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 Bi Huanzhou
Bi Huanzhou
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Junichi Watanabe

prostatic cancer

Classification: sex health

      Junichi Watanabe, a Japanese novelist known as the master of Japanese love, died at home from prostate cancer on April 30, 2014 at the age of 80.

      As a professor of sexology and a doctor of andrology, I wrote a eulogy to mourn. To mourn Mr. Watanabe, for one, from the doctor's memorial ceremony; Both are learned from sex. Junichi Watanabe was born in Hokkaido, Japan, and graduated from Sapporo Medical University. Later, he became a lecturer in plastic surgery at his alma mater and became a surgeon for 10 years. As a doctor, I am sad for the departure of my colleague, which stems from the respect for him. Although I don't know much about Mr. Watanabe, I respect many of his stories, especially one that often reminds me of the first heart transplant operation in Japan in the affiliated hospital of Mr. Watanabe's university. At that time, he suspected that the patient whose heart was removed had no real brain death, and that he was only 35 years old, risking the pressure of not being able to continue working in the hospital, He criticized the hospital at that time, and of course, the consequences were predictable. Just people live for justice, act for justice, and abandon medicine for justice. Mr. Watanabe chose another way. Mr. Watanabe has turned to professional literary creation, and has written more than 50 novels, many essays and essays, The Exile of Love Lone Boat



Classification: sex health

****, male, 34 years old, from Chengdu, Sichuan

Patient questions
suffer from Impotence It has been several years. I went to the hospital in early July this year and found that Hyperprolactinemia The doctor ordered bromocriptine and the enhanced CT examination sheet. The results showed that the pituitary gland was normal. The doctor prescribed Xuanju capsule and chorionic gonadotropin. During the medication, the symptoms were slightly improved, and the erection was stronger than before. The PRL was rechecked one month later, and the test result was higher than the first time. Later, it was transferred to West China Hospital for nuclear magnetic examination, and was confirmed as Pituitary adenoma 1.1CM*1.4CM。 Later, I went to the West China Department of Psychiatry and was told that the result of the operation would not be good, so I suggested continuing to take medicine or gamma. After taking bromine, prolactin has decreased, but sexual desire is still low, and erectile function is also poor. Test and inspection results (inspection time and content): the first inspection result was: follicle stimulating hormone FSH: 0.59mIU/ml (1.67-11.98) Luteinizing hormone LH: 0.48mIU/ml (1.26-8.76) Prolactin: 3600.87 uIU/mL (58.41-338.72) Estradiol 45.98pg/ml (<41.42) testosterone 4.06ng/mg (2.41-11.41) After taking bromocriptine, the prolactin in Huaxi was 89ng/ml (4.6-21.4). I am 34 years old and have no children. Want to consult Dr. Bi, like me








Classification: sex health
**, male, 28 years old, from Beipiao, Liaoning
Condition description: azoospermia
Test and examination results: azoospermia
Previous treatment and effect: none
What kind of help do you want. I want to ask Director Bi to do an examination for me to see what the situation is and why I have no sperm. This problem worries me. I have been married for two years and haven't gone to the examination. Now if I want to have a child, I always haven't been checked in the local hospital, but I have no sperm. Please ask if I can cure a disease like this?
Professor Bi Huanzhou:
The cause of azoospermia is very complicated. Generally speaking, it should be analyzed from two aspects. One is that the testicle does not produce sperm, which can be caused by congenital factors such as addictive testis and chromosome abnormalities, or by acquired factors such as trauma and mumps orchitis; Second, although the testicle produces sperm normally, the vas deferens is obstructed, which may be caused by congenital vas deferens dysplasia, infection (such as tuberculosis, gonorrhea, prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, epididymitis, etc.) and other factors. Based on this, you should check the cause. If it is inflammatory obstruction of vas deferens and it is caused by inflammatory edema and other reasons, it can be recovered after the inflammation subsides. I have encountered many such cases. But if it is old inflammation with adhesion, it is not easy to recover. Of course, testicular disease is more difficult to treat. Focus on diagnosis. As a doctor, "knowing is knowing, knowing is knowing, and knowing is knowing". Not all people can be optimistic about azoospermia. Doctors must tell the infertile patients. Don't take medicine indiscriminately,


Classification: sex health
**, male, 23 years old, from Handan, Hebei
Disease: sequelae of masturbation
Description: Hello. I am 23 years old and have masturbated for many years. Later, I found that my academic performance has declined and my memory is poor. Now the number of times is getting less and less. However, sometimes when I dream at night, I have spermatorrhea, general strength, discomfort in the back waist, memory loss, always sleepy, with tinnitus, white hair, and some hair loss.
Test and inspection results: none
Previous treatment and effect: none
What kind of help do you want? Someone suggested that I use Jinkui Shenqi Pill. Is it true? My palms are sweaty and easy to get angry, but my stool is not dry and my tongue is white. I don't know whether it is yin deficiency or yang deficiency. Please ask Doctor Bi to help me. How should I treat it?
Professor Bi Huanzhou:
Masturbation is not harmful to the body as long as it is not harmful or not too frequent. Improper masturbation can cause damage to the body as follows: 1. Excessive movement or application of some objects may cause damage; 2. Too frequent stimulation of genital congestion can cause prostatitis; 3. Unclean causes infection. It seems that you are not the first type. If there are two or three types, you can go to the local hospital for inspection. I think you are mainly caused by psychological pressure. As for the differentiation of symptoms and signs in traditional Chinese medicine, we should see the patient, pulse and tongue before we can make a more accurate diagnosis. There is no absolute yin deficiency and absolute yang deficiency in clinical practice, and it is difficult to make a definite diagnosis without these symptoms. If it is necessary to make a diagnosis, it should be that the spleen and kidney yang are weak. You can try the Golden Chamber kidney qi


