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Calm down

govern by doing nothing that goes against nature

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Bamboo shoot
Speaking of this topic, in fact, it is someone who is not calm enough to point out that he or she is not calm enough. Pulling up "we" can make people appear more powerful, ha ha!


Being criticized requires reflection. What is the problem? Why can't I calm down?


Congenital: genetic genes account for a part


There is a theory of crime identification characteristics in criminal law, which means that many criminals can be Facebook, which can also explain why some actors can only play villains all their lives - related to their looks.

Generally speaking, when we look at faces, Metropolis believes that those with sharp edges and corners will be more aggressive than those with round faces, and their temper may also be more direct. of course






Classification: Be inspired

This question comes from the experience gained from dealing with people recently.

In general, the staff we need is nothing more than passionate, enthusiastic, thoughtful and honest. But in actual operation, it is easier said than done.

Many people will be confused: how can we choose a satisfactory employee?

I think: in addition to the customary behaviorism and psychology, when it is used to look at people, we also need to ask the other party:

one Do you like literature?

If you are passionate about writing poems, you are suggested to remove this person from the candidate list. In my opinion, most of these people talk on paper. They also have a number of small emotions in their bones. They deign to come to your door when they are unwilling to give in and can't find other ways, but they always have a sour little complex. Among these people, men over 35 years old should pay special attention.



Eight Trigrams


Classification: Bamboo shoot

1. Yesterday, a colleague said to me, "I will ask for leave tomorrow".

I asked, "What's the matter?"

The colleague whispered, "Go to the sign."

Me: "What? Go to have a baby?! OK! You are so secretive. Why don't you usually see it? It will be born tomorrow..."


two One autumn rain and one cold, remind those children's shoes who are still intoxicated with the cool autumn weather and feel that life is full of pain and helplessness. There will be a way when you get to the mountain. Don't forget to wear pants in cold weather!


3. Only women and villains are difficult to raise. If they are near, they are not inferior. If they are far away, they will complain. The reason for bin Laden's arrest was that women were jealous; Zhou Kehua was shot because he contacted his girlfriend.




Japanese goods


Miscellaneous talk

Classification: A startling glance
HC3i Viewpoint] The confrontation between countries inevitably affects the economic field. Under the call of nationwide boycott of Japanese goods, no one can escape from the impact of the environment, from energy to manufacturing, from cars to medicine.

Looking at domestic HIT There is no shortage of Japanese companies in the market. From printers to mobile tablets, from displays to hospital information systems, Japanese enterprises have all occupied a certain "land". It is even reported that China's HIT market has formed a pattern of "tripartite confrontation" among local, European, American and Japanese enterprises.

Our feelings towards Japanese enterprises have always been complex - have we learned the essence of other enterprises' operation and product services over the years? Or have you been painting like a cat? Can local enterprises that have dominated HIT enterprises for many years enhance their own


Digital hospital

Electronic medical record

Row system number

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: A startling glance

      Digital hospital The construction is in full swing, and medical staff are also free from the busy traditional work of writing medical records. Normally, the time for writing medical records is saved, and more time can be left for patients. However, depending on the number of patients, the workload of doctors continues to increase, and the time for patients to see a doctor still does not increase. In the face of the digital era, there are also two attitudes: some doctors believe that digitalization has improved the efficiency of medical services, while others believe that the time given to patients for 4-5 minutes is too short. See the following two netizens' microblogs for details. The public says the public is right, and the old woman says the old woman is right. Let's not say which kind of mentality is more suitable for the work needs of modern doctors, but just wonder: what kind of medical services can patients in the digital era get? Like parts on the assembly line? Or is it like a fine work of art?

      It's very efficient to see one patient in four minutes

      Dr Huang Lei: After finishing the surgery outpatient service in August, we have seen 1550 numbers for 23 working days. After careful calculation, we need to see about 15 patients every hour



Shuhe River

Yulong Snowmountain


Classification: Bamboo shoot

      Before going to Lijiang, someone said, "That's the romantic capital of lovers.". I have been thinking about the charm of Lijiang, which makes many people take lovers to romance instead of families?


      The plane landed at the altitude two thousand and four hundred About meters, and then upward, it is three thousand Dom. High altitude hypoxia, breathing may not be smooth, people still want to romantic?


