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New look

original text


New Century

first place


Balmain abandons the tradition of previous life and ushers in revival with the avant-garde life; Paco Rabanne's previous life was too avant-garde, and this life is looking for a combination with reality. Both brands fell into downturn after the designer died or retired. Balmain seems to have got rid of difficulties and achieved success, while Paco Rabane is still adjusting the direction. Avant garde and tradition are two points. Neither too avant garde nor too traditional are popular. How to preserve tradition and integrate avant garde is the focus. Or like Nina Ricci has always been romantic and beautiful, but what about so many rising stars on the same road?


original text



Color contrast

A millionaire


Maybe they are not popular now, but they were once brilliant. Let's call them "second tier" old brands now. The revival of old brands in the fashion industry has lasted from the 1970s and 1980s to the present. Gucci, Prada and Balenciaga have succeeded, and Rochas and Vionnet are joining the team. They are really old. Their previous stage was earlier than the first three brands, and they have been closed for at least half a century. Because of their long history, it is difficult for these two old brands to establish a relationship with their former lives, not only because of the age gap of more than 50 years, but also because they have changed from "French" and "Paris" to American fast selling giants and Kazakh millionaires mixed with Britain. Guy Laroche has never stopped living in the fashion industry in a people-oriented manner, but has cultivated a large number of creative directors who are now popular. In the competitive fashion industry, surviving is the strong.

Guy Laroche







The fashion industry in the 20th century can be roughly divided into several stages. Before the Second World War, the focus was on the innovation of cutting methods, contours and concepts. After the Second World War, with the human rights revolution, printed fabrics emerged - colored people entered the mainstream vision and the Bohemian national style brought about by the hippie style in the 1970s and 1970s can be considered as the reasons. So the leather goods families and printing brands have two destinies: most of the leather goods families were founded before the World War II, and some fell into a low ebb in the 1960s and 1970s; Most of the printing brands were founded after World War II, and the 1960s and 1970s were the time of their rise. It is not difficult to understand such a fate in connection with the social and cultural landscape at that time. Why is Italy rich in printing brands? Because this is the traditional origin of high-grade fabrics, there is printed fabric design first, followed by printed fashion; In addition, this is the birthplace of the Renaissance. The trade in the past made the Mediterranean coast a place for cultural exchanges between different nations. As for London, printing is also popular, which is the result of a new wave of high-tech fabric development boom.

February 21 Etro


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Saint Martin



Milan probably has the lowest audience awareness among the four major fashion weeks - let's consider the few brands that can name as low awareness. On the one hand, Italy is highly localized, and on the other hand, family businesses are prevalent in this handicraft country. Therefore, the Italian names on Milan Fashion Week will not be remembered by the audience unless they are internationalized to the extent of Gucci and Armani. However, Milan Fashion Week is certainly worth looking forward to. Milan has brought solid and beautiful designs, fine workmanship and excellent fabrics to the fashion industry, which best match the name of fashion. In terms of design, Prada can at least expect.

February 19th

Academic school

original text



name list


How can we mention London without mentioning Central Saint Martin, a godlike college in the fashion industry? Let alone the designers in London are just alumni associations of the graduates of the school, and Paris across the English Channel can also make a list. Nowadays, Saint Martin graduates who are active in London's fashion industry seem to have majored in fabric or printing. In recent years, innovation in the fashion industry has indeed focused on the fabric field - new ideas in contour and style have become difficult, but there are other things in London. Todd Lynn is a new force of the ready-made clothing faction in London; Mary Katrantzou gained a reputation by printing and is seeking transformation in this season; Christopher Kane is the leader of this generation of London designers, and the brand has become important because of the capital injection of Kering Group. In addition, Central Saint Martin is not the only design school in London, and J W. Anderson is also very popular recently because he insists on letting boys wear women's clothes to make girls become women.

February 14th Todd Lynn

original text


Visual perception


Bad Girl


The New York Fashion Week is drawing to a close, and the London Fashion Week in autumn and winter 2014 also opened on February 14, Valentine's Day, the Lantern Festival. Although not as heavy as other fashion weeks, on the one hand, the boldness and avant-garde of London Fashion Week is worth looking forward to when the taste of the middle class in New York Fashion Week is serious; On the other hand, London Fashion Week also has Matthew Williamson, Mary Katrantzou, Peter Pilotto and Burberry Prorsum, a traditional big brand and designer brand that has a firm foothold in London, has a reputation in London and even the world fashion industry. As the opening ceremony is approaching, some designers of some brands have disclosed the design inspiration of the new season in advance.

