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 Zihan's Yoga Life
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Miscellaneous talk

[Free Yoga Experience Class] At the strong request of yoga lovers, friends who missed the free experience class on the day of moving can visit Yishang Yoga to participate in the free experience class from 15:00 to 17:00 on October 25. Course content: Explain the root of yoga physiotherapy, breathing control exercises, singing meditation, how to use auxiliary tools to settle the present, and the art of air yoga... Whether you are a senior practitioner, an experienced yoga teacher or a beginner, even an observer who is still looking forward to entry, or you who have practiced for some reason and have given up, you can enter the classroom, Let's start afresh to explore the essence of yoga and find ourselves unknown
              Address: B (third floor), No.36 Cuihu Road, Huanhu Garden, Hujing Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City

Note: The card can be opened on the same day to participate in preferential activities.

Welcome [Flowers] [Flowers] [Flowers]

Miscellaneous talk

              Many people have asked me a similar question: "Teacher, why can you do many poses in your class and become relaxed, but can't do them at home. This is also the reason why these hidden pains happen occasionally. Every part of the body is the hiding place of emotions. Once bad emotions break out, the most direct result is obviously "pain".

Miscellaneous talk

[July's trip to Guizhou] From the delay of the bullet train last night, my stomach growled to find "a tendon", from getting up at 6:30 in the morning, eating noodles near the railway station, from the lethargy on the train, to the panic all the way to Xijiang, and then from a wave of two turns back to the hotel, to two consecutive meals of fish in sour soup walking between the stars... To be honest, I'm tired. After all, everyone has tasted the taste of escaping from the oven and heading into the cold reservoir [bared teeth] As a result, they are eager to buy clothes and pants. It is planned that tomorrow's train will arrive in Anshun. Who knows that when we enter the inn, we all ask to stay [Sneaking] This is also my innermost thoughts. Make sure that "plans are not as fast as changes".

Miscellaneous talk

              The balance technique in yoga requires a high level of attention. This is the most difficult place for children who are fond of playing and moving. They will learn to control their attention bit by bit in the "practice", which will be good for their future study and life.
              Practicing yoga from an early age will help children understand their original appearance and become a happy, healthy, high quality of life, and virtuous person.
              Yoga can improve the flexibility, balance and flexibility of the body, improve the muscle development, and is also good for bone growth. Make the spine develop healthily. A soft and healthy spine will

Miscellaneous talk

[Ishan Yoga - Reading and Sharing] Yoga poses are the foundation, but we don't need the foundation when we get to the top through the foundation; There is no high-level, or high-level? No, it's just a castle in the air. None of us has the right to say that I can settle down in my heart. I don't need physical training anymore.
As long as you live, you are practicing. How you take this step really determines where you will go in the future. It seems that you are practicing your body, but actually you are practicing your heart. The body is the bridge to the heart. You have to go up, you have to go through him to reach the other side of the soul.
My partner often asks me: When will my body soften? I said: when the heart softens, the body will naturally soften.

Miscellaneous talk

The four days of learning passed in a flash. I was extremely expecting and enjoying being a student for a person who was accustomed to the role of a teacher.
She deserves my whole life! Since my marriage in 2009, she has given me the direction of yoga and a turning point in my life, as well as the power and infinite support she has given me to learn. There is no need for too many words, and tacit understanding has become a matter of course. She is my life teacher --- Dai Ruo. Her courses are boundless, broad and profound, which make you walk steadily, sit steadily, lie comfortably... and show the power of life in bloom.
              First of all, the teacher let us re understand the pelvis from the structure and function of the pelvis and its importance to the spine and female physiology. The importance of the pelvis to the human body is ignored by most people. When people are busy treating the spine and massaging muscles, they forget that the foundation of the spine is the pelvis, which is the largest support of the human skeleton structure, just like the foundation of a house. When the foundation is tilted, the house cannot be stable and safe. In human body structure, the structure, function and emotion of pelvis are important

Miscellaneous talk

                I took a photo at the gate of Huangyao. Before I entered the stone street, I smelled the smell of the street. Then a little sister took a look at me and said, "Sister, can you give me five yuan to buy paint?" This sentence was said more than three times. Maybe I didn't hear it. I didn't answer her request at once. I asked her many personal questions. Finally, I said to her, "Take me to the" Second Girl " Home! " She led me forward with a happy face and introduced one or two of the ancient towns. Maybe there are different opinions about this, but the willingness of both sides is a good thing. Arrived at the "Second Girl"'s house, she was cooking. Second Girl was a young and beautiful woman, and she smiled sweetly. Her room was on the second floor. The store opened only in January this year, and she liked its cleanness and warmth everywhere. After a while, she was ready to take a bath and went out to look for food. Finally, Second Girl said sweetly, "Let's eat together! Done!" At the moment, she was moved and happy [Kiss] [Kiss] [Kiss] It is said that people in the ancient town are simple and enthusiastic. I believe it!

Miscellaneous talk

[Ishan Air Yoga Tutor Training] Day 5:

The last day is also the most physical day. However, due to the scientific and sequential arrangement of the previous four days' postures, the children's shoes thought that their hip and shoulder joints lacked flexibility, as if they were infused with fresh blood, became light, light and pleasant.

In addition to the infinite happiness in flying, I also found the shy youth of Shaoai after inversion, which seemed to have a feeling of being in love with her.

Especially the one hour course in the final exam (extremely simple posture)


Miscellaneous talk

[Ishan Air Yoga Tutor Training] Day1:

Every yoga training course, for me, starts again. Put aside all previous physical memory and brain memory, and concentrate on listening to every instruction and emphasis of the teacher. Only in this way can the body truly tell you the truth of the truth. It is undeniable that it is correct to resolutely choose Tan Hong to do this air yoga training this time Delicate work, a little lazy will make you regret the consequences), understand the benefits of air yoga, dress code, precautions, understanding of equipment, methods to alleviate dizziness, safety and maintenance, and the five principles in practice; Standing posture, sitting posture, hip suspension, wrist winding, pelvic sling, pelvic sling, shoulder sling... From simple to deep, details determine persuasiveness. Simple postures have turned the muscles that have been dormant

Yoga instructor training should be like this, one by one


Miscellaneous talk

[Ishan Air Yoga Tutor Training] Today, this small world is full of excitement. Miss Tan, with her impeccable beauty and strong stature The guidance directed against the crowd was so convincing that everyone didn't pull it off. The place where I went to bed and got out of bed was so beautiful that even the teacher took care of me, a busy photographer, and I was "deeply" retaliated by everyone [bared teeth] I believe that today's scene is unforgettable for many people, especially me [Sneaking] Intensive training starts tomorrow, please be prepared!


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