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health preservation


Once people suffer from fatty liver, their physiological status will change greatly, and their average life expectancy will be shortened by 4 to 10 years. It also causes a variety of diseases, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer and other diseases that are difficult to cure, while hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases need lifelong treatment. Fatty liver is so harmful. In addition to treatment, patients with fatty liver also need to take care of their diet to prevent the disease from worsening and provide guarantee for our health. So what's good for fatty liver? What can you eat to prevent fatty liver?





When the following signals appear, you must be alert to whether the pressure is too high, so as to prevent and relieve the pressure early.


Depression is slowly eroding people's lives. Nowadays, in the face of high pressure life, some people can't help the "heavy pressure" of pressure, which makes their bodies and minds suffer from diseases. How to prevent early?


  1.  Easy to forget

Sudden events such as car accidents will lead to great psychological pressure, increase the level of stress hormones, and temporarily inhibit short-term memory. In addition, long-term pressure will change the structure of brain nerve cells and damage memory. It is suggested to use notepad, calendar and other methods to help memory.


2. Have strange dreams

When anxiety is excessive and at a loss, strange dreams are a way to release pressure. If you have strange dreams every night, you should seek professional medical treatment. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol for a few hours before bed can also help improve sleep. Good sleep can alleviate the fatigue caused by the daytime



Some people say that since the eyes are the windows of the soul, then the eyebrows are the door cracks of the mood. It can also be said that eyebrows are beautiful ornaments, a window of mood, a showcase of personality, and a barometer of health.

The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, the earliest medical book in existence in China, once pointed out that "a beautiful eyebrow has more blood than the sun's pulse, and an evil eyebrow has less blood." The so-called "evil eyebrow" was interpreted by the ancients as "the eyebrow is withered without splendor". From this point of view, the eyebrows are long, thick and moist, reflecting the exuberance of blood; On the contrary, if the eyebrows are short, thin and withered, it reflects the insufficiency of qi and blood.

Eyebrow abscission   Eyebrows are thin and easy to fall, which is mostly seen in the weak and sickly people. Such patients are prone to cold hands and feet, and weak kidney qi. In patients with hypothyroidism and hypopituitarism, the eyebrows often fall off, especially at the outer third of the eyebrows. Leprosy patients have hypertrophic outer eyebrow skin and eyebrows fall off at the early stage of the disease. Alopecia areata patients may also have eyebrow loss symptoms at the same time. Cancer, syphilis and severe anemia may also cause eyebrow loss, and some anti-cancer or antimetabolic drugs also have this side effect.

Eyebrow droop   Most of them are facial paralysis. If one side of the eyebrow is drooping, it means that the side has facial nerve paralysis, which makes the eyebrow lower and cannot be lifted upward. Some are unilateral ptosis (such as myasthenia), so that the eyebrows on one side appear higher.

Dry eyebrows   If the eyebrow tip is straight and dry, women may have abnormal menstruation. Yes


reduce weight





Miscellaneous talk

When it comes to fitness, we always have a lot of reasons to recommend it. The most common reason is that we don't have time. The following group of fitness exercises are designed for people who have no time. It does not need complex fitness equipment, nor does it need a spacious sports ground. It only takes 60 seconds to finish each section. Let's try it together.



Bent back rowing

Hold a dumbbell in both hands and stand naturally. The distance between feet is the same width as the hip. From the hips, the upper body slowly bends forward until the back is parallel to the ground, the arms are perpendicular to the ground, and the palms are inward. At this time, bend the elbow and pull the dumbbell inward to the waist. Then, straighten your arms. Practice for 1 minute in total. The weight of dumbbells should be 5-10 pounds. Main exercise parts: back, back of shoulder, biceps brachii and calf muscles.


Shoulder side lift

Open your feet the same width as your hips, hold a dumbbell in your hands, drop your arms to your sides, and turn your palms inward. Slowly raise both arms to shoulder height. Then relax



chinese medicine



What about constipation? Constipation is a common condition in our life, which poses a great threat to our life and health. So how to relieve constipation? We all know that eating bananas and drinking honey water can effectively relieve constipation. According to Chinese medicine, tummy massage can also effectively relieve constipation. Here is the massage therapy to improve constipation.


