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 INewG cat jam
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Miscellaneous talk

Please read according to the birth month in the Gregorian calendar

This fortune is originally created by the jewelry cat of New Guerlow, and reprinting without permission is prohibited

It can be said that many things will suddenly stop in the coming week. In the past, we expected a buffer time for good things. This makes all people think that maybe this thing is not good, but I want to say that this is a calm period for all people, so that everyone can know what the truth behind this thing is. Well, let's have a look at what kind of cat babies you will face in the coming week.

January Little Meow

After a period of heavy pressure, you feel that your love life and career are no longer as smooth as before. In the past, you thought you were the pride of heaven, but now you look like a mess.

In love, there will be some people who let you know one thing, that is, your feelings are far less comfortable than you think.

In business, the business you are proud of will suddenly let you know that you were abandoned at this moment.

Money, cash flow can not meet your desire for a period of time.

In terms of the health, problems will mainly focus on liver and gallbladder, waist, and also pay attention to your ankles.

Soul tip, sometimes some problems are not from outside, but because your desire is more expansive than before.

February Little Meow

A man in your life has finally started to get on track, which is


Miscellaneous talk

That woman is really lacking a lot of things. When Aiken saw her, he suddenly couldn't hate her. Aiken didn't think of this drama. She didn't rush to fight crazily or shout regardless of her image. She just said calmly, Oh, it's you. The woman lowered her head and looked at the shoes on her feet that were not so bright. Her face suddenly turned red. She felt that she should say something, and perhaps she should not say anything. She just lowered her head, as if thinking about something. Aiken said again, I said, this good girl, since she is pregnant, she will be born well. What kind of ghost are you wearing high heels and a big belly when you come out? Is it a joke that we don't know how to take care of a pregnant woman? The woman's head dropped lower. She wanted to say loudly, "You dog in the manger, make room for me quickly, but she really couldn't say that. After all, the other person is the president's niece. If you really want to kill yourself, it's not like killing an ant.". Aiken said again, I think you need to buy something that a pregnant woman should have. Didn't my husband give you money? Or are you ashamed to ask him for money? The woman said in a mosquito like voice, "I, I didn't want his money.". Aiken suddenly smiled after hearing this sentence. She said, "My good girl, you didn't want his money. Either you are really stupid or you want more than money.". I believe you are really stupid. After all, you can get nothing else from him. You have others


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