      That night, a group of people went to Shuhe Ancient Town. Stroll around the handicraft shops and bar streets in the alleys of the ancient town ……


Shengjing Hospital

Hospital informatization

Guo Qiyong


Classification: A startling glance

A few years ago, I interviewed Guo Qiyong. At that time, medical informatization had just begun to enter the vision of many industry people. A few years later, Guo Qiyong was interviewed again. The informatization of Shengjing Hospital has been flourishing in China.

In the domestic medical circle, few people don't know Shengjing Hospital and the name of "Guo Qiyong". Over the years, Shengjing Hospital has almost been equated with the name of President Guo. As for the informatization construction of Shengjing Hospital, whether it is the recently obtained 6-level rating of the Ministry of Health's electronic medical record and the HIMSS electronic medical record, or the original concept of "self feedback management", it shows that Shengjing Hospital has set up a banner of advanced management and technology application in the medical field.

Choose partners carefully, such as managing marriage

As early as a few years ago, at an industry conference, the author heard President Guo talk about the theory that "hospitals choose partners such as marriage partners". When we talked about this topic again, President Guo still talked freely - couples who did not quarrel or respected each other as guests could not form a real family, because they did not have common concerns, they would not fight. As long as there is, there will be disagreements, quarrels, compromises, disputes... The choice of suppliers will be regarded as the same as the choice of marriage, and it will be very cautious. It is important to keep the door to door, to see the future development, to see the person, to see the work, to see whether the other party is healthy. They hope that the other party can live longer, to see the other party's past, to analyze its present, and to look forward to its future, You can get married only when everything is suitable. After marriage, you have to buy a house and a car

(2012-04-29 16:06)





Classification: Be inspired



Before 2002, the understanding of Longcheng was limited to heavy industrial cities and air pollution... In two months, it would have been six years since I left Longcheng and school. In the past six years, a lot of things have happened, and many people and things have been gone.


I think I am a nostalgic person, because some choices will be subject to many past emotions; I will also look back at the road and the footprints I left.


When I stepped into Longcheng again, I suddenly found that compared with the impression I had when I first saw it in 2002, it was a world shaking change. At that time, a person was waiting for the school bus at the exit of the station; At that time, the weather in September had made people shiver; At that time, Longcheng was also full of low buildings; At that time, Longcheng was still heavily polluted. And everything in front of us is changing from the old to the new.


When I was at school, I met an elder sister of a section chief in the logistics center of the school by chance, so I was often invited to have dinner at her home until graduation, but I failed to realize my wish to invite her back.





2nd anniversary


Winter comes and summer comes, winter goes and spring comes. At this time of bright sunshine and growth of all things, China Digital medicine Network( HC3i )After successfully completing the task of sending the 100th issue of Digital Weekly, it also ushered in its second birthday.

Two years ago, HC3i came to the ground when China's medical reform entered the deep water area, and when there was growing demand from all walks of life to increase medical and health investment. Adhering to the idea of "Don't be thirsty but humble, and be prepared before rain", HC3i proposed the concept of "health starts with wisdom", relying on the Internet to accurately disseminate digital medical industry information to medical and health industry users. The birth of HC3i fills the gap in the domestic digital medical Internet industry, and also shows that there is huge potential for the development of vertical industry websites in the future!

In the past two years, HC3i has made great efforts to cooperate with excellent industry partners


Digital hospital

Liao Traditional Chinese Medicine

Ten highlights


Classification: A startling glance



      Luo Zhibo, Vice President, said that "Liao TCM" now has more than 1900 beds, and the daily outpatient volume has reached 6000 or 7000 person times. Informatization has become the preferred way to solve the problem of more and more patients seeking medical treatment and the intelligent management of hospital managers under the condition of limited personnel. The project team of "Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine" entered the site on May 17, 2011, and completed the full digital construction of the hospital on June 29, 2012. As of the reporting date, 170 of the 232 clinical business modules of "Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine" had been completed; EMR was launched in 20 days, and all 37 departments were launched in half a year; EMR 200 rectification opinions, and 100% solutions were obtained; HRP Five systems will be launched within two months, and the implementation will be completed within half a year... The launch cycle is short - only one year is one of the highlights of the informatization construction of "Liaoning TCM". The second highlight - heterogeneous system integration of multiple mature products: the traditional "integrated integration" with one IT enterprise as the core has high dependence on manufacturers, poor system specialization and scalability, while the "heterogeneous system integration" of "Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine" based on the hospital central integration platform avoids similar problems.


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