What are the causes of constipation

1. Dietary factors Some people eat too little, the food is too refined and too fine, the cellulose and water in the food are insufficient, which can not form a certain amount of stimulation to the intestinal tract, the intestinal peristalsis is slow, the food residues can not be pushed to the rectum in time, the stay time in the intestine is prolonged, and too much water is absorbed, which makes the feces dry. The fecal residue after entering the rectum is too small to form enough pressure to stimulate the neuroreceptor cells to produce defecation reflex and cause constipation.


2. When the power for defecation is insufficient, not only the anal sphincter needs to be relaxed and the anal levator needs to be pulled up and out, but also the diaphragm needs to be lowered, the abdominal muscles need to be contracted, and breath holding force is needed to promote the excretion of feces. The elderly and infirm, long illness in bed, postpartum, etc., may have weak contractility of diaphragm, abdominal muscle, anal sphincter, and lower abdominal pressure, which may lead to insufficient defecation power, feces can not be discharged cleanly, fecal mass remains, and constipation occurs. Therefore, the elderly tend to have constipation.


3. Procrastinating the time of defecation Some people regard defecation as irrelevant, early or late, ignoring the habit of regular defecation; Or cause




chinese medicine


Many young people have been sitting at the table for a long time, and their muscles are often in a tense state, which is easy to cause back pain. Such people can try to massage the waist points.

Low back pain often occurs when the body is stiff or the joints degenerate. Now many young people also have serious low back pain, which is mainly caused by long-term inactivity and sitting, combined with mental tension and physical relaxation. Usually, we can effectively prevent the occurrence of low back pain by paying more attention to massage.

Massaging lumbar eye points is a good way to prevent and treat low back pain.

The lumbar eye point is located in the depression of 3-4 inches on the left and right of the spinous process of the third vertebra in the back. The waist eye acupoint is located in the "belt vein" (the meridians around the waist), where the kidney is located. The kidney likes warmth and hates cold. Massaging the waist and eye often can warm the kidney yang and smooth qi and blood. The following methods can be used for massage:




Tonifying kidney

diet tyerapy


    Kidney tonifying is a long and slow job. Don't take care of health too quickly or it will be difficult to achieve the effect of "nourishing". Here are three kidney tonifying points.

Taixi Point: Gather the vitality of the Kidney Channel




chinese medicine

health preservation



Do these five things every day special zone It can promote metabolism and help healthy qi, so as to achieve the effect of strengthening the body, curing diseases and prolonging life.


Special Zone 1. Abdominal navel

   health preservation Key words: eliminating abdomen Fat , prevention and control constipation

The belly and navel are for health preservation expert The health care "fortress" that we attach great importance to, chinese medicine The central belly button is called "Shenque". Massage the abdomen and navel to stimulate and regulate, which can benefit the lung and kidney, calm the nerves and calm the heart, relax the liver and gallbladder, clear the triple energizer, prevent diseases and strengthen the body. It's still right to rub the abdomen Arteriosclerosis hypertension Hyperlipidemia Glycosuria Disease, cerebrovascular disease disease



Food tonic

diet tyerapy

delicious food


 Please don't eat onions under these four conditions



Which part of onion is more nutritious? Who should not eat too much onion? What are the four misunderstandings about eating onion?


Chinese food is extensive and profound, with many dishes, wide ingredients, beautiful appearance and fresh taste, attracting countless heroes to bow down. When people feel the beauty of color, fragrance and taste, they ignore the heroes behind these classic dishes, which are ingredients in the dishes.


The green onion is a kind of ingredient. People use it to flavor, sterilize and add color to the dishes. The green onion leaves and white onion often win a lot for the main course



 Eat less of these five fruits in the evening
People often say, "Eat less dinner." Is that reasonable? It depends on the crowd, the meal time and the food


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