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  • Blog points: zero
  • Blog access: nineteen
  • Focus on popularity: four hundred and ninety-four
  • Gifted gold pen: 0
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Overseas Study

study in the U.S.


Green card

        finally Start writing Blog. Always put yourself Living too rationally, when I want to write Always want to Do research, do homework, and There are other more important things to go, or there is time No inspiration when writing, no time when there is inspiration Write. Moreover, Sina doesn't care about blog if it has microblog, Many of the previously inserted songs can not be played, and there are few good songs. They are often unable to open, slow, and have no desire to write. Today is Friday, You don't have to rush to live like that.
        This title Surrounded in my mind It's been weeks , also yes Life in the future : Exchange your youth for a green card
(2013-01-17 10:01)


Miscellaneous talk

Bottleneck period

Can I start with "I haven't written a blog for a long time"? In fact, it seems not too long. Later, I found that my desire to write a blog was nothing more than four emotions, just after a difficult time, I looked back and sighed and summarized; Feel happy and satisfied with the present life; In despair; Completing tasks with boredom (rarely, the three travel notes of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand), and I am now the penultimate one. Today, I watched the interview of Liang Yongqi, who was appointed by Lu Yu. I have always liked GIGI very much. The first time I heard her sing "Sea of Time", I felt very moved. Every word went deep into my heart as if I understood every word of a song for the first time. Tears could not stop flowing. I don't know why. It may be related to my recent downturn.

I don't know if I have reached a bottleneck in my life. Since Master's life, I have always felt disappointed, lost and confused. This feeling lasted for three months. Just finished winter Break has opened a new stage of learning. Since the beginning of school in January, this negative mood has reached its peak. Despair, despair, surrounded by despair every day, is driving me crazy. The current state is that I feel that I am on the wrong path but cannot turn back. I am on the path that I am unwilling to go on and have to go on. I have no passion, no thoughts, no expectations for life. It's wrong to do anything. I feel that the present life is meaningless, and what I'm doing is meaningless. I don't know where the future is. Everyday is surrounded by fear, confusion and despair. I don't know what happened to me. Is this the legendary bottleneck period???


Seventh anniversary of blog

My blog today five year two hundred and ninety God, I got my badge    

  • 2006.11.21 , I settled down in Sina Blog.
  • 2006.11.21 , I wrote my first blog post: Ah! I'm so happy.
  • So far, my blog has received 39,260 Visits.






Thailand freak


Miscellaneous talk

Lalalalalala, this is a welfare article~~~Real shot of Thai sirens~Thai sirens are GRATEAI in Thai, also known as shemale in English~They are different from transgender people~The sirens started to cultivate women at the age of 2 or 3, and then took female technology for a long time, so when they grow up to about 20 years old, they become more and more beautiful than women~~

After dinner on the big ship Princess, the show began. At that time, it was the first time to see a real human demon. It was a bit shocked off. Of course, it was a bit excited

(2012-08-17 10:57)





        On August 10, I finally went to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, which I had heard so much for a long time~
The first day was to go to some holy rivers like Princess River. The water was so dirty that some people swam here. Thailand is still a royal family, and the king marches here every year. The Thai people are very supportive of the royal family. The tour guide said that when the 80 year old king inspected the people's feelings by boat, the two sides of the river were full of spectators, with tears in their eyes, calling the king. I was surprised to hear that. Is it true that people in countries with faith are relatively simple?

Later, I went to the Grand Palace~a very big temple, resplendent and colorful

Life after graduation

Living in America

Take advantage of the time available now, while I haven't forgotten, quickly write down every bit of life I have passed.
After resigning from work in April, the days before returning to China on May 28 were considered as busy. After not working, I found that any free time was extremely precious, treasured and enjoyed. Has been intermittently managing everything in the United States. After two and a half years in Oregon's newberg, when we first came here, everyone had two large boxes of overseas size plus a carry on。 None. Slowly, I accumulated a lot of things when I graduated. Two boxes are far from enough to handle. When we have to leave, the things that can be lost will be lost to the dead~or donated~or sold~In a word, the last thing packed will become two big boxes. Suddenly, I feel that only when space is limited, can people discover how many things are actually unnecessary to us?

The summer in Portland oregon in May is the most beautiful~neither hot nor cold, sunny, just right. When I left here, I found that I love this place more and more. I want to see every tree and grass and save them all in my photos. Walk around and enjoy this rare leisure time. I feel very happy.

http://s6/middle/4b7390e6gc553849da0c5&690 Most often done at that time

Miscellaneous talk

American life


Classification: Life record
Finally started writing this blog~~ ~ I don't have time to write when I want to, and I don't want to write when I have time~I look at the blog that hasn't been moved for so long, and it seems that I am sorry for everyone's attention Anyway, after waiting for a few more days, I decided to record my life after graduation in the night just passed under the rainy, yellow and plum days, accompanied by the gentle breeze.

Alas, suddenly I don't know where to start. After graduating in December, after several painful months, just like all graduates, they do not know where to go, and everything is unknown. At the same time, because they are no longer students, they are faced with the problem of time limit for studying in the United States. There is still no fixed number of graduate students to apply for schools, and they have not found internships. They have to retake the GMAT, and they have to move. In a word, all kinds of tangles between death and life are dead. The GMAT will be retaken in~~January, and the whole person will start and close again. Sometimes I can't stand driving without reading books

Living in America


Classification: Life record
Graduated Graduated Oh yeah!!!!

two Half a year's hard life of studying abroad end End at ~~~
from enter enter twelve Beginning of month The whole person is not calm

(2011-12-23 16:10)

Believe in God

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Life record

After the holiday, I recently started to make up the blog. First, I posted the Chinese version of the witness of the baptism on September 11. Tomorrow, I will get up early to do translation and go to bed. First, I posted it, and then I added it. In a word, no matter what you think, I don't care, I believe it.

See   card

                                                                                            ______ by Yan (Amy) Zhang



Living in America






Classification: Life record
        After quarreling with Erica, I feel very complicated when I write this article to look at my room friendship this year. At first, I thought they were just like my Chinese friends. Now I know that they are just friends on Facebook, A superficial friend. F***

        It seems to be the first time to take a clear picture here~Please ignore my chubby face (PIZZAAAA Face%>_<%. The biggest face is still in the front.... Cry... You three are intentional!!! But the SLR is really powerful, super clear~the picture feels clean~~~Enn~I have to set a goal for myself, and I will buy an SLR to reward myself when I reach it~I haven't thought of the goal for the moment~~o

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