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 Ma Guansheng _ Immediate Nutrition
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Recently, measles outbreaks occurred in the United States. There have been measles cases in 22 states in the United States. It is recommended to vaccinate measles in time, reduce the number of people staying in crowded places, take necessary preventive measures, and seek medical attention in time when symptoms are found.

Is measles an infectious disease?

Measles is a highly infectious disease caused by paramyxovirus.

Who is susceptible to measles?

  • Children who have not been vaccinated have the highest risk of illness and complications.
  • Pregnant women who have not been vaccinated.
  • People who have not been vaccinated against measles.
  • People who have been vaccinated but have not developed immunity.

What does measles show after getting sick?

The early symptoms of measles are runny nose, cough, conjunctival congestion, tears and small white spots on the buccal mucosa. A few days later, the patient's face and upper neck developed a rash, which spread to the whole body, including the hands and feet, in about three days. The rash began to subside after 5-6 days.

  • The first sign of measles is usually high fever, which usually occurs 10-12 days after exposure to the virus, and can last for 4-7 days.
  • Measles complications often occur in children under 5 years old and adults over 20 years old. The strictest

Miscellaneous talk

1. The reason why children are picky eaters is closely related to children themselves.

After the child is one year old, his self-consciousness begins to develop rapidly, and he shows strong independence. He likes to 'do everything by himself'. He will resist some arrangements for adults to give them food and insist on eating according to his own wishes. With the development of children's taste perception, they have a certain preference for the taste of food, such as sweet food, fried food, or soft food that can be eaten without effort.

2. The reason why children are picky eaters cannot be separated from the influence of parents.

Parents' eating behavior will directly affect children's eating behavior, and children's acceptance of food tends to imitate parents and other families; Compared with the food only given to children, they are more willing to accept the food seen by adults. When parents eat certain food, children often eat this food too; Parents' dietary behavior can also affect their children's nutrient intake. Parents' intake of saturated fatty acids is high, and their children's intake of saturated fatty acids is also high; Parents' behavior of buying and choosing food also directly affects children's choice of food.

When the parents eat the children


Miscellaneous talk

What is a bird's nest?

Bird's nest is also called swallow's nest, swallow root, swallow vegetable, etc. It is a nest built by the mucus and feather secreted from the digestive gland of the stomach after the swiftlet, a member of the swifts family, and a variety of swallows of the same genus ingest small fish, seaweed and other organisms in the sea. It is called "bird's nest" because of its shape like a swallow's nest.

According to the place where swallows build nests, bird's nests can be divided into house bird's nest and hole bird's nest. The bird's nest in the house is only white, as white as ivory; The color of hole bird's nest will be affected by the minerals in the bird's nest and have different colors, such as white bird's nest, yellow bird's nest, red bird's nest, blood bird's nest, etc.

According to records, bird's nest is one of the traditional precious foods in China. According to the Collection of Compendium of Materia Medica written by Zhao Xuemin in the Qing Dynasty, bird's nest can nourish the lung yin, dissipate phlegm and stop coughing, and replenish and clear, which is the holy medicine for recuperating deficiency and damaging fatigue.

In addition to nourishing health, modern people eat bird's nest, which has also become a symbol of lifestyle and income level.

From the perspective of nutrition, what nutrients does bird's nest contain? What are the health benefits of these ingredients?


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Cancer is one of the most serious diseases threatening human health. In recent years, the younger age and popularization of cancer are mainly related to the changes of environment, diet, behavior and lifestyle.

Evidence based on a large number of scientific investigations and studies shows that the occurrence and development of cancer is the result of a combination of behavior and lifestyle, natural and social environment, biological genetics, medical and health services and other factors. Among various influencing factors, environmental factors are the most important and can be changed. These factors include smoking, infectious factors, radiation, industrial chemical pollution, medical treatment and medication, as well as diet, nutrition, physical activity, etc.

Among these factors, the dietary pattern and nutritional status of residents play an important role in the occurrence and development of cancer. According to research, 75% of cancer is related to lifestyle. The occurrence and development of cancer can be prevented or delayed by reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, regular and appropriate physical activity and maintaining healthy weight, and attention should be paid to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, not drinking, and enough sleep.

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*This article is from Dr. Ma


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People with high blood fat can eat oranges in moderation.

Patients with hyperlipidemia should limit the intake of fat and cholesterol in their daily diet. It is suggested that the energy provided by dietary fat should be controlled below 30% of the total energy, of which saturated fatty acids account for less than 7% of the total energy intake; Control total energy intake; Limit fat and cholesterol intake; The diet is light with little salt; Reasonably arrange meals, eat less and eat more; Limit alcohol consumption. And keep a good rest, often moderate physical activity.

Orange is a low sugar, low energy fruit with rich nutritional value. The Chinese Food Composition Table (2009) shows that every 100 grams of orange pulp contains 0.8 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 9.7 grams of carbohydrates, 0.5 grams of crude fiber, 24 mg of calcium, 18 mg of phosphorus, 0.2 mg of iron, 490 micrograms of carotene, and vitamin B2 0.3 mg, 0.2 mg niacin, 35 mg vitamin C, and phytochemicals such as hesperidin, citric acid, malic acid, citric acid.

Eating oranges will not increase the intake of fat and cholesterol, and people with high blood lipids can eat at ease.


Miscellaneous talk

When vegetables are boiled in water, there are two effects on the vitamins contained in vegetables. On the one hand, water-soluble vitamins are more sensitive to heat, and heating will increase their loss. When vegetables are boiled for 5~10 minutes, the loss of vitamin C can reach 70%~90%.

