always felt powerless for chest compressions. Fortunately, within two minutes, the chief resident rushed over and organized the rescue in an orderly manner: chest compressions, adrenaline, tracheal intubation... But the time passed by, and death walked away without turning back with S's heartbeat and temperature, I felt the body gradually cold under the pressed hands. After tens of minutes, the ECG monitoring was still a desperate straight line.

Chief Resident


Miscellaneous talk

News from our newspaper (reporter Wang Jing) Since 2014, the Department of Neurology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital has cooperated with BGI Gene Research Institute to carry out the second generation sequencing of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in China, which is used to screen pathogens of infectious diseases of the central nervous system, providing important reference for the etiological diagnosis of a series of difficult cases; Relying on the multidisciplinary cooperation mechanism in the hospital, the diagnosis and treatment level of encephalitis and meningitis was improved, and the diagnostic rate of pathogens of infectious diseases in the central nervous system was increased by 25%~40%; It is the first internationally reported case group of herpes viral encephalitis and listeria meningoencephalitis confirmed by the second generation sequencing of cerebrospinal fluid, which promotes the clinical transformation of the second generation sequencing technology in the field of infectious diseases of the nervous system. The project won the third prize of 2016 Medical Achievement Award of Peking Union Medical College Hospital.


Since 1980, Peking Union Medical College has introduced cerebrospinal fluid cytology and other cerebrospinal fluid examination projects. At present, there are more than 8000 cases of cerebrospinal fluid cytology every year, gradually forming clinical and scientific advantages in the field of encephalitis and meningitis in China. On this basis, in 2014, we cooperated with BGI to carry out the second generation sequencing research project of cerebrospinal fluid of nervous system infection. In the same year, American scholars reported the world's first case of difficult nervous system infection (leptospira infection) diagnosed by second generation sequencing of cerebrospinal fluid in the New England Journal of Medicine, which greatly encouraged researchers in this field. Later, the project team gradually acquired brain through research


Miscellaneous talk

The number of family outings in the summer vacation has obviously increased, and nothing is more comfortable than taking the elderly and children to bathe in the sun. Aunt Wang was also unwilling to be lonely, so she invited her friends to go out to enjoy flowers. But when she came back, she found a rash on her arm, and her skin was red and itchy. The doctor said it was allergic. Aunt Wang thought, I have never been allergic to pollen before. Why am I allergic this time? The doctor told her that it was a photoallergic reaction caused by drugs. It turned out that Aunt Wang had some diarrhea recently, and she ate norfloxacin several times herself. Norfloxacin belongs to quinolone antibacterial drugs. After taking this drug, the skin was irradiated by strong light, causing skin allergic reaction.


You may often hear that some people have allergic reactions after contacting pollen and eating seafood, but they do not know that some drugs may also cause allergic reactions under the stimulation of light after use. There are two kinds of photosensitive reactions caused by drugs. One is phototoxic reaction, which refers to the release of ultraviolet light energy absorbed by drugs in the skin, resulting in skin damage, which generally occurs in about 24 hours or less of light, and shows excessive sunburn like reaction; The other is photoallergy, which means that the structure of the drug has changed under the action of ultraviolet light, forming an antigen that causes skin allergy. The onset time is relatively long, There is a certain incubation period. The skin with photosensitive reaction can see erythema, papule, blister or exudation, and the rash can also appear


Miscellaneous talk

Recently, the Department of Neurosurgery and Endocrinology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital launched a joint outpatient clinic for pituitary adenoma patients every Tuesday afternoon. Experts from the two departments provide the most professional services for patients at the same time. Professor Meng from the Endocrinology Department visits patients in person, so that patients can see the top experts from the two departments with the least cost and the fastest speed.


A 14-year-old boy Zhuang Zhuang found a pituitary adenoma due to obesity and slow growth, and local authorities suggested surgery. The pituitary gland, which is only the size of soybean, is the endocrine center of the human body and is responsible for regulating the secretion of various hormones in the body. Surgical treatment is risky. Worried parents took Zhuang Zhuang to the pituitary joint clinic of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. The neurosurgeon did not rush to surgical treatment after seeing the child, but first referred to the endocrinologist to diagnose the cause of pituitary enlargement, and then determined the treatment plan after a clear diagnosis. After a full set of examinations of adenohypophysis function and bone age, Zhuang Zhuang was diagnosed as feedback pituitary enlargement caused by hypothyroidism. After oral levothyroxine treatment, the thyroid function was normal. Five months later, the strong height increased by 4 cm, the weight decreased by 10.5 kg, the pituitary height decreased from 16 mm to 5.6 mm, and the secondary sexual characteristics developed well. Imagine that if the child immediately made the gamma knife, the pituitary function would suffer irreparable loss, which would cause an irreversible blow to the child's life. As a result, the patient did not spend less money, and the pituitary function would also be damaged. This example tells


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