**, male, 28 years old, from Dalian, Liaoning.
Disease: I've been dating my girlfriend for two years, and I haven't had a very good sexual life and impotence symptoms, but I have erectile symptoms, which are firm but not firm. A week ago, I checked in two Grade III A hospitals, and there was no problem with urine tests and testicular tests. One doctor said it was kidney deficiency (the drug was prescribed to fix the root cause of yang), and another expert said it was dysfunction caused by nervous tension (the drug was prescribed to Aida) Both doctors said that there was no big problem, but after two years, they were still worried. First of all, thank you for your reply. I am 28 years old and went to the hospital to have an ultrasound Doppler blood flow detection. The results are as follows: Radial artery: 24.6 CM/S deep dorsal artery 1:7.0 CM/S deep dorsal artery: 8.3 CM/S deep dorsal artery 2:6.4 CM/S PFI=3.3 Maximum blood flow velocity (PK) 6.4CM/S Heart rate (HR) 66T/M Maximum frequency offset (MF) 0.42KHZ The following is probably the penis pulse curve, but I can't draw it. However, I saw that the peak value was very low, one and a half grids away from 10CM/S (measured in the case of soft shrinkage), the secretion test was negative, and the lecithin body was 40%, The doctor said that my prostate hyperplasia caused by compression of nerves, is that right? I'm just suffering from mild prostatitis. Can the experts explain to me and show me the way
Professor Bi Huanzhou:
  It is estimated that you are now functional impotence. You can come to me and bring all the previous examinations. I will help you seriously. Good luck! Bi Huanzhou


  **, male, 46 years old, from Dalian, Liaoning.
Description: Since one month ago, there is a burning sensation of urine, and small particles are felt along the urethra in the penis.
Test and inspection results: none.
The previous treatment and effect: after taking 2 boxes of "Qianliekang", the sensation was relieved in the burning state.
What kind of help do you want: Is it prostatitis, how should you treat it?

Hello, Doctor Bi.

I have just been exposed to prostatitis, I don't understand.

I didn't go to the hospital because I felt that there was nothing serious. I bought some medicine and took it.

However, I still don't know whether it is prostatitis or not, and I want to get expert guidance.


In addition, I heard from my father (68 years old) that his prostate is also bad. Is it true that all men encounter this problem?


What should I do?

Professor Bi Huanzhou:

You should go to the hospital to have an examination, check the prostate fluid routine and urine routine. You said that you have a burning sensation of urine and feel small particles along the urethra when touching the penis. You should have a look and check whether there are urethral stones or other diseases. In short, the diagnosis must be clear before treatment. Don't treat yourself disorderly, or you will delay your illness.
Your father is 68 years old. You didn't explain his illness clearly. However, the condition of the elderly is more complex, which may be benign prostatic hyperplasia, may also be accompanied by inflammation, and may also be other diseases of the prostate, which need to be diagnosed. in especial



Classification: sex health
  ***, male, 22 years old, from Dalian, Liaoning.
Description: Persistent testicular pain
Laboratory and examination results: WBC full field, PC full field, visible clusters, RBC 1-3/HP beneficial bacteria++
Treatment and effect: erythromycin, ineffective!
What kind of help do you want? I hope the professor can give you treatment.
Professor Bi Huanzhou:
The pathogenesis of prostatitis is complex. In addition to bacterial infection, there are other reasons. It should be treated comprehensively. If antibiotics are used, it is necessary to conduct bacterial culture of prostatic fluid (preferably with three-stage urinary bacterial culture), find out the infection bacteria, identify sensitive drugs, and select sensitive antibiotics for treatment. Prostatitis has a long course of treatment. Antibiotics should not be used for a long time. It can be treated with Chinese medicine in the later stage. The effect of integrated traditional and western medicine is very good. Because you are still young, you should not apply physics (electromagnetic wave: mostly microwave and short wave) treatment, because electromagnetic wave often affects male fertility.
The treatment plan should be formulated according to the specific condition. If it is convenient, you can come to me.
I wish you good health and good luck!
Bi Huanzhou


Miscellaneous talk



Classification: sex health

2013-10-29 17:00:34

**, male, 35 years old, from Dalian, Liaoning.

Condition description: marriage and infertility

Test and examination results: Hello, doctor. The following is my husband's examination result. I want to consult him. How should I treat a situation like my husband's so that I can have a baby earlier? Thank you very much

Appearance: milky yellow, viscous. Amount: about 4.5ml, 30 minutes liquefaction, basically normal sperm morphology, moderate activity, survival rate of 45%. WBC: 4-5/HP, sperm count: about 65 million/mL

The former treatment and effect are taking Compound Xuanju Capsule
What kind of help do you want: how should you treat your baby so that you can have it early?
Professor Bi Huanzhou:
The patient is an asthenospermia. This examination can only tell us why the man is difficult to bear, but it cannot be determined from this examination alone, because the cause of male infertility is very complex, such as: whether there is varicocele, whether there is mycoplasma infection, whether there is damage (infection or inflammation) to the testes, whether there is endocrine problem, and so on. So we must find out the cause of disease and treat it to cure it.
If it is convenient, you can come to me and bring your previous tests and other examinations to make a diagnosis and formulate a specific treatment plan.
Finally, I wish you good health!
Bi Huanzhou
2008-06-06 11:55:19 Consultation

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