On the other hand, boiling water can destroy the oxidase in vegetables, thus reducing the oxidation of vitamin C. Therefore, control the proper temperature, boil the water before cooking, and only after a short time of boiling, the vitamin loss in vegetables will be less. If you boil vegetables for a long time and turn them from green to yellow, you will lose more vitamins.

In addition to the loss of vitamins in vegetables caused by boiling, cutting before washing will also cause the loss of vitamins and minerals in vegetables from the incision. Therefore, it is necessary to wash vegetables with running water at ordinary times, and do not soak them in water for a long time. After washing, it should be processed and eaten immediately to protect nutrients to the greatest extent.

The effective methods to reduce the loss of vitamins in vegetables are washing before cutting, stir frying quickly, cooking and eating now.

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Miscellaneous talk

The ingredients of milk, drinks, etc. are complex and should not be used for medicine delivery, otherwise the curative effect may be affected, and even some adverse consequences may occur.

  • Milk is rich in proteins, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, which are easy to react with drugs to form stable chromium compounds or insoluble salts, making drugs difficult to absorb;
  • Some drugs will be destroyed by these substances, reducing the concentration of drugs in the blood and affecting the efficacy;
  • Tetracycline drugs can combine with calcium ions in milk, so that drugs can not be absorbed, and will make teeth gray;
  • Alkaloids in traditional Chinese medicine can react with amino acids in milk, making it lose its efficacy, and even produce adverse irritation or allergic reactions.

The sugar in the drink can slow down the excretion of stomach contents and slow down the absorption of drugs. Carbonated drinks will increase the absorption of weakly alkaline drugs, which may indirectly lead to excess; Carbonated drinks can increase gastrointestinal irritation of some drugs and affect the stability of some drugs.

*This article is from Dr. Zhang Man, Doctor Ma's Health Group

*The picture in this article comes from the network


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Vitamin C is an antioxidant nutrient that plays an important role in the human body. If it is insufficient or deficient, it will affect health. Therefore, adequate intake of vitamin C should be ensured.

The main food source of vitamin C is fresh vegetables and fruits. If you don't like vegetables, you can get vitamin C from fruits. Fruits rich in vitamin C mainly include rosa roxburghii, fresh jujube, blackcurrant, kiwi fruit, orange, strawberry, etc.


In addition to rich vitamin C, vegetables also contain rich dietary fiber, minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, and other vitamins, such as vitamin B2, carotene, folic acid, etc., as well as some phytochemicals, such as polyphenols, organic sulfur compounds, mustard glucoside, etc., which have many benefits for human health.

Therefore, just because you don't like vegetables, you can't stop eating them. You must ensure your intake of vegetables. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) recommends that vegetables should be included in the meal, and 300-500g vegetables and 200-350g fruits should be consumed every day.

In daily life, as long as you usually take enough fruits and vegetables, you don't need to take vitamin C tablets to supplement vitamin C. If you usually eat less vegetables and fruits, or have no conditions to eat, etc


Miscellaneous talk

Recently, researchers from Harvard University in the United States published an article on "the impact of healthy lifestyle on life expectancy of American people" in the authoritative academic journal Circulation. This article studies the role of healthy lifestyles in disease prevention and life expectancy in the American population. Healthy lifestyle mainly includes five aspects: non-smoking, maintaining proper weight, moderate intensity/intense physical activity for more than half an hour every day, moderate alcohol consumption and healthy diet.

Among them, healthy diet refers to the use of Alternate Healthy Eating Index, AEHI) scored the dietary status of the volunteers. The top 40% of the volunteers were considered as low risk in the dietary evaluation, and scored 1 point, and 0 point for other situations.

The healthy diet index is mainly scored based on the relationship between food and nutrients and the risk of chronic disease. Its scoring criteria are high intake of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, polyunsaturated fatty acids and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, low intake of red meat (animal meat) and processed meat products, sugary drinks, trans fatty acids and sodium.

The research results show that compared with the non healthy diet group, the all-cause mortality (sum of deaths caused by various reasons/population in the same period), cancer mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality of the healthy diet group decreased by 37%, 21% and 33% respectively.


Miscellaneous talk


1. Drink more soup to replenish water

We can prepare mung bean soup, sour plum soup, etc., or sea rice and winter melon soup, lotus root and ribs soup, etc.

2. Dundun Dark Vegetable

Dark vegetables are rich in carotene, chlorophyll, lutein, lycopene, anthocyanin and other healthy substances. Spinach, celery leaves, water spinach, broccoli, watercress, chrysanthemum, tomatoes, carrots, squash, red amaranth, purple cabbage, etc.

3. Daily fruit

Fruits are rich in vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber, as well as organic acids such as fruit acid, citric acid and malic acid, which can promote the secretion of digestive juice, increase appetite and help digestion.

Supplement carotene, choose red and yellow fruits such as mango, citrus, papaya, hawthorn, etc., jujube, orange, grapefruit, kiwi and other fruits have high vitamin C content; The potassium content of bananas, dates, red fruits and longans is high.

4. Often eat fresh beans

There are a variety of fresh beans in summer, including cowpea, green bean, broad bean, lentil, etc. Fresh beans have comprehensive nutrition and various eating methods. Green beans and broad beans can be boiled directly, and cowpeas can be boiled and served with sesame paste and other cold dishes.

*The picture in this article comes from the network


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