February 15 Holly Fulton
(2014-01-20 00:27)







What is the party? It is a "small party", a "group of people get together to eat, drink and dance happily", a "party convened by a sponsor for the purpose of social intercourse, conversation or entertainment", and a transliteration of the word "party" in English. The party is an exotic product, but in the industrial society, people in most parts of the world are living a similar life - eating food produced by several monopoly companies, wearing clothes of similar style, and playing similar entertainment. It is called "globalization" in English and "world harmony" in Chinese.

Han culture lacks the gene of entertainment, which may be the result of Dong Zhongshu's official philosophy of Confucianism in the Han Dynasty and the strengthening of Neo Confucianism in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. "Self discipline", "Three cardinal principles and five constancy", "Preserve the heavenly principles and eliminate human desires"... It doesn't sound like advocating entertainment. However, under the rule of Christianity, Europe in the Middle Ages also did not advocate indulgence, believing that it would destroy spiritual practice. The revival of humanity in Europe will wait until the Renaissance. However, whether in China or Europe, the upper class never lacks entertainment, formal and informal, public and private. In order to weaken the power of the nobility, King Louis XIV forced them to stay in the palace from morning till night to dance







It is said that the fashion trend will be reincarnated every few years. Don't believe it. The revival of flared jeans this year has proved this truth again. How can we discover new trends? Fashion editors focus on the runway of Fashion Week held half a year in advance to summarize, summarize and analyze; The method of ordinary people is simpler and more direct - see which style is worn by more and more people on the street, then this is the current "popular". Looking back carefully, the last popularity of flared jeans was probably from 2006 to 2008. After 2008, the popular style of jeans was slim narrow leg pants. In this period when bell bottoms are almost silent and searching for traces, anyone who wears a pair of bell bottoms on the street is simply a spokesman for the outdated and rustic style.

In the early 1980s, bell bottoms, as a symbol of foreign trends and "rebellion" and "freedom", caused explosive influence and concern in the suddenly open Chinese society; The bell bottoms, which were originally the uniforms of the British Navy, established their position in the fashion industry in the hippie trend of the human rights movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Maybe the trend is repeated, but what gives fashion meaning is always more profound than fashion and beauty.
(2013-12-30 22:17)

Seasonal excrement

material object


The way



For my article published on the November issue of ARTY Collection Trends, because the published version was severely abridged, I released the original version. In addition, since I started my blog, I have followed the rules of the game of new media, and articles are all equipped with pictures. But now that the information is so fragmented that people who are not equipped with pictures or words will not read it, so I don't need to bother. People who will read articles carefully will always read them carefully, right?


Miscellaneous talk

More than half a year, or a year? During this time, I have seen many works of folk authors. The so-called folk authors are what I call them. They are certainly not members of the Writers' Association, nor are they the contracted authors of book companies or publishers, nor are they the contracted authors of literary websites? But in their circles, they are a little famous and have fans. One of the most impressive writers was a Northeast girl who was studying in medical school. Her writing was hard and hard. Although the rhythm of the story is not the best, the words are very enjoyable. Later, when I turned to the girl's earlier works, the degree of roughness seemed to be deepened. Stories and words are two abilities in two directions. I'm not good at both, so I can't write novels. However, I envy writers who have good writing, perhaps because I think it is more difficult to keep presenting wonderful words in long articles.
I almost forget that I used to be a young woman who dreamed of being a writer. In my life of more than 30 years, I have read many novels and written very little. I never read novels for pleasure or entertainment, so I read more pathetic works than comedies. I experience the life of others through novels, either virtual or real. I can only live for a lifetime, but I can experience the life of many people. From the Middle Ages, when survival was difficult, to the technologically advanced but still cruel future, from Central America to India, from the primitive culture of ethnic minorities to the secret life in metropolises. I seem to have always been interested in people's lives. The works reflect the world in the author's mind, so I am full of admiration for the people who wrote wonderful works.
The young doctor

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