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 Li Demi
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Is today a festival?
Tomorrow is also a festival?


Miscellaneous talk

On March 19, the world's largest wine and spirits exhibition, the first day of the opening of ProWein in Dusseldorf, Germany, Champagne Association entered the exhibition for the first time to hold a press conference.


Champagne market data in 2016:

--Champagne establishes value growth as the model

In 2016, the market value of champagne in the world increased, thanks to the consumers' choice of champagne with higher relative value and the increase of export volume.

Although the total shipment decreased slightly (- 2.1%), the reason was the difficulties of the French domestic market and the sudden devaluation of the pound. However, in 2016, the total sales of champagne reached 4.71 billion euros, creating the second record after 4.74 billion euros in 2015.

The sales of traditional champagne market continued to maintain a strong growth, such as 4.9% growth in the United States, 3.0% growth in Japan, 3.4% growth in Germany, and 6.3% growth in the Netherlands. The markets in southern Europe are also recovering, with Spain growing by 1.3% and Italy by 6.4%. Champagne's market share in Nordic countries is also expanding


Miscellaneous talk

wine , women , avarice and pride -- the four cardinal vices

"There are four walls of debauchery and wealth,

Everyone hides in it.

Who can jump out of the circle,

If you don't live a hundred years, you will live a long life. "


"It's a hero not to get drunk,

It is the highest to be lustful and not obsessed;

Ill gotten gains are undesirable,

If you are angry, you will disappear. "


"No etiquette without wine,

Colorless roads are deserted;

People without wealth do not work hard,

A country without gas has no vitality. "


"Wine helps to make the country happy and prosperous,

Color nurtures life and values morality;

The wealth is sufficient, the family is rich, the country is prosperous,

Qi coagulates Tai Chi and stabilizes Yin and Yang. "



(2016-05-31 23:32)

Deep feeling: because you are still where you are?

Recently, I have been very busy - as you wish, I am busy tasting delicious food and wine, but I am too busy to think; Fortunately, I have many friends around me who can be my own yardstick. However, I have benefited a lot from accidentally bumping into each other on a father son exchange occasion.

Calling each other a friend is actually a courtesy of each other. I always call him a "teacher", which is also an expression of Chinese emotion. He has retired for several years and is also a leader in his own field. Because he jokingly complained about me. He hadn't seen me for a long time, and he didn't dare to invite me, because I always rejected him. In fact, people familiar with me know that this half year is the busiest half year in recent years. Since they know that I am busy, they will know why I am busy.

I brought a bottle from Bulgaria

The first meeting of Fan Zui Bureau in 2016 ​( Minutes of Meeting)

At the beginning of the New Year, the members of the Food and Drink Bureau started their activities. The first meeting was held in Huaiyang Mansion in Xidan. Last year when preparing for the event, we learned that: @ Lingxin Xie A bottle of 1967 Bordeaux right bank old wine and a bottle of Sherry will be brought; Invited Champagne @ Wang Wei, there must be good champagne. What am I taking? Huaiyang Mansion is certainly Huaiyang cuisine. Old wine, Shirley and Champagne should all choose the wine direction; Do I always take something different?

 The first meeting of Fan Zui Bureau in 2016
Classification: delicious food


  •  Mr. Wang Lang's words can impress me very much.<wbr/>When I read them, I feel relaxed and happy, and the world society will appear on the paper when I snap my fingers. I don't read much, and I don't have the habit of reading. But Mr. Wang Lang's words can move me very much. It is easy and pleasant to read, and the world society will appear on the paper when I play my fingers


Eating vernacular

Since Chinese people have had enough to eat, there have been two kinds of people in the world - gourmets and fitness coaches. The former teaches you how to eat more tastefully and tastefully; The latter will help you toss away the fat in your stomach and eat it later. Two kinds of people can lift the GDP by doing a lot of work.

Although it helps to expand domestic demand, compared with professionals such as engineers, teachers and journalists, gourmets still belong to the category of Bi Mawen, and are not popular. Therefore, no specialized agency is responsible for its qualification review, professional title assessment, certificate issuance, and even the lucrative business such as induction training. Therefore, if someone runs a national food association or something and undertakes such business, it should have great development potential. But among them

(2015-12-07 17:19)

Think of Uncle Yu Le

      This is a small city, in my eyes, it is absolutely! Tens of thousands of people, it would be nice to call her a city. Similarly, they also made fun of me and asked me: You have not always been in Beijing, where is your hometown? The answer is' A medium-sized city, in Beijing,,,, ' Before I said it, they (met several) 'a small city with only a few million people,,,'

      National differences exist everywhere There is another reason for saying that she is a small city: there are several squares and markets selling fresh goods every 3 and 6 days. Isn't this a rural area in China? It can't be called a city. I envy the local oysters here, so I finally found a chance to go to the market. The goal is very clear. A dozen oysters, plus a lemon, can help me, if any, and a bottle of real estate, white


Classification: Wine

How to make Chinese consumers accept wine

  First, say something to the people who pay attention to me :“ i 'm sorry


          ProWine As the most influential professional wine exhibition in the world eleven It was held in Shanghai in August, and has become the most influential professional wine exhibition in mainland China. I participate in every exhibition. This year's ProWi

(2015-08-25 14:59)


Who stimulates Professor Ma again

There are always some rules that are more logical than others, and because they are logical, they last longer. Most of the changes in the order of the day are just a slap in the face. When the order of the day is made, they do not think seriously, or when the change is made overnight, their emotions are more than rational. As soon as the enterprise cries out or others say something, they are busy making changes. In general, the investigation and research are not enough, and they are not familiar with the industry. Their roots are shallow in the ground, and they are easy to collapse when the natural wind blows.


Similarly, it is more logical that the enemy's enemy is not necessarily our friend. The principle should be how to do it will lead to a better world, and then make a choice. The efforts and sacrifices made for the beauty of mankind will be less controversial, and will be respected and peaceful for a longer time. In the history of ups and downs, can precipitate



Stir fry again four What's the purpose of the cold meal before the New Year?  




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