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We will all focus on the beauty of the game. In fact, the male characters in online games also have some attractive features. Some male characters in online games have distinctive personality traits, and they are all beautiful men with different styles, which makes people want to hold on to them. The handsome is irresistible, and the beautiful women come to see what they like.


World Two -- Specters



The world has always been the cradle of GAY, and monsters are the most handsome, sexy, and gay essence of all professions in the world. Their flirtation is unmatched. When you meet monsters, you should pay more attention to whether they are potential to attack you.


Fairy Sword - White Hair Purple Ying




When the world was young, there were 10 suns in the sky. They often bathe in the East China Sea, the easternmost part of the world. After bathing, they perch on a big tree like a birdman. There was a young and handsome hero named Hou Yi. He was a magic archer. His archery skills were superb and he hit every shot with a hundred hits. When he saw that people were living in misery, he shot off the nine extra suns to help people get rid of the sea of suffering. People called him the hero of shooting the sun.


Nine day Langs crouching at the foot of the wall waiting for Chang'e




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