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 Ye Jin Dynasty
Ye Jin Dynasty
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coronary heart disease


Classification: Cardiovascular disease

Obesity has become a very common phenomenon among Chinese people. Irregular daily routines, frequent overeating, and long-term sitting without exercise will lead to poor physique, reduced metabolic capacity, and a large amount of fat accumulation, which will make people fat. When there are more fat on the body, it will also lead to slower blood flow, thicker blood vessels, brittle and thinner walls. If not treated in time, cardiovascular disease will be induced, resulting in increased concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood vessels, and ultimately hyperlipidemia.

1. What is triglyceride?

Triglyceride is one of the blood lipids. Under normal circumstances, our triglyceride should be less than 1.7 mmo

Apolipoprotein a1

Apolipoprotein b




Classification: Cardiovascular disease

What is apolipoprotein B?

Apolipoprotein B is a protein in plasma lipoproteins, whose function is mainly to carry lipids.

In general, apolipoprotein B is on the surface of low-density lipoprotein. If apolipoprotein B increases, even if the level of low-density lipoprotein is normal, it may also increase the incidence of coronary heart disease. Apolipoprotein B has very important physiological functions in lipoprotein metabolism. Apolipoprotein B, mainly composed of liver, is the main structural protein of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Therefore, the determination of apolipoprotein B can directly reflect the level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

1. Reasons for the decrease of apolipoprotein

(1) Physiological reasons: Low apolipoprotein B may be affected by many factors, such as exercise, diet and drugs. For example, after exercise, human apolipoprotein B will generally decline. Some female friends often only eat vegetarian food to lose weight, which will also lead to the decline of apolipoprotein B. If you have low blood fat, then apolipoprotein B in patients with low blood fat will be reduced

Apolipoprotein a1

Apolipoprotein b

Low density lipoprotein



Classification: Cardiovascular disease

Apolipoprotein (hereinafter referred to as Apo) is the protein part of plasma lipoproteins, which can bind and transport blood lipids to various tissues of the body for metabolism and utilization. A large number of studies have found that apolipoprotein gene mutations, forming different allelic polymorphisms, and further forming apolipoprotein with different phenotypes, can affect the metabolism and utilization of blood lipids, thus affecting the occurrence and development of hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.

Types of plasma lipoproteins: Apolipoproteins are mainly divided into five categories: A, B, C, D and E. The basic function is to carry lipids and stabilize the structure of lipoproteins. Some apolipoproteins also have the functions of activating lipoprotein metabolic enzymes and recognizing receptors. It is mainly synthesized in the liver (part in the small intestine), named according to the ABC system, and can be divided into several subcategories, which are represented by Roman numerals.

Functions of apolipoproteins: apolipoproteins are important components of plasma lipoproteins, giving lipids a soluble form, and playing an important role in plasma lipoprotein metabolism: (1) promoting lipid transport; (2) Regulating enzyme activity; (3) Guide blood



Reasonable diet



Classification: Health care

Reading guide: Cholesterol is a fat like substance in the blood. Only one third of cholesterol is obtained from food, and the other two-thirds is synthesized by the body itself, mainly the liver. Therefore, even if we don't take cholesterol, our body will still automatically synthesize cholesterol. Hyperlipidemia cannot be controlled by vegetarian diet alone. Hyperlipidemia is also associated with poor lifestyle, such as long-term sitting, excessive drinking, smoking, mental stress or anxiety, which will lead to increased blood lipids. Therefore, hyperlipidemia patients can reduce hyperlipidemia by controlling diet, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, reducing weight and exercising.

1、 Cause

1. Genetic factors: Patients with congenital abnormal cholesterol metabolism in the body may cause abnormal increase of blood lipids, usually more than 7.5mmol/L, which is related to heredity but not diet.

2. Age: Hyperlipidemia tends to occur in obese people over the age of 50. First, as the age increases, the blood lipid content will gradually increase; Second, because the endocrine function of the elderly declines, it is more comfortable


Low density lipoprotein


vegetarian diet


Classification: Health care
Many people will encounter a problem. If they are vegetarian for a long time, why does blood fat rise instead of falling? This is because many hyperlipidemia patients often make the following mistakes when they are "vegetarian". Here are the factors related to diet:

1. Unrestricted staple food, too many carbohydrates: When many people are vegetarian, they only put an end to meat in the dishes without limiting their intake of rice and pasta. You should know that carbohydrate is the main component of rice and pasta. If too much carbohydrate is ingested, the body will start the conversion process to convert the excess carbon and water into triglycerides, cholesterol and other lipids. If this happens for a long time, blood lipids will inevitably rise. Therefore, proper control of rice and pasta can be supplemented with coarse grains (corn, oats, potatoes, potatoes) rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is sufficient, and it can also absorb excess lipids in the intestine, which is a magic weapon for regulating blood lipids!

2. Do not care about the amount of vegetable oil:

Type 1.5 diabetes





Reading guide: Type 1.5 diabetes, also known as adult latent autoimmune diabetes (LADA), is a kind of adult delayed autoimmune diabetes, characterized by early onset age, generally before 40 years old, and rapid islet failure. In the early stage, the use of secretagogues is effective, but as the course of disease increases, insulin must be used for treatment.
Adult latent autoimmune diabetes, also known as type 1.5 diabetes, is a disease with the characteristics of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

1. Etiology

The specific cause of type 1.5 diabetes is still unclear, which may be related to genetic factors, environmental factors, autoimmune system defects, etc.

(1) Genetic factors: Diabetes is caused by insufficient insulin secretion or insulin function defect. If there is a person with diabetes in his or her immediate family, the probability of his or her children suffering from diabetes will also increase.

(2) Environmental factors: General patient body


Brittle diabetes

Type 1 diabetes



Classification: Prevention and treatment of diabetes

Introduction : "Fragility" means that the condition is extremely unstable and blood sugar is difficult to control. "Fragile diabetes", also known as "unstable diabetes", is mainly seen in type 1 diabetes and some late type 2 diabetes patients with islet function near failure, which is generally believed to be caused by the complete failure of the patient's islet function. Because patients completely rely on exogenous insulin to control blood sugar, the latter is significantly different from physiological insulin secretion in pharmacokinetic characteristics and regulation, and lacks effective auxiliary regulation function, it is easy to see blood sugar fluctuate from high to low.

Brittle diabetes is more common in type 1 diabetes patients and some type 2 diabetes patients with pancreatic islet failure. Such patients are extremely sensitive to insulin. Small changes in insulin dosage can cause severe fluctuations in blood sugar. Even when the amount of diet, exercise and insulin dosage is constant, the condition is extremely unstable, with repeated hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, and prone to diabetic ketoacidosis.

1. Three characteristics of brittle diabetes:

Diabetic complications


Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state



Classification: Prevention and treatment of diabetes

Diabetes is a common chronic disease, and its complications are one of the most worrying problems for patients. The level of blood sugar is directly related to the occurrence and development of diabetic complications. So, how high is the blood sugar, the complications of diabetes will appear? Today, we will analyze this problem in detail.

1、 Classification of diabetic complications

1. Acute complications

Acute complications usually occur when blood sugar rises sharply, mainly including diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemia.

(1) Diabetic ketoacidosis: When the blood sugar level is between 16.7 and 33.3 mmol/L, the insulin in the patient's body is insufficient or its effect is weakened, which leads to accelerated fat decomposition, a large number of ketones, and then acidosis. The patient may have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, deep and fast breathing, disturbance of consciousness and even coma, which is an acute complication that may endanger life.



Normal blood glucose

Diagnosis of diabetes



Classification: Cardiovascular disease

In recent years, the probability of hyperglycemia has become higher and higher, which has also stimulated many people's health awareness. But we should all know that the rise of blood sugar will not make our body suffer any major impact, but the various complications caused by it will make our health and even life threatened. Therefore, effective control of blood sugar is an important measure to protect our health. What's the significance of different blood sugar values?

Warning value of 1.7.5mmol/L

During physical examination, many people found that their blood sugar had exceeded the normal value of 7 mmol/L, and even reached 7.5 When the blood sugar level is around mmol/L, there are usually no obvious symptoms, but that does not mean it will not harm our health.

Under normal circumstances, if the blood glucose measured on an empty stomach is only higher than 7 mmol/L, or the blood glucose value within two hours after meal exceeds 11.1 Mmol/L can be diagnosed as diabetes.

After being diagnosed with diabetes,



heart disease



Classification: Cardiovascular disease

Diastolic pressure is the pressure produced when the human heart relaxes and the arterial blood vessels retract elastically, which is called diastolic pressure, also called low pressure.

Diastolic blood pressure of normal adults should not be lower than 60mmHg. If it is lower than 60mmHg, it belongs to hypotension. Low diastolic pressure will cause certain damage to the body and lead to insufficient blood supply to important organs, such as heart, brain and kidney. Cerebrovascular diseases may occur due to insufficient cerebral blood supply, myocardial ischemia due to insufficient cardiac blood supply, oliguria, anuria due to insufficient renal perfusion, and even renal failure. Therefore, the cause of low diastolic pressure should be found for low diastolic pressure, and corresponding treatment should be given to avoid serious consequences.

1. Common causes of hypotension

(1) Primary hypotension: It mainly refers to physiological hypotension, such as young, thin and weak women, or weak elderly people, who may be in a state of hypotension for a long time. Most patients are occasionally found during physical examination or hospitalization. Or postural hypotension, which can be seen in supine position and